
Patients with coronary heart disease "softened blood vessels" through a secret recipe for two years, and as a result, the person was gone

author:Luo Min

There is a big brother Li in the second unit of our community, he was diagnosed with coronary heart disease in 19 years, but the situation is not as optimistic as ordinary people, when the coronary artery is blocked by 80%, the symptoms are very obvious, I and his attending physician have recommended that he treat as soon as possible, whether it is a stent to save his life or the cause of treatment should be decided as soon as possible, but in the end he did not choose, but found some secret recipes on the Internet to "treat" himself.

Yesterday, when I came home from work, I met his lover, and when I chatted on the road, I learned that Brother Li died at the end of last month, and the cause of death was an acute heart attack, and the situation was particularly critical at that time, although my son and daughter-in-law called the 120 emergency number as soon as possible, but it may be a long distance, and Brother Li did not insist until the ambulance came, and the doctor had already "left" when he arrived.

Patients with coronary heart disease "softened blood vessels" through a secret recipe for two years, and as a result, the person was gone

What is Brother Li's "secret recipe" for two years?

This is the magic "secret recipe", green onions, fresh ginger, seaweed are all the "herbs", compared to other treatment options, save a lot of money, if I were a patient, I would choose it too.

But we must be clear about the fact that "everything we do is for the purpose of curing the disease", and if the disease cannot be reversed, what if this "secret recipe" is good?

There are many such secret recipes on the Internet, and these are relatively common types, and more secret recipes hide "mysteries", misguiding the patient's already weak medical awareness, not only losing money, but also losing his life like Brother Li.

And there are some examples of miracle drugs curing coronary heart disease, which cannot be said to be completely false, but there is a certain degree of misdirection, the vast majority of patients lack correct cognition of the disease, do not understand the judgment criteria of the disease, and often distinguish the good or bad of the disease by whether the symptoms are present.

Patients with coronary heart disease "softened blood vessels" through a secret recipe for two years, and as a result, the person was gone

What is the formal treatment for coronary heart disease?

Formal treatment of coronary heart disease is a comprehensive, multi-layered strategy aimed at stabilizing the condition, relieving suffering, and trying to restore the patient's health.

First of all, disease control is the core principle of coronary heart disease treatment, and this principle runs through the whole disease. Patients need to make positive changes in their daily lives, improve their diet, choose low-fat, low-sugar, high-fiber foods, and avoid greasy and irritating foods. At the same time, adjust your work and rest habits, ensure adequate sleep and rest, and avoid staying up late and overwork. A moderate amount of physical activity is also essential, it can help strengthen the heart and lungs and improve physical fitness. In addition, insisting on taking anticoagulation, lipid adjustment and other related drugs is also the key to controlling the disease. Although these drugs cannot completely reverse coronary heart disease, they can effectively delay the rate of deterioration of the disease and protect heart function.

However, in patients with severe disease, control therapy alone may not be sufficient. In this case, first aid measures are particularly important. When a patient's coronary artery is severely blocked, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle, first aid measures must be taken as soon as possible. Stent implantation and bypass surgery are two common first aid procedures that can quickly restore blood circulation and save the patient's life.

Patients with coronary heart disease "softened blood vessels" through a secret recipe for two years, and as a result, the person was gone

Of course, the treatment of coronary heart disease is not limited to control and first aid. After the condition is stabilized, we also need to actively explore the triggers of coronary heart disease and treat the cause. For example, in some patients, coronary artery disease may be caused by the continuous compression of the nervous system by the thoracic spine lesions, causing the corresponding blood vessels to spasm and constrict. In this case, we need to treat both the lesion and the nerve, remove the compression through surgery or medication, and restore the normal function of the blood vessels. In this way, some patients with coronary heart disease can return to their former health and achieve the effect of clinical cure.

In short, the formal treatment of coronary heart disease is a comprehensive process, which requires us to take appropriate first aid measures and treatment on the basis of controlling the disease. At the same time, patients also need to actively cooperate with the treatment, maintain a good attitude and living habits, and jointly overcome the disease.

Patients with coronary heart disease "softened blood vessels" through a secret recipe for two years, and as a result, the person was gone

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