
This is an uncle

author:One leaf knows autumn

1. Piggy was lucky to be rescued from the fire and was made into sausages and given to firefighters half a year later, what do you think?

This is an uncle

2. This is an uncle

This is an uncle

3. Why are Easterners acceptable to wear masks, while Westerners don't wear masks at all?

This is an uncle

4. Why can a man hold a 110-pound woman but not a 100-pound stone?

This is an uncle

5. Don't blame your second uncle

This is an uncle

6. Don't worry about what you lose, it's important to grasp the future.

This is an uncle

7. Does anyone know what the boy said?

This is an uncle

7. Where can I tell if the woman in the picture has just returned home?

This is an uncle

8. What kind of routine is this?

This is an uncle

9. The first thing you see is a little girl or an old lady? This is a psychological test

This is an uncle

10. My friend's wife is pregnant, can I ask for a name?

This is an uncle

11. Friends, what is this number?

This is an uncle

12. Why is Di Lieba's clothes getting more and more revealing?

This is an uncle

13. How can men safely and quickly replenish their kidneys?

This is an uncle

14. Relatives and friends, have any of you noticed the tombstones on the blue square heights?

This is an uncle

15. There are too many routines in the countryside.

This is an uncle

16. God replied: I haven't finished my homework yet, and I am touched by a girl, what should I do?

This is an uncle

17. Did she ever work as a secretary before?

This is an uncle

18. Brother, if you buy me candy to eat, will your boyfriend be jealous when he finds out?

This is an uncle

19. What do people call a dog they don't know?

This is an uncle

20. Give a trick, what to do with this thing?

This is an uncle

21. You may get hurt, but you will be fed

This is an uncle

22. If humanity were reduced by a factor of 100, would humanity still be able to rule the earth?

This is an uncle

22. It understands me

This is an uncle

23. I found out at my boyfriend's house that he still had his ex-girlfriend's high heels!

This is an uncle

Like and follow without getting lost, and the joy of the day can't stop

This is an uncle