
Shicha seaside, the wind and water, the legendary story of Brother Xiao! Don't miss it when you pass by~

author:Frontline melon master


The days when he was a big brother in Shichahai

Xiao Chunsheng, a name seems to carry the breath of spring, and the pace of Shicha Seaside is calm and full of strength. Every day, the sun rises and the sun sets, he is like a flat boat in the vast sea of people, although swayed by the wind and waves, but never lose its course.

Shicha seaside, the wind and water, the legendary story of Brother Xiao! Don't miss it when you pass by~

His story is recited by people on the shore of Shichahai, and his name is like that sea, which contains all the laughter and laughter, but also carries countless bitterness and tears.

Shicha seaside, the wind and water, the legendary story of Brother Xiao! Don't miss it when you pass by~

Xiao Chunsheng's figure is like the breeze that sweeps on the lake from time to time, gently blowing through everyone's hearts. Netizen "Chasing the Wind in the Wind" commented: "Every time I see Xiao Chunsheng's firm back, I want to become a seagull and soar with him." ”

Star scissor hand development note


On the other side of Shichahai, a character affectionately known by fans as "Star Scissorhands" is changing every guest in his unique way.

Shicha seaside, the wind and water, the legendary story of Brother Xiao! Don't miss it when you pass by~

He is not only a hairdresser, but also a dreamer, and every cut seems to bring new hope and direction to people's lives. Customers have a new look under him, and every time they turn to the mirror, they can see a new version of themselves.

Shicha seaside, the wind and water, the legendary story of Brother Xiao! Don't miss it when you pass by~

Weibo netizen "You in the Silhouette" left a message: "The magic of Star Scissor Hand is really amazing, I even began to wonder if he has any secret mana?"

The "big brother" who dreamed of returning to Shichahai


Xiao Chunsheng, the "big brother" of Shichahai, his story is like a wonderful serial, and every chapter is addictive. His perseverance, integrity, unconditional respect and sincerity have given him a high position in the circle of friends.

Shicha seaside, the wind and water, the legendary story of Brother Xiao! Don't miss it when you pass by~

He is not only the pride of his family, but also the leader of the hearts of those brothers. Weibo hot topic "#肖春生我在什刹海当大哥#".

Shicha seaside, the wind and water, the legendary story of Brother Xiao! Don't miss it when you pass by~

Netizen "Brother is just a legend" commented: "In everyone's heart, there is a Xiao Chunsheng, the hero who never gives up in the face of any difficulties. ”

What's so pitiful about the bright moon


In the book "The Sea in My Dreams", Xiao Chunsheng's sentence "The moon is not wrong, what is wrong is the person who can't tolerate its lightness", I don't know how many people's heartstrings have touched.

Shicha seaside, the wind and water, the legendary story of Brother Xiao! Don't miss it when you pass by~

This sentence is like a mirror that reflects the bright and dark corners of human nature. Xiao Chunsheng's realm seems to have transcended, and his views on world affairs make people involuntarily ponder.

Shicha seaside, the wind and water, the legendary story of Brother Xiao! Don't miss it when you pass by~

In the WeChat group, "Ye Weiyang", a group friend of the "Moonlight Clan", sent a message: "Xiao Chunsheng is talking about the moon, or is he talking about the neglected light in each of our hearts?"

The sea in my dreams

Shicha seaside, the wind and water, the legendary story of Brother Xiao! Don't miss it when you pass by~

It is true that there is not only one sea of Shicha in life, but in Xiao Chunsheng's world, this sea has infinite possibilities. In every battle of "The Sea of Dreams", no matter how much pain he suffered, he was always able to stand up strong.

Shicha seaside, the wind and water, the legendary story of Brother Xiao! Don't miss it when you pass by~

Especially in the scene where I reunite with my sister at the station, every tear seems to be irrigating the audience's heart. On Douyin, the user "Watching the Drama Life" posted a video comment: "Watching "The Sea in My Dream", I have prepared tissues, who knows if it is still enough, why Xiao Chunsheng's tears are so heavy." ”

Xiao Chunsheng who slept in controversy


Xiao Chunsheng, the name has sparked countless discussions on social media. He was like a stone that stirred still water, causing ripples in circles and circles.

Shicha seaside, the wind and water, the legendary story of Brother Xiao! Don't miss it when you pass by~

Some people say that he is a hero, some people say that he is just a legend, some people praise him for being sincere, and some people ridicule him for being too idealistic. Weibo user "Spicy Strip Has Expired" easily joked: "I think Xiao Chunsheng may just like to blow the wind on the Shicha beach, are you thinking too much?"

Shicha seaside, the wind and water, the legendary story of Brother Xiao! Don't miss it when you pass by~

And in this sea of keyboards, everyone has their own opinions, Xiao Chunsheng, maybe just a mirror in everyone's heart, reflecting what we want to see ourselves. So, dear readers, what do you think?