
If you want your son to be self-disciplined and strong in the future, you need to know where you should work hard to temper him

If you want your son to be self-disciplined and strong in the future, you need to know where you should work hard to temper him

An English writer once said that one boy is more troublesome than twelve girls.

Boys have slower brain prefrontal lobe development than girls, weak self-control, easy impulsivity, and lag behind girls in all aspects of growth, so boys need parental discipline more than girls. However, in today's families, the main nurturer of a boy is often the mother, and as a woman, it is difficult for the mother to understand the growth of the boy and understand the needs of the boy, so it is easy to look at the growth of the boy from the perspective of the growth of the woman.

If you want your son to be self-disciplined and strong in the future, you need to know where you should work hard to temper him

Educator Sun Yunxiao once pointed out that modern boys are becoming "weak", and many boys have lost their masculinity and sense of responsibility, and have turned to show their weak faces such as "femininity".

There is a boy in the family, if you want him to be sunny and cheerful in the future, he will be mature and mature, have a positive outlook, and have rules for doing things. You must force him to practice hard in these 8 things.

Exercise your physique

Boys who like sports, with even and beautiful muscles, a tall and upright body, and spirit, they are always energetic, full of physical strength, energetic, and sunny and cheerful temperament. And those boys who stay at home often hook their shoulders, hunchback, slump over, have a poor temperament, and even a little obscene, and look decadent.

Athletic boys tend to be smarter and more flexible, they are more sociable, they are good at cooperation, they are resilient, they are more emotionally stable, and they are not afraid to face difficulties.

If you want your son to be self-disciplined and strong in the future, you need to know where you should work hard to temper him

Practice cheekiness

If a boy is too thin-skinned, he will not have much success in the future.

First of all, they are sensitive and fragile, they can't withstand the blow, and the slightest failure will knock him down, so they never dare to challenge, live and work well, and are easy to meet the status quo.

And the thick-skinned boy will not flinch easily because of a little setback or cynicism, but face it calmly, persevere, and move forward bravely. They are able to withstand pressure and criticism, stay calm and confident in the face of difficulties and challenges, be good at self-reflection, and constantly improve themselves.

If you want your son to be self-disciplined and strong in the future, you need to know where you should work hard to temper him


Boys who are too honest are often a bit of a "wretch". They are dogmatic and inflexible, never dare to fight for their own interests, bear all the grievances silently by themselves, have no sense of existence, and even become someone else's pedal, and anyone dares to step on it.

To make boys "wilder", such children are more confident, dare to face difficulties, and believe that they can overcome everything, and this self-confidence makes them more relaxed in the face of life's challenges.

In the highly competitive modern society, boys who are a little "wilder" are often better able to adapt to the environment, seize opportunities, and win more possibilities for their future.

Practice your knowledge

The host Meng Fei once said: All superiority does not come from appearance, figure, knowledge, family, wealth, status, achievement and power, it only comes from lack of insight and compassion.

People who don't know enough often have narrow eyes, lack of thinking, only look at the present, do things timidly, and will do a lot of opportunities.

Insightful boys, with a broad vision, deep insight, and a sharper mind, tend to be knowledgeable, literate, and have the ability to think independently. Don't blindly follow, more rational.

If you want your son to be self-disciplined and strong in the future, you need to know where you should work hard to temper him

Practice expression

Children with "stupid mouths" suffer everywhere. If you can't say it, you can't understand it, it's long-winded, it's illogical, and it's easy for the listener to be impatient, lose the opportunity to perform, and even be isolated and ignored.

And the boys who are expressive are able to express their doubts and opinions accurately, and communicate their intentions and ideas clearly, allowing for more efficient communication and discussion with others. These children have significant academic, social, and leadership strengths that support their personal growth and development.

If you want your son to be self-disciplined and strong in the future, you need to know where you should work hard to temper him

Train your mind

Narrow-minded people tend to be more selfish, easy to do things, emotionally unstable, and lose their temper at every turn, and no one wants to approach such people.

Broad-minded boys, on the other hand, have a peaceful mind, are not easily bothered by trivial matters, are inclusive, and are good at understanding others, they can listen to other people's opinions and are good at self-reflection. This kind of child is active and not decadent, does not care about things, has many friends and good popularity, and nobles also love to help.

Practice self-confidence

The boy is not confident, and life is doomed to failure.

With self-confidence, they are not afraid of failure, and constantly break through themselves in their study and life, so that they can persevere in the face of difficulties and challenges, understand themselves more objectively, and constantly improve and improve themselves.

If you want your son to be self-disciplined and strong in the future, you need to know where you should work hard to temper him

Practice a sense of responsibility

Boys who have no sense of responsibility like to run away the most, dare not take on anything, and let their parents clean up the mess.

Only a boy with a sense of responsibility has the courage to live a good life, and only by shouldering the strength of a happy family can he win the respect and trust of others.

If you want your son to be self-disciplined and strong in the future, you need to know where you should work hard to temper him

The family plays a vital role in the shaping of a boy. Parents' behaviors and attitudes affect children's personality and psychology, and parents' words and deeds affect children's values, behavioral habits and social skills.

1. Father accompanies more

Psychological research shows that the lack of male education often makes boys show sentimentality, cowardice, timidity, withdrawnness, and low self-esteem.

When the boy starts elementary school, the father should accompany the son as much as possible and become the protagonist of the child's growth.

If you want your son to be self-disciplined and strong in the future, you need to know where you should work hard to temper him

Mark Twain once said: When a boy is about 12 years old, he will find a man to worship him, imitate him, and take him as a role model for his life, and this man will be his father nine times out of ten. Keep in mind that the boy will look like you with his dad as a model. So, ask fathers to be good role models for their children.

The more gentle and amiable the father who likes to chat and communicate with the boy, the more stable the child's emotions, the gentler the personality, and the firmer the heart.

If you want your son to be self-disciplined and strong in the future, you need to know where you should work hard to temper him

2. Don't be a strong mother

Survey statistics: 83.2% of introverted, submissive, and unassertive boys, and 87.4% of girls with impatient, pessimistic, negative, and emotionally sensitive personalities have a stern and rigid and short-tempered mother behind them.

Mom often mistakenly thinks that boys are not easy to manage, so she should be stricter. As everyone knows, their own strength suppresses the boy's natural wildness, bravery and courage, and makes the child become a submissive and introverted person.

Mothers should learn to let go, so that boys learn to take care of themselves and develop a sense of responsibility;

Mothers must know how to show weakness, they will work hard to make themselves stronger, learn to be independent and grateful;

Mothers should talk less, listen more and encourage their children to express and confide, and build their children's sense of security.

If you want your son to be self-disciplined and strong in the future, you need to know where you should work hard to temper him

3. Draw a good bottom line for boys

The bottom line determines a boy's moral character and the establishment of three views, and determines what kind of person the child can become in the future and what kind of life he will live.

Clarifying the moral bottom line and educating them to respect others, be honest and trustworthy, and not harm others is not only the basic requirement of social interaction, but also the cornerstone of building a good character.

Set the bottom line of behavior, guide them to abide by public order and good customs, abide by rules and disciplines, do not do things that violate laws and disciplines, and cultivate a sense of responsibility and self-discipline.

Pay attention to the psychological bottom line, cultivate children to face setbacks and difficulties positively, know how to regulate emotions and express emotions correctly, know how to ask others for help, have a healthy psychology, stable emotions, and a gentle personality.

Pay attention to the bottom line of safety, in this era full of temptations everywhere, we must educate boys to protect themselves, resist bad temptations, learn to recognize others, and be strict with themselves.

If you want your son to be self-disciplined and strong in the future, you need to know where you should work hard to temper him

The philosopher Plato once said: Boys are the most difficult to control and deal with. But once a boy's growth is normalized, his growth and maturity are also rapid.

It's just that it will be a little slower and more difficult at the beginning, and parents need to be patient and wait a little longer.

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