
The age of 60 is the "critical period of life", and if you have 5 manifestations when you sleep, you will most likely live a long and healthy life

author:Dr. Ren Health Talk

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The age of 60 is an important point in life, and many people retire at this age and begin to enjoy family fun, but at the same time, it is also a high-risk period for health. Studies have shown that after the age of 60, the quality of sleep is closely related to health and longevity.

What is quality sleep, Dr. Ren summarized the following 5 points: falling asleep quickly, sleeping time sufficiently, high sleep quality, going to bed early and getting up early, and good energy during the day.

He explained that falling asleep quickly and high-quality sleep reflect the good psychological state and low stress of the elderly; sufficient sleep time indicates that the body functions are coordinated and the metabolism is normal; going to bed early and waking up early conforms to the rules of the body's biological clock and improves sleep efficiency; and refreshed during the day is a direct benefit of high-quality sleep.

The age of 60 is the "critical period of life", and if you have 5 manifestations when you sleep, you will most likely live a long and healthy life

However, in reality, the sleep quality of many elderly people is not ideal, and problems such as insomnia, dreaminess, and frequent nocturia plague them.

For example, there are also psychological and environmental factors, such as loneliness and stress.

Dr. Ren said that the elderly have frequent sleep problems, and there are physiological reasons.

So, how to improve the sleep quality of the elderly? Dr. Ren gave a few suggestions:

The age of 60 is the "critical period of life", and if you have 5 manifestations when you sleep, you will most likely live a long and healthy life

First of all, to create a quiet and comfortable sleeping environment, the bedroom should maintain a suitable temperature and humidity, the mattress should not be too soft, the elderly sleep shallowly, sensitive to noise, so the bedroom is best away from noisy areas such as the street.

Secondly, the elderly should exercise moderately, especially to increase the time of sunlight, moderate exercise can promote metabolism and improve sleep quality.

Sunlight exposure can help regulate the circadian clock and make the circadian rhythm more stable, but exercise should be avoided 2 hours before bedtime, otherwise it will affect falling asleep.

The age of 60 is the "critical period of life", and if you have 5 manifestations when you sleep, you will most likely live a long and healthy life

Third, it is necessary to adjust the dietary structure. Don't be full before going to bed, don't be too hungry, drink less caffeinated tea, coffee and other refreshing drinks, so as not to affect your sleep, and eat more sleep-aiding foods, such as milk, bananas, etc., which can calm your mind.

Fourth, maintain a regular work and rest schedule. Go to bed early and get up early, don't stay in bed, let the body form a biological clock, help improve the quality of sleep, you can take a hot bath before going to bed to relax.

Fifth, learn to release stress. After retirement, the elderly may face a lot of confusion and troubles when their roles change, increasing their psychological burden, so they can communicate more with their spouses and children, participate in social activities, cultivate hobbies, divert attention, and relieve pressure.

The age of 60 is the "critical period of life", and if you have 5 manifestations when you sleep, you will most likely live a long and healthy life

Of course, if the elderly have long-term severe insomnia, they should seek medical attention in time, follow the doctor's instructions to take medicine, and do not blindly take sleeping pills.

Dr. Ren said that the key to improving sleep quality for the elderly is to change their concepts and adjust their lifestyles.

It is necessary to realize the importance of sleep, treat life in old age with a positive and optimistic attitude, and children should also care more about the elderly and create a relaxed and pleasant family atmosphere.

Quality sleep can not only bring energy for the next day, but also help the elderly improve their quality of life, delay aging, and promote physical and mental health in the long run. "

The age of 60 is the "critical period of life", and if you have 5 manifestations when you sleep, you will most likely live a long and healthy life

Everyone wants to live a long and quality life, but many people only focus on diet and daily life, but ignore the role of sleep.

I hope that by popularizing the '60-year-old sleep life theory', more people will pay attention to the problem of sleep in the elderly, so that together we can sleep healthy and sleep longer."

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