
How to use a non-invasive ventilator?

author:Lepu Yunzhi

A non-invasive ventilator, also known as Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, is a ventilator that can be used without going through invasive means. It mainly provides positive pressure ventilation to patients through auxiliary devices such as masks or nasal masks, helping patients overcome airway resistance and improving gas exchange.

The working principle of non-invasive ventilators is to deliver air to the patient's respiratory tract by generating a certain airflow and air pressure, thereby effectively increasing ventilation and improving the ventilation function of the human body. This not only helps to improve the body's hypoxic state and correct hypoxia, but also maintains the body's acid-base balance. In addition, non-invasive ventilators can also provide respiratory support and life-sustaining for critically ill patients.

Clinically, non-invasive ventilators are mainly used to treat patients with mild and moderate respiratory failure who have no indication for emergency intubation, relatively stable vital signs, and no contraindications to non-invasive ventilators. It has a wide range of indications, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in the acute and stable phases, cardiogenic pulmonary edema, impaired immune function with respiratory failure, acute severe exacerbations of bronchial asthma, and other conditions.

It should be noted that the use of non-invasive ventilators needs to be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, and the doctor will select the appropriate ventilator parameters and treatment plan according to the patient's specific situation and condition to ensure the safety and treatment effect of the patient. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay close attention to the patient's response and the working status of the ventilator during use, and adjust the treatment plan in time.

However, in clinical practice, there are still many people who do not grasp the correct use process of non-invasive ventilators, and make some common mistakes without realizing it, which not only affects the treatment effect, but may even lead to treatment failure. Therefore, it is also very important to understand the process of using a non-invasive ventilator!

1. The process of using a non-invasive ventilator includes the following steps:

1. Assess the patient's condition: Before using a non-invasive ventilator, the doctor needs to evaluate the patient's condition to understand whether there are indications and contraindications for using a non-invasive ventilator. This includes assessing the patient's consciousness, breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, blood gas analysis (blood oxygen, carbon dioxide), etc.

2. Check and prepare: prepare the required items, check the patient's information, and choose the appropriate mask according to the patient's facial condition. At the same time, check that the ventilator's appearance and operating buttons are intact, and that the oxygen supply tube, expiratory valve, and mask/nasopharyngeal ventilation interface are clean and not blocked or damaged.

3. Explanation and reassurance: Explain to the patient the purpose and importance of non-invasive ventilator therapy, as well as the discomfort that may occur during the treatment process and the content that requires the patient's cooperation. This helps to calm the patient's nervousness and anxiety and facilitates the smooth progress of treatment.

4. Placement of humidification tank: install the humidification tank and inject humidification solution into the box, usually using sterile distilled water.

5. Adjust the ventilator settings: set the parameters of the non-invasive ventilator according to the doctor's instructions. This includes adjusting the inspired oxygen concentration (usually 21% to 100%, depending on the patient's specific situation), as well as setting the positive pressure level, positive end-expiratory pressure, and inspiratory time. The setting of these parameters should be adjusted according to the patient's condition, age, weight, and other relevant factors.

6. Placement of the patient's position: try to let the patient take a sitting or semi-recumbent position, the head of the bed can be raised more than 30°, and the head can be slightly tilted, but at the same time, attention should be paid to prevent aspiration. This position helps to maintain the patency of the airways and improves the effectiveness of treatment.

7. Connect the ventilator to the oxygen source: Connect the oxygen supply tube of the ventilator to the oxygen source to ensure that the flow rate of the oxygen source is consistent with the doctor's instructions. The other end of the oxygen supply tube is then connected to the ventilator's oxygen supply port.

8. Turn on the ventilator: Connect the ventilator to the power supply and turn it on. According to the doctor's instructions, choose the appropriate working mode (such as pressure support mode, pressure control mode, etc.).

9. Observation and adjustment: In the process of using the non-invasive ventilator, the doctor needs to closely observe the patient's reaction and the working status of the ventilator, and make appropriate adjustments as needed.

2. Setting of common diseases and breathing patterns and parameters

COPD exacerbation/stabilization:

Generally, S/T mode is preferred, IPAP: 12-20 cmH2O, EPAP: 4-6 cmH2O, inspiratory time: 0.8-1.2 seconds.

It should be noted that do not make the mistake of "only need to do it during the day, not at night", in fact, continuous use at night is more important, which is more conducive to correcting hypoxia and hypoventilation at night.

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome:

If available, it is best for these patients to choose the breathing mode and adjust the treatment parameters based on the results of polysomnography (PSG) and clinical presentation, with CPAP mode generally preferred, but ST mode can also be selected.

In CPAP mode, pressure typically begins at 4 to 5 cm H2O and is gradually escalated according to obstructive apnea, hypopnea, respiratory effort-related arousals, and snoring. Apnea, hypopnea, arousal associated with respiratory effort, and snoring will be resolved sequentially as pressure rises.

In S/T mode, initial pressures are usually set to 8 to 12 cmH2O (IPAP) and 4 to 6 cmH2O (EPAP) with a respiratory rate of 12 to 18 breaths per minute, with an increase in EPAP pressure in obstructive apnea, and an increase in EPAP pressure in obstructive hypoventilation, respiratory effort-related arousal, and snoring only, with a pressure difference of ≥6 cmH2O. If the IPAP-EPAP pressure differential increases, the EPAP pressure should be increased to keep the upper airway open.

Lepu non-invasive multi-catheter ventilator integrates efficient treatment + multi-parameter monitoring + intelligent follow-up, and adopts Lepu LeRes-Control algorithm control technology, which can accurately identify AHI/AI/HI/OAI/CAI, especially central respiratory events, intelligently adjust, provide a more comfortable breathing experience, and support CPAP/APAP/S/S/T/ T and other treatment modes, to meet the needs of different conditions, comprehensive monitoring of user conditions, automatic identification and matching breathing, monitoring data automatically uploaded to mobile phones and cloud platform management, sleep health data comprehensive viewing, professional report analysis, providing authoritative diagnosis basis.

How to use a non-invasive ventilator?

In addition, Lepu multi-conductive ventilator supports Bluetooth connection to Lepu wearable oximeter and ECG recorder, data fusion display, long-range blood oxygen and long-range ECG monitoring, real-time monitoring of the number of sleep blood oxygen drops and night hypoxia level, AI-ECG intelligent analysis and early warning of sudden cardiac risks such as arrhythmia and stroke and atrial fibrillation caused by low blood oxygen caused by snoring, so as to achieve timely early warning and early intervention, form a comprehensive and refined sleep management that integrates screening/diagnosis/treatment/prevention and is applicable to multiple scenarios in families/hospitals, and creates a new snoring/ Integrated management model for chronic diseases.

At present, Lepu non-invasive multi-conductive ventilator is recruiting agents across the country, and like-minded friends such as medical device stores and sleep apnea experience stores are welcome to consult and cooperate~

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