
Curry hit 3,729 three-pointers and 8,770 shots in his career, how many times did he use it in the top 10 on the list?

author:Surge forward

Curry is one of the most influential and brilliant shooters in the active NBA league. His career three-point shooting percentage was impressive, hitting 3,729 three-pointers and taking 8,770 attempts. That's a statistic that shouldn't be underestimated, and actually makes him one of the top 10 players in the history of three-point shooting.

Curry's three-point shooting is unique in the league. His exceptionally accurate shooting skills and excellent judgment allow him to achieve a high shooting percentage in a variety of situations. His shooting posture and movements are fluid and natural, and he looks as if he is trouble-free, sending three-pointers into the basket with ease.

Curry hit 3,729 three-pointers and 8,770 shots in his career, how many times did he use it in the top 10 on the list?

Curry's ranking in the three-point shooting list is remarkable. With 3,729 hits, he managed to break into the top 10 of all time. Considering that his career is still going on, there is more room for growth in this number. He shot a whopping 42.5 percent from the field, which further underlined his outstanding performance and dominance.

To achieve something like this, Curry has to put in a lot of hard work and training. He is not only talented, but also has achieved today's glory through diligence and perseverance. He refines every movement in training and perfects his technique. This effort and focus allows him to make the right decisions quickly and shoot the ball when playing.

Curry hit 3,729 three-pointers and 8,770 shots in his career, how many times did he use it in the top 10 on the list?

Curry's three-point shooting skills are a threat to the Warriors, and the NBA as a whole. When he rushes to the basket with the ball, his opponent must always be vigilant because he can put the ball in the basket at any moment. His presence has changed the opposition's defensive strategy, as he is able to create space from beyond the three-point line and create good scoring opportunities for himself and his teammates.

Curry's three-point shooting isn't just a matter of hitting, it's a tactical kill. His shooting accuracy and explosiveness allow him to deal a heavy blow to opponents in crucial moments. His classics include the magical three-pointer that he performed well many times in the playoffs and the Finals. The hits of these big moments have his name remembered and inspired the young players to keep working hard in training.

Curry hit 3,729 three-pointers and 8,770 shots in his career, how many times did he use it in the top 10 on the list?

To sum up, Curry's three-point shooting skills and accomplishments are remarkable. With 3,729 three-pointers, he managed to make it into the top 10 all-time. His career continues, and that number will continue to grow. His shooting skills, excellent judgment, and diligent training are all key to his success. His presence changed the landscape of the game and put the opponent under intense pressure. Whether it's in the playoffs or the regular season, Curry is able to decide the winner in crunch time. His name has become a legend in the three-point shooting world, while also inspiring young players to chase his success.

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