
The goofs with Feng Xing, some of them are quite cute

author:Magnifying glass in the entertainment industry

I find that every time I revisit "Walking with the Phoenix", there is always something new to discover. No, I've been revisiting this drama many times recently, and I thought it was a perfect work, but when I looked closely, I found flaws, like those inadvertent goofs.

Especially in the scenes filmed in the summer, the actors' costumes are out of place with the season, and you can see through them at a glance. Especially Lin Gengxin, his burly figure of 186 actually had the problem of too long clothes in costume dramas, which really makes people laugh and cry.

Speaking of Lin Gengxin, his appearance in the ancient costume in the play a long time ago really amazed me. The martial arts scenes and literary dramas all show good acting skills. After watching his performance, I am looking forward to his acting career even more, and I am also full of curiosity and longing for his future works.

The goofs with Feng Xing, some of them are quite cute

Lin Gengxin is not only dazzling on the screen, but also enthusiastic in the field of public welfare. He is actively involved in environmental protection activities, and his influence is not covered. Seeing him call for environmental protection with practical actions, I really applauded him from the bottom of my heart.

In a recent talk show, Lin Gengxin generously shared his fitness secrets. He admitted frankly that one of the self-cultivation of actors is to maintain their figure, which is not only respect for themselves, but also for the audience. Hearing this, I deeply admired the professionalism of this powerful actor.

But then again, those goofs in "Walking with the Phoenix" are indeed a bit embarrassing. Some netizens launched a boycott statement because of this, which also made me realize that the current audience is really picky. Not only do we have requirements for the plot and the performance of the actors, but we also care about the seemingly insignificant details.

The goofs with Feng Xing, some of them are quite cute

The producer is also very good, quickly responded to the audience's feedback, and promised to strengthen the control of details in subsequent episodes. This attitude made me feel their awe of the work and their respect for the audience.

Although "Walking with the Phoenix" has flaws in goofs, this drama is still worth watching. Lin Gengxin's performance is even more impressive, and his fans are also actively defending him on major social platforms, and the enthusiasm is really in full swing.

Recalling Lin Gengxin's acting career, from "Step by Step" to "Walking with the Phoenix", his acting skills have gradually matured, and his roles have become more and more diverse. Watching him grow step by step, I was really emotional.

The goofs with Feng Xing, some of them are quite cute

In the big dye vat of the entertainment industry, it is rare for a star like Lin Gengxin to successfully transform from a model to an actor. His successful transformation not only proves his own hard work and talent, but also brings more surprises and expectations to our audience.

In addition to his acting career, Lin Gengxin also ventured into the business field and founded his own clothing brand. Seeing him wearing his own brand, it is called a handsome and compelling, which is really enviable.

Overall, although "Walking with the Phoenix" is flawed, it is still wonderful. The feedback from the audience also allows us to see the expectation and pursuit of high-quality works. At the same time, Lin Gengxin's performance and attempts in multiple fields also let us see his infinite possibilities as an actor.

The goofs with Feng Xing, some of them are quite cute

In addition, I noticed that there was a scene in "Walking with the Phoenix" that "bumped into the face" of another hit drama, which raised my concerns about the originality of the series. While it is common to borrow and pay homage to art creation, excessive imitation can damage the uniqueness of the work.

In the play, Lin Gengxin's sweet interaction with the heroine is really fascinating. Their scandal was talked about by fans, and it also added a lot of topics and heat to the series. To be honest, I'd love to see the characters in the show continue in real life, and it's like a fairy tale to "live happily ever after".

I heard that the producers of "Walking with the Phoenix" have plans to launch a second season, and the news makes me very excited. I look forward to the new season being more attentive to the details, avoiding those embarrassing goofs, and bringing the audience a more perfect viewing experience.

The goofs with Feng Xing, some of them are quite cute

In the face of negative comments on the Internet, Lin Gengxin chose to face it positively and accept criticism with an open mind. His candid attitude made me see the professionalism and responsibility of an artist. I believe that in his future acting career, he will continue to strive to improve his acting skills and expressiveness, and bring us more high-quality works.

Recently, the State Administration of Radio and Television has put forward new requirements for the production quality of TV dramas, which is undoubtedly a great thing. With the intensification of market competition and the improvement of audience aesthetics, TV drama producers are also paying more and more attention to detail processing and post-production. This makes me full of confidence in the development of the TV drama market in the future, and I believe that our audience can enjoy a more exquisite visual feast.

Some netizens launched the "I like high-quality TV series" campaign, and I did not hesitate to participate in it. In my opinion, although "Walking with the Phoenix" is flawed, it is still worthy of praise. At the same time, I also look forward to seeing more well-made and informative TV dramas in the future, which will enrich our lives.

The goofs with Feng Xing, some of them are quite cute

In the latest TV series selection, "Walking with the Phoenix" was nominated for the Best Costume Drama award for its wonderful plot and outstanding actors, which is really encouraging. Despite some minor flaws, the show's shine still can't be hidden.

The producers took the feedback from the audience very seriously and promised to enhance the details in future productions, which is a very wise approach. Only by truly respecting the audience can we create better works and thus win the love and recognition of the audience.

The goofs with Feng Xing, some of them are quite cute

With the development of technology and the change of audience needs, I believe that TV drama production technology will continue to improve. I look forward to the future TV series being more exquisite and realistic, bringing a more immersive viewing experience to the audience. At the same time, I also firmly believe that those works that pay attention to details and respect the intelligence of the audience will get better word-of-mouth and ratings, and become a hot topic of conversation after dinner.

Looking back at other successful TV series, they have been critically acclaimed for their beautiful production and excellent performances. These works not only let the audience enjoy a visual feast, but also aroused the audience's thinking and resonance. This is also my expectation for future TV dramas - not only to entertain the public, but also to convey positive energy and values, and become a clear stream in our lives.

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