
After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

author:Explore a world of wonders

As we all know, fear is a human nature, and they exist in our lives in various forms. Some people are timid about the heights, others are uneasy about the depths of darkness. However, there is also a group of people who feel an indescribable sense of oppression, shock, and even dizziness and shortness of breath when faced with an unusually large object or scene. This complex psychological phenomenon is the subject of today's discussion - giant phobia. Next, let's dive into this unique feeling and explore the mystery behind it.

In that border village in Jamestown, North Dakota, you'll meet the world's largest buffalo, which is too large to ignore as a small hill.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

When you stand in front of the mackerel princess sculpture in Liaoning, you will find that the world's largest fish statue is like a giant of the sea, making you feel deeply shocked.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

The nearly 600-foot-tall statue of unity, like a giant tower reaching into the sky, forms an indescribable contrast with the busy little people at their feet, and the impact of that scale hits people's hearts.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

The huge sculptures and works of art may not seem amazing from a distance, but when you approach them, the sense of immensity will make you instantly stunned, as if you were frozen in that moment.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

Imagine this giant wombata in front of you, its sheer size running around.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

And when you face this big caterpillar, you will find that it is much bigger than you imagined.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

The Dongtao chicken, known as the dragon chicken, has thighs as thick as tree trunks, which is amazing.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

As the world's largest arthropod water lice, the deep-sea hydropod, its large body makes people awe of the unknown of the deep sea.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

The moose, the largest cervid in the world, is only known when you get close to its body.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

Andrewsarchus is one of the largest land predators of mammals ever created

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

Known as the Deep Blue Great White Shark - about 50 years old, with an estimated weight of 2.5 tons and a length of 6-7m, it resembles a battleship cruising in the sea, making it intimidating.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

The heart of the blue whale is the largest heart on Earth, it is about 1.5 meters tall and weighs more than 182 kilograms, and the organs of this giant beast make people feel awe of the wonders of the natural world.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

Designed for Expo Dubai, the real-life giants of their massive bodies evoke awe of the infinite possibilities of human creativity.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

Huge driftwood off the coast of Washington, they lie quietly on the beach as if they were relics of nature.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

The tallest skyscraper in the world, demonstrating the limits of human building technology.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

It's a massive construction machine on the scale of a giant robot from a science fiction movie.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

The Bag-293 excavator, located in Germany, is the largest excavation equipment in the world, and its huge structure is breathtaking.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

The American X-band reconnaissance radar stands there like a huge light bulb.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

The huge Bessemer converter in front of me is unbelievably larger.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

The sheer scale of the huge barge in the dry dock of the Erie traders was staggering.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

This old photograph of the oil tanker Esso Hibernia, taken in the UK in 1970, records the giants of that era.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

This photo truly shows the sheer size of the giant anchor chain, which is breathtaking.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

On an offshore drilling platform, a worker stands in stark contrast to the huge hook of a giant crane.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

Footage of the demolition of the Cockenzie power station in Scotland in 2015, the huge building was particularly large during the demolition process.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

The Naga Cave in Thailand, with its huge petrified snake shape, is amazing, as if it is the remains of a legendary python that was petrified.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

Mt. Fuji can be seen from nearby towns with an unobstructed view of its sheer size and spectacular views.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

The underwater waterfall near Mauritius, although not a real waterfall, is stunning with its huge drop and visual effects.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

If the Demon Tower were an ancient redwood stump, its height would be unimaginable to humans.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

Standing beneath a longan mine in the UK, the huge pit seems to be the gaze of some giant creature.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

When we expand our horizons into the universe, these huge objects on Earth seem insignificant in comparison.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

Compared to New York, the second-largest known near-Earth asteroid, Eros, is unimaginably large.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

Imagine what a spectacular picture it would be if a terrestrial planet were approaching Earth.

After reading these 32 giant photos, the sense of fear soared instantly!

If you feel oppressed and nervous looking at these giant photos, then you may be experiencing the effects of giant phobia.