
"I'm afraid of laughing on the seventh day of the first month of March", today is the seventh day of the first month of March, what is the sign of this sunny day?

author:Clever pineapple e9


In traditional Chinese culture, the lunar calendar has a very important position, and many solar terms and days are closely related to agricultural production. Especially in the era of agrarian society, farmers need to keep an eye on the weather, because the right weather has a crucial impact on the growth of crops. On some special days of the year, farmers will pay more attention to the changes in the weather, such as the "March 3rd" and "March 13th" of the lunar calendar, all of which have rich folk traditional culture and weather prediction knowledge.

"I'm afraid of laughing on the seventh day of the first month of March", today is the seventh day of the first month of March, what is the sign of this sunny day?

At present, it is a critical period for spring sowing, and the three days of "March 7", "March 17" and "March 27" are considered to be the days of "every seven must change", and they are also the days that farmers are very concerned about, because the weather changes in these days may affect the agricultural production of the year. So, in contemporary society, with the development of science and technology and the progress of society, is the weather prediction method of farmers still the same as in ancient times?

"I'm afraid of laughing on the seventh day of the first month of March", today is the seventh day of the first month of March, what is the sign of this sunny day?

1. The weather prediction methods of ancient farmers

How did the ancients predict weather changes without any scientific instruments? In fact, they were very careful observers, guessing the future weather conditions by observing some subtle changes in nature. For example, they will carefully observe the shape and color of the clouds, which correspond to different weather conditions, and they will also pay attention to animal behavior, such as ants moving and birds chirping, which can be precursors of impending weather changes.

"I'm afraid of laughing on the seventh day of the first month of March", today is the seventh day of the first month of March, what is the sign of this sunny day?

In fact, in ancient times, people's understanding of weather changes was very profound, and they even summed up some very interesting agricultural proverbs, such as "March is afraid of March and July, and April is afraid of the first day of the new year", that is, the day of the seventh day of March in the lunar calendar, if it does not rain, it may adversely affect the growth of crops, and April does not need too much rain. This sentence vividly reflects the observation and judgment of the ancients on weather changes, and also reveals some experiences and methods of the ancients on weather prediction.

"I'm afraid of laughing on the seventh day of the first month of March", today is the seventh day of the first month of March, what is the sign of this sunny day?

In ancient agrarian societies, this knowledge of weather prediction was very important for farmers, who were able to make timely agricultural decisions based on their own observation and experience, such as choosing the right time for sowing, and doing a good job of drainage and irrigation in the field, so as to ensure the maximum harvest of crops.

"I'm afraid of laughing on the seventh day of the first month of March", today is the seventh day of the first month of March, what is the sign of this sunny day?

2. Whether "every seven must change" still has reference value

In contemporary society, people's understanding of the weather and the way of prediction has been completely different from ancient times, with the continuous development of meteorological science and technology, we have been able to accurately predict weather changes through various scientific instruments and technical means, and the current meteorological forecasting technology has been quite mature, and the accuracy rate is also very high, which is undoubtedly a very great help and guarantee for agricultural production.

"I'm afraid of laughing on the seventh day of the first month of March", today is the seventh day of the first month of March, what is the sign of this sunny day?

In fact, we might as well understand that some weather prediction experiences and agricultural proverbs summed up by the ancients certainly have their unique cultural value and can also bring us some inspiration and thinking, but in the process of practical application, we should believe in science and data, and believe in the predictions made by meteorological experts through modern scientific and technological means.

"I'm afraid of laughing on the seventh day of the first month of March", today is the seventh day of the first month of March, what is the sign of this sunny day?

Of course, we do not want to completely deny the traditional culture and experience of the people, after all, sometimes, these seemingly simple experiences and observations can indeed bring us some unexpected inspiration, and may also become an important reference factor for weather prediction. Therefore, in daily life, we can retain these traditional cultures, but at critical moments, we should still follow professional advice and early warnings and make scientific decisions.

3. The development trend of contemporary agricultural production

In fact, when it comes to the influencing factors of agricultural production, the weather is only one of the aspects, and in the contemporary society, whether it is meteorological technology or agricultural production technology, there has been great progress and development, and with the continuous progress of society, people's awareness of environmental protection is also constantly improving, which also has a very positive impact on agricultural production.

First of all, when it comes to meteorological science and technology, modern meteorological forecasting technology has been able to achieve nowcasting and accurate forecasting, and for different agricultural production fields, it can also provide personalized meteorological services, such as for the growth needs of a certain crop, to provide corresponding meteorological guarantee and decision-making suggestions, which is undoubtedly a great blessing for the production and operation of farmers.

Secondly, when it comes to the improvement of environmental awareness, modern agricultural production has paid more and more attention to ecology and environmental protection, such as organic agriculture, ecological agriculture, etc., these emerging agricultural production models can not only improve the quality and safety of crops, but also protect soil and water resources, reduce environmental pollution, which is an incomparable advantage of traditional agricultural production.

Finally, when it comes to the development of agricultural science and technology, modern agricultural production has been inseparable from the application of various high-tech, such as genetic improvement, the use of intelligent agricultural machinery, modern greenhouses, etc., these technical means can greatly improve the yield and disaster resistance of crops, help to cope with the challenges of various extreme weather, and are also an important guarantee for the sustainable development of agriculture.


Although the saying that every seven will change has rich cultural connotations and is also the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancients, in contemporary society, we need to have an open mind, not only to inherit and inherit our traditional culture, but also to continue to learn and accept new knowledge, and grasp the pulse of the times.

With the development of science and technology and social progress, our understanding of agricultural production is also deepening, the future of agricultural production will be in the direction of intelligent, green environmental protection, but also hope that through the efforts of all parties, can provide more scientific and technological support and guarantee for agricultural production, so that the ancient agricultural civilization and modern scientific and technological forces complement each other, and make greater contributions to human food security and a better life.