
The students' counterattack on the detention of drunk people once again proves that public opinion is the most effective way for ordinary people to defend their rights

author:Little Yiyi, little Mumu

Once upon a time, the only means that ordinary people could rely on to protect their rights was through public opinion, which is a kind of sadness!

Ma Shushan case

As a retired cadre, Ma Shushan reported the arrest and prosecution of county leaders, from the report of the Qianxi County Party Committee to the prosecution of Ma Shushan, the Ma Shushan case took less than a month!

If it weren't for the incident being exposed, and the public opinion was so big, Ma Shushan's fate could be imagined, but fortunately, in the end, under the instructions of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the investigation of the provincial party committee's working group, it was finally decided not to prosecute Ma Shushan!

Finally, on April 9, 2024, Li Fugui, secretary of the Qianxi County Party Committee, was taken away by the Commission for Discipline Inspection for investigation, and even the 22 relevant personnel involved in the Ma Shushan case were dealt with in accordance with the law!

Jiangxi lantern damage assessment, sky-high maintenance incident

Everyone who understands the Jiangxi lantern damage assessment incident should know that the incident occurred around September last year, and the tenant faced malicious claims from the landlord, and finally paid 4,000 yuan in compensation under the coordination of the street office and the police!

Afterwards, the tenant was also subjected to the landlord's stone-throwing behavior, and out of desperation, the tenant chose to be exposed, so that there is now the appearance of words such as "lantern damage assessment, alarm four folds, lantern ancestor", and the whole Jiangxi is implicated!

The students' counterattack on the detention of drunk people once again proves that public opinion is the most effective way for ordinary people to defend their rights

It was also with the blessing of public opinion that the compensation was returned, the landlord was detained and fined, and the house he built was indeed illegal, and there were more serious penalties waiting for him!

There is also a sky-high car repair incident in Xinyu, Jiangxi, the final price of 1,000 yuan for repair is directly 17,000 yuan, and in the presence of the police, the car is still smashed.

Chongqing gas incident

Chongqing gas in the new meter, by the public reflected "run fast", from September last year has been a long time, but for so long has not been solved, Chongqing gas company profit growth as high as 824%, Chongqing gas company has also responded to the new meter pass rate of 100%, no measurement inaccuracy was found!

Fortunately, the public opinion is big enough, the Chongqing joint investigation team was established, stationed in the Chongqing Gas Group to carry out an investigation, and urged the company to refund the fee if the charge was indeed wrong!

The students' counterattack on the detention of drunk people once again proves that public opinion is the most effective way for ordinary people to defend their rights

Jinan students fought back against the detention of a drunk

In recent days, the "student and drunk man who clashed and were detained" incident that pushed Jinan to the hot search, the comment area of Jinan Public Security fell, and all netizens complained about how to fight back when they encountered a choke in Jinan, and netizens expressed doubts about the handling of Jinan Public Security!

Public opinion is still high, and at present, the case has been upgraded to a higher level, and a task force composed of multiple police departments has also been stationed in the Public Security Bureau of the High-tech Zone!

And the parties are currently going through the formalities of release on bail pending trial!

The students' counterattack on the detention of drunk people once again proves that public opinion is the most effective way for ordinary people to defend their rights

If so many incidents have not been exposed, and without the blessing of the public opinion of the vast number of media and netizens, it is still unclear whether changes can be made! Public opinion has become the best way for ordinary toiling people to defend their rights!