
Born on an "auspicious day", these 5 lunar birthdays are born in the mantissa number, but accounting for one, the most blessed and long

author:Barley said

Before reading, I would like to remind you that this article is for reference and entertainment only, and you should not be superstitious!

"The time and people are urging each other, and the auspicious day of birth is rich. ”

This poem symbolizes the passage of time and the changes of personnel, but at certain moments, such as auspicious birthdays, good fortune and wealth seem to come naturally.

Gu Shiyun: "The beautiful scenery of a good day is a day, and the courtyard is happy." "The auspicious day of birth is such a good day. On this day, it seems that even heaven and earth celebrate it, bringing endless joy and blessings to people. Historically, the birthdays of many celebrities have been regarded as auspicious days. For example, the legendary Emperor Yao was born on the first day of the first lunar month, which is regarded as a day of great luck, indicating the peace of the country and the people, and the abundance of grains.

Today, let's talk about the mantissa of lunar birthdays, which are considered "auspicious days", and see how they are associated with wealth and happiness.

Born on an "auspicious day", these 5 lunar birthdays are born in the mantissa number, but accounting for one, the most blessed and long

The mantissa is 1

The birth date with the mantissa of 1 is known as the auspicious day of "blockbuster", which coincides with the folk saying that "one yuan is renewed, and everything is renewed".

In folklore, people born on such days are often endowed with extraordinary talents and outstanding leadership skills. Their lives are destined to rise like the rising sun, stand out in the vast sea of people, and achieve an earth-shattering career.

Let us draw wisdom from the long river of history. The ancient encyclopedia of agriculture "Qi Min Yaoshu" emphasizes that "everything is foreseen, and if it is not prepared, it will be wasted", which is exactly the life portrayal of those born with a mantissa of 1.

Born with the ability to plan for the future, always able to plan for a rainy day, insight into opportunities, so on the road of life can always be one step ahead, to achieve the feat of "blockbuster", there is a saying: "Take the road of others so that others have no way to go." "

They are like Quasimodo, the bell-ringer in "Notre Dame de Paris", although they are ordinary on the outside, they contain amazing power inside.

When the time comes, they can show their extraordinary talents to lead the trend of the times and become the mainstay of their families and society.

I am born to be useful, and my daughter will come back when I am gone. This is a vivid portrayal of those born with a mantissa of 1.

They are talented and destined to be extraordinary, and even in the face of adversity, they can rely on their hard work and wisdom to rise again and create new glories.

To quote another modern saying: "Everyone is the helmsman of his own destiny." This is especially true of those born with a mantissa of 1, who are like navigators, holding the helm of destiny in their hands, bravely sailing into the unknown seas and exploring their own wonderful life.

Born on an "auspicious day", these 5 lunar birthdays are born in the mantissa number, but accounting for one, the most blessed and long

The mantissa is 2

"Doubles are right, good things come in pairs. "The birth day with the mantissa number 2 has been regarded as an auspicious day for double happiness since ancient times.

Even numbers often contain auspicious and harmonious meanings, symbolizing that good things often appear in pairs. People born on this day seem to be born with an aura of peace and harmony.

Looking back at history, it is not difficult to see that even numbers have a special place in many cultures. In the "Historical Records: Xiang Yu Benji", the story of the "Hongmen Banquet" is recorded, in which the seating arrangement of Xiang Yu and Liu Bang implies the order aesthetics of double-digit symmetry, which also reflects the ancients' admiration for double numbers and symmetry from one side.

People born with the mantissa of 2 are born with the ability to mediate disputes and promote harmony, just like Lin Xiangru in history, who resolved Lian Po's misunderstanding with his wisdom and eloquence, and contributed to the beautiful talk of "harmony". These people are also always at the right place in the workplace, and they are good at finding a balance in complex interpersonal relationships and earning the trust and respect of their colleagues and superiors.

This trait of theirs can't help but remind people of Melanie in "Gone with the Wind". With her unique charm and peaceful character, she has maintained her position in a complex society and won the admiration of those around her.

People born with the mantissa number 2 are exactly like this, and they use their own way to spread harmony and auspiciousness in every corner of the world.

Like the double number, they bring the beauty of symmetry and harmony to the world.

Born on an "auspicious day", these 5 lunar birthdays are born in the mantissa number, but accounting for one, the most blessed and long

The mantissa is 3

The birth date with the mantissa number 3 is not a joke, it is regarded as an auspicious day for talents and talents.

We have to take this number "three" seriously, its status in traditional culture is not ordinary, representing the harmony and unity of heaven, earth and man, is a mysterious and important symbol.

Think of those geniuses with the mantissa of 3 birthdays, who, like the protagonists of "Red and Black", are full of passion and pursuit, and have an almost obsessive love for art and creativity.

They are not the kind of people who copy other people's works, but they are able to deeply integrate their own feelings and emotions into their works, so as to create unique and breathtaking works of art.

However, I also want to warn these friends with a mantissa of 3 that although you are talented, don't forget the truth of "full of losses, humble benefits".

Pay special attention: don't get carried away because of a moment of pride, and stay humble and low-key, so that you can better use your talents.

Speaking of talent, it reminds me of the saying: "If you are really talented, you will not worry about being useless." "Friends with a mantissa of 3, as long as you continue to study and work hard, and continue to sharpen and improve your talents, I believe that you will be able to shine in your respective fields in the future.

Use a poem from the Book of Songs to send to friends with a mantissa of 3: "If you cut it, you can learn it, and if you think about it, you will grind." "I hope that you will continue to hone your talents and skills as this poem says, and eventually become the best in your field.

Born on an "auspicious day", these 5 lunar birthdays are born in the mantissa number, but accounting for one, the most blessed and long

The mantissa is 7

"The seven stars shine high, and the luck is full of luck. "The birth date with the mantissa number 7 has been regarded as an auspicious day for the lucky star to shine in the folk since ancient times.

In traditional culture, the number "seven" is not only mystical but also full of auspicious meaning, and it is reflected in the seven stars of the Big Dipper hanging high in the sky, symbolizing guidance and light.

An ancient wise man once said: "Seven are the end of heaven and earth." In their view, "seven" represents a kind of consummation and completion, and is an important node in the cosmic cycle.

People born with the mantissa number 7 seem to be favored by the god of luck from birth, and their life path is often smooth and good.

As Sun Tzu said in "The Art of War": "Knowing oneself and knowing oneself will not be defeated in a hundred battles." "People with a mantissa of 7 seem to be born with an instinct to see opportunities and avoid evil.

On the battlefield of life, you can always accurately grasp the opportunity, so as to turn danger into success and success.

There is a folk proverb: "Seven points depend on hard work, and three points are destined." "Although people with the mantissa 7 have natural luck, they also know the importance of hard work, and only through unremitting struggle and hard work can this luck be truly transformed into tangible achievements.

Modern writers also often use their brushstrokes to depict the luck and efforts of people with the mantissa 7. They wrote: "Seven is a magic number that brings endless charm and possibility to these people. "In these works, we can see how people with the mantissa 7 continue to challenge themselves in life, break through difficulties, and finally realize their dreams.

As the saying goes, "If you win a drop of water, you will be rewarded by a spring." "Their kindness and integrity always attract the help and support of many noble people.

These nobles have played a key role in their life path, providing them with valuable opportunities and resources.

Born on an "auspicious day", these 5 lunar birthdays are born in the mantissa number, but accounting for one, the most blessed and long

The mantissa is 9

"Ninety-nine to one, eventually become a great tool. "The birth day with the mantissa number 9 has been regarded as an auspicious day for success and fame since ancient times.

"Nine" is not only a number, but also a symbol with far-reaching meaning, which represents the extreme, perfection and success.

Gu Shiyun: "It will be the top of the mountain, and you can see the mountains at a glance." This poem depicts the spirit of a person born with a mantissa of 9. They are like mountaineers, step by step, perseverance to climb the peak of life.

Perseverance and determination, like the peaks that reach into the sky, are unattainable, but they also inspire them to keep moving forward.

In ancient legends, there are also stories related to the "Nine". For example, the nine-tailed fox in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" symbolizes mystery and power. Those born with the mantissa of 9 also seem to be born with a mysterious power, so that they can always turn danger into success on the road of life.

And this power is quite similar to the spirit of the protagonist of "How Steel is Made", Paul Kochakin. With an iron will, Paul overcame all kinds of difficulties and finally realized his dream.

Those born with the mantissa number 9 also continue to climb in their careers with firm will and extraordinary perseverance until they reach the peak.

In folk customs, "nine" is also often given auspicious meanings.

Those born with a mantissa of 9 can often take off like a dragon in their careers and become leaders in the industry.

As the saying goes: "Ninety-nine eighty-one is difficult, and the true character of the hero is revealed." ”

This phrase means that the true qualities of a hero can only be revealed after experiencing countless difficulties and challenges. It originates from the Chinese classical masterpiece "Journey to the West", in which the four Tang monks and apprentices learned scriptures from the West, experienced nine hundred and eighty-one difficulties, and finally achieved positive results, highlighting their heroic nature.

Those born with the mantissa number 9 are destined to go through all kinds of hardships on the road of life. But they were always able to overcome all difficulties with firm faith and extraordinary perseverance, and finally realize their dreams.

Born on an "auspicious day", these 5 lunar birthdays are born in the mantissa number, but accounting for one, the most blessed and long

Finally, I wish every reader a full harvest of happiness and success on their birthday!