
On the eighth day of the first month of March, "Sanniang Day" is not ordinary, "a rare auspicious day in a century", what is the difference

author:There are three lazy sheep and three less

Yo, let's talk about the "Sanniang Day" on the eighth day of the first month of March, why is it a rare auspicious day in a century? Hey, this is not idle chat, we have to talk about it seriously, this is about our traditional culture. Leave a message in the comment area to receive blessings for your family and children, "Bodhisattva blesses, one shun and one hundred shun"!

On the eighth day of the first month of March, "Sanniang Day" is not ordinary, "a rare auspicious day in a century", what is the difference

1. Sanniang is unique to the Northeast

First of all, I have to make it clear that these three mothers are a unique custom in our northeast, and you can't find them anywhere else. To put it bluntly, it is the eighth day of the third month of the lunar calendar, commonly known as the "Sanniang Day". How did this "Sanniang" come from? Listen to me tell you slowly.

Legend has it that in ancient times, there was a girl with a peerless appearance, known as "Sanniang". This Sanniang is not an ordinary girl, she is the spirit of the water tribe, in charge of the water sources of the rivers, lakes and seas. As the saying goes: "If the water is clear, the people will be safe", these three mothers are blessed with the people's continuous water source and harvest. However, on the eighth day of the first month of March, it is her birthday, and she has to be a bad day, so there is a tradition of this Sanniang Day.

Second, a rare auspicious day

Let's talk about this auspicious day that is rare in a century. You see, as the saying goes: "On the eighth day of the third month, it is rare in a hundred years", which is not a joke. You know, our lunar calendar days are not easy to calculate, we have to refer to the lunar calendar, and we have to look at the yellow calendar, if we encounter these three Niangsha days again, it is a rare thing.

On the eighth day of the first month of March, "Sanniang Day" is not ordinary, "a rare auspicious day in a century", what is the difference

The eighth day of the third lunar month is not only the "Sanniang Day", but also a good day for our Northeast people to celebrate the festival. People gather and there is a lot of activity. For example, every household will make some sweet and delicious "Sanniang Cake", which has an irreplaceable status during the Chinese New Year, symbolizing reunion and happiness.

3. Traditional folk activities

In the final analysis, what is unusual about this Sanniang is its strong folk flavor. People dress up in festive costumes and get together for a variety of events.

For example, there is a traditional activity in our hometown called "flower basket grabbing". Early in the morning, the young men of the village will form a team, climb up to the big tree at the entrance of the village, and grab a basket decorated with flowers, which is a symbol of good luck and beauty. The team that grabbed it will be chased by the whole village, laughing and laughing, and it is very lively.

Fourth, the ancient precept says it well

Finally, let's talk about a few ancient precepts, and by the way, give the finishing touch to this article. As the saying goes: "On the eighth day of the first month of March, it is rare to meet in a hundred years, good things are repeated, and everything is prosperous." This sentence is not said in vain, it is the auspiciousness of these three mothers. Another sentence: "The mountains are high and the waters are long, and Sanniang's grace is wide", which is the respect and gratitude for Sanniang.

On the eighth day of the first month of March, "Sanniang Day" is not ordinary, "a rare auspicious day in a century", what is the difference


This is the traditional culture of our Northeast, and the difference between these three mothers and women is that it contains rich folk customs and profound cultural heritage. I hope that everyone can cherish these traditions, pass them on, and let our culture spread farther and more beautiful.