
Men don't need women when they reach level seven, so how many levels have you reached?

author:Motivated little Ah Xing
Men don't need women when they reach level seven, so how many levels have you reached?
Men don't need women when they reach level seven, so how many levels have you reached?
Men don't need women when they reach level seven, so how many levels have you reached?
Men don't need women when they reach level seven, so how many levels have you reached?
Men don't need women when they reach level seven, so how many levels have you reached?
Men don't need women when they reach level seven, so how many levels have you reached?
Men don't need women when they reach level seven, so how many levels have you reached?
Men don't need women when they reach level seven, so how many levels have you reached?
Men don't need women when they reach level seven, so how many levels have you reached?
Men don't need women when they reach level seven, so how many levels have you reached?
Men don't need women when they reach level seven, so how many levels have you reached?
Men don't need women when they reach level seven, so how many levels have you reached?
Men don't need women when they reach level seven, so how many levels have you reached?
Men don't need women when they reach level seven, so how many levels have you reached?
Men don't need women when they reach level seven, so how many levels have you reached?
Men don't need women when they reach level seven, so how many levels have you reached?
Men don't need women when they reach level seven, so how many levels have you reached?
Men don't need women when they reach level seven, so how many levels have you reached?

In the courtyard at noon in summer, the sun pours down like a golden waterfall, the shadows of the trees are swaying, and the breeze is blowing. Ah Xing sat in a rocking chair in the courtyard, holding a book on male growth in his hand, his eyes deep and focused.

"Ah Xing, what are you looking at? A crisp female voice broke the silence of the courtyard, it was Ah Xing's wife Xiaoya.

Ah Xing raised his head and smiled: "I was reading a book about male growth, and it mentioned an interesting point - men don't need women when they reach the seventh level. ”

When Xiaoya heard this, she raised her eyebrows: "Oh? What does this mean? Don't men need love and family at a certain stage?"

Ah Xing shook his head: "That's not what I mean. The book is about the different stages that men go through in their formative journey, each with different characteristics and needs. At level seven, men will be more independent and autonomous, but that doesn't mean they don't need women. ”

Xiao Ya asked curiously, "Then what will happen to a man who has reached the seventh level?"

Ah Xing thought for a while and said, "The book says that men who have reached level seven will be more mature and stable, have stronger self-awareness and control, and be able to better handle all kinds of relationships, including relationships with women. They no longer rely on women for their emotional needs and are able to self-satisfy and grow. ”

After hearing this, Xiaoya nodded thoughtfully: "It sounds like a good realm, but I think men and women complement each other, and no matter what stage they reach, they need each other's company and support." ”

Ah Xing nodded in agreement: "You're right. This book simply provides a perspective on how men grow up. But everyone's experience and values are different, so don't worry too much about these so-called levels. ”

The two looked at each other and smiled, continuing to enjoy the quiet time of the afternoon. However, this conversation stirred up waves in Ah Xing's heart. He began to think about his stage of growth and his relationship with Xiaoya.

Ah Xing has always felt that he is an independent person, but after marrying Xiaoya, he gradually finds himself more and more emotionally dependent on her. Xiaoya's gentleness and thoughtfulness made him feel at ease and comfortable, and he was willing to give everything for her. However, he also realized that he was not mature enough in some areas and needed to work harder to grow and improve himself.

As time passed, Ah Xing began to work hard to adjust his mindset and behavior. He pays more attention to his inner world and strives to improve his emotional intelligence and communication skills. He learned to better handle the differences and contradictions with Xiaoya, making the relationship between the two more harmonious and harmonious.

At the same time, Ah Xing also cherishes the time with Xiaoya even more. They travel together, attend social events together, and share moments of life together. Ah Xing found that being with Xiaoya made him feel more fulfilled and happy.

In the process, Ah Xing gradually understood the true meaning of the point mentioned in the book. Men do not need women when they reach level seven, not that they do not need love and family, but that they are able to handle their relationships with women more independently and autonomously and no longer rely too much on each other. But this does not mean that they can ignore the existence and value of women, on the contrary, they should respect and cherish the emotional bond with women more.

In the summer courtyard, the sun is still shining. Ah Xing sat in a rocking chair, his heart full of gratitude and satisfaction. He thanked Xiaoya for her companionship and support, and also thanked him for his efforts and persistence in this growth process. He understands that both men and women need to constantly grow and improve themselves in order to better face the challenges of life and enjoy the beauty of life.

And that point of view about the seventh level of men has also become a profound mark in Ah Xing's heart. He no longer pursues the so-called rank and achievement excessively, but pays more attention to his inner world and the relationship with the people around him. He believes that as long as there is love, growth, and cherishment in his heart, he can live a wonderful and fulfilling life.

The story spread throughout the town, and people were talking about the idea that men were seven levels. Some people think it's an interesting idea that can provoke people to think about male growth, while others think it's too one-sided, ignoring the interdependence and support between men and women.

However, regardless of the point of view, this story has people starting to focus on their own growth and relationships with those around them. They began to think about how to be more independent in handling various relationships, and how to cherish and respect the emotional bonds with those around them more.

The story of Ah Xing and Xiaoya has also become a good story in people's mouths. They use their own experiences to interpret the true meaning of love and growth, and make people feel the beauty and warmth of life.

In the summer courtyard, the sun is still shining. Ah Xing and Xiaoya walked hand in hand on the path, enjoying the tranquility and happiness of life. They know that no matter what challenges and difficulties they will face in the future, as long as they accompany each other and grow together, they can go through every beautiful moment.

This story teaches us that for both men and women, growing up is a process of constant pursuit and improvement. We should learn to be more independent in our relationships, while also cherishing and respecting the emotional bonds with those around us. Only in this way can we truly live a wonderful and fulfilling life.

And that point of view about the seventh level of men may just be a starting point for thinking. True growth and happiness require us to experience and feel with our hearts. When we learn to cherish and be grateful as we grow, we can find that the beauty of life is everywhere.

Finally, let's treat every detail and meaning of life with a heart of gratitude and awe. Let us continue to move forward on the road of growth and create a better future with love and courage. Because in this world, there is nothing more precious and beautiful than growing up and experiencing together with the people around you.