
The blind date can only talk empty words, and has no ability at all

author:@琦琦Mama 💕

The blind date can only talk empty words, and has no ability at all

The blind date can only talk empty words, and has no ability at all
The blind date can only talk empty words, and has no ability at all
The blind date can only talk empty words, and has no ability at all
The blind date can only talk empty words, and has no ability at all
The blind date can only talk empty words, and has no ability at all
The blind date can only talk empty words, and has no ability at all
The blind date can only talk empty words, and has no ability at all
The blind date can only talk empty words, and has no ability at all
The blind date can only talk empty words, and has no ability at all
The blind date can only talk empty words, and has no ability at all
The blind date can only talk empty words, and has no ability at all

It was a sunny afternoon, and I was sitting in the corner of the café, and sitting in front of me was the object of this blind date, Li Yang. He looked pretty good, his suit was straight, his hair was meticulously combed, but every word that came out of his mouth made me feel more and more disappointed.

"You know, I've been thinking about a big investment project recently, and if it succeeds, it will be tens of millions of profits. He said lightly, as if it were just a small and insignificant goal.

I frowned slightly, trying to respond politely, "Oh? Sounds great, what is it?"

He was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect me to ask such a question, and then said vaguely, "That's it...... A very promising industry, the specifics can't be revealed too much. ”

I couldn't help but wonder a little bit in my heart, but I kept smiling and continued to talk to him. But the next conversation made me feel more and more that something was wrong.

He was always talking about grand plans, but never mentioning any concrete actions or results. Whenever I asked him about the details of the plan, he always avoided it or changed the subject.

I began to feel a little impatient, so I asked directly: "Li Yang, you have been talking about these plans, but have you actually taken action? Or are there any achievements that you can show?"

He was stunned for a moment, then smiled a little awkwardly: "Uh...... Well, it always takes time to implement the plan, and I'm still in the preparation stage. ”

I shook my head helplessly, and I already understood eight or nine points in my heart. This person can only talk empty words, and has no real ability at all.

In the time that followed, the conversation between us became more and more awkward. I tried to find a topic, but he always responded absentmindedly. In the end, I finally couldn't resist the idea of ending the blind date.

He looked a little surprised, but he stood up politely and said, "Okay, let's talk next time." ”

I nodded, but there was no ripple in my heart. Although this blind date is over, I have a deeper understanding of this person. He's just a guy who can only talk empty and doesn't have any real abilities. How can such a person be my partner?

The moment I walked out of the café, I felt a sense of relief. Although this blind date experience was a little disappointing, at least I recognized the true face of this person. I believe that in the future, I will be able to find a truly capable and responsible person who will walk with me through every stage of my life.

When I think back to the conversation I just had, I can't help but feel emotional. Those empty words seemed to be just a gust of wind blowing, leaving no trace. And I will continue to move forward and find the one who belongs to me.

In the days that followed, I began to choose my blind dates more carefully. I no longer only focus on appearance and words, but also on the actual abilities and qualities of the other person. I believe that only in this way can I find someone who is truly suitable for me.

Time passed, and I experienced blind dates again and again. Some let me down, some moved me. But no matter what, I kept a normal heart and believed that I would find that person one day.

Finally, at a friend's party, I met him - Zhang Hao. He is not as eloquent as Li Yang, but the firmness and confidence in his eyes made me deeply attracted.

We talked a lot, and he told me about his work history, his dreams, and his plans. He didn't exaggerate and didn't say anything empty. I could feel his sincerity and hard work.

From that day on, we started to contact each other frequently. He took me to a lot of places and made me feel the beauty of life. We share joys, sorrows, and sorrows together, and face life's challenges together.

Gradually, I found myself becoming more and more dependent on him. His ability and commitment make me feel at ease and happy. I know, I found the one who really fits me.

Recalling the previous blind date experience, I am full of emotion. Those who can only talk empty words make me cherish Zhang Hao in front of me even more. He made me understand that true ability is not something that is spoken by mouth, but that it needs to be proven by action and effort.

Now, we've come a long way. We've been through a lot of ups and downs together, but our relationship has grown deeper. I know that as long as we move forward together, the future will be even better.

During my time with Zhang Hao, I felt unprecedented fulfillment and satisfaction. He is not the type of person who makes promises easily, but whenever he is sure of something, he will go all out and prove his determination with practical actions.

I remember one time, we were planning to go on a trip. He did a lot of homework in advance, from the itinerary to the accommodation options, everything was very thoughtful. He told me that he doesn't like to talk and prefers to surprise people with practical actions. He arranged the trip perfectly, and I was pleasantly surprised and touched by every detail.

The longer I spent with Zhang Hao, the more I discovered his strengths. He is not only a leader in his work, but also a person who knows how to live and cherish. He would take time out of his busy schedule to go for a walk with me, take me to the countryside on weekends to get some fresh air, and surprise me on my big day. These seemingly insignificant little things made me feel his care and care for me.

Of course, we also had quarrels and disagreements. But each time we were able to communicate openly and honestly and solve problems together. He never clings to the wrong point of view because of his stubbornness, but is willing to listen to me and work with me to find the best solution.

Now, we have gone through several springs, summers, autumns and winters. The change of each season has witnessed the growth and deepening of our feelings. I know that there is still a long way to go, but as long as Zhang Hao is by my side, I will have the courage to face all challenges.

Looking back on the blind date experience in the past, I am full of emotion. Those who can only talk empty words make me cherish the happiness in front of me even more. And Zhang Hao is the one who proves everything with his actions and protects me with sincerity. I believe that our story will continue to be written, forever.

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