
The son scored 44 points in the exam. Mother: Someone has to sweep the streets. Netizen resonance: Keep the bottle for my baby.

author:There is indeed a way

Recently, a mother confided in netizens that her son scored 44 points in the exam. Originally, I wanted to tutor my children until late every day and train a pillar to come out. I didn't expect the child to learn it, but he learned it himself. Now the mother said that if she wants to open it, the northwest wind always has to be drunk, and the streets have to be swept by someone. As long as you live, there is hope.

The son scored 44 points in the exam. Mother: Someone has to sweep the streets. Netizen resonance: Keep the bottle for my baby.

Unexpectedly, the mother's confession resonated with many mothers, some people comforted that when your son swept the street, the bottle was kept for my baby, and some people said that when your baby lived in the bridge hole, I would leave a place for my baby, and these netizens would be relieved. There are more hilarious and wonderful comments, see what they have to say.

The two children are quite compatible, and they can work together in the future. [呲tooth]

The son scored 44 points in the exam. Mother: Someone has to sweep the streets. Netizen resonance: Keep the bottle for my baby.


The son scored 44 points in the exam. Mother: Someone has to sweep the streets. Netizen resonance: Keep the bottle for my baby.

Little Bear's transcript [I want to be quiet]

The son scored 44 points in the exam. Mother: Someone has to sweep the streets. Netizen resonance: Keep the bottle for my baby.

985 also came to talk about the helplessness of children's learning.

The son scored 44 points in the exam. Mother: Someone has to sweep the streets. Netizen resonance: Keep the bottle for my baby.

You, indeed, have no dog father. [I want to be quiet]

The son scored 44 points in the exam. Mother: Someone has to sweep the streets. Netizen resonance: Keep the bottle for my baby.

If you can take a test of 85, your IQ will be at least 130.

The son scored 44 points in the exam. Mother: Someone has to sweep the streets. Netizen resonance: Keep the bottle for my baby.

44 points, how did you do it? My baby only has 9 points!

The son scored 44 points in the exam. Mother: Someone has to sweep the streets. Netizen resonance: Keep the bottle for my baby.

I have planned my life for the baby and won at the starting line!

The son scored 44 points in the exam. Mother: Someone has to sweep the streets. Netizen resonance: Keep the bottle for my baby.

Spending 60,000 yuan to score 34 points, nearly 2,000 points is not cheap.

The son scored 44 points in the exam. Mother: Someone has to sweep the streets. Netizen resonance: Keep the bottle for my baby.

With such a stable ranking in the whole grade, I can only calm down.

The son scored 44 points in the exam. Mother: Someone has to sweep the streets. Netizen resonance: Keep the bottle for my baby.

Say one that makes you happy, my baby is only 10 points. [Dog's Head]

The son scored 44 points in the exam. Mother: Someone has to sweep the streets. Netizen resonance: Keep the bottle for my baby.

The answer sheet is just a piece of paper, and the future is a painting. [Like]

The son scored 44 points in the exam. Mother: Someone has to sweep the streets. Netizen resonance: Keep the bottle for my baby.

31 minutes ago.

The son scored 44 points in the exam. Mother: Someone has to sweep the streets. Netizen resonance: Keep the bottle for my baby.

看看人家主持人,劝人才叫‬专业。 [Like]

The son scored 44 points in the exam. Mother: Someone has to sweep the streets. Netizen resonance: Keep the bottle for my baby.

Someone has already paved the road, just waiting for his son to sweep it.

The son scored 44 points in the exam. Mother: Someone has to sweep the streets. Netizen resonance: Keep the bottle for my baby.

Conclusion: The author agrees with what the netizen said, "The answer sheet is just a piece of paper, and the future is a painting", and some children who are not good at reading are not necessarily not excellent. The so-called three hundred and sixty lines, the line is the champion. Scores are only selected for knowledge-based talents, and there are many others who can also achieve success through other means. 祝福‬所有的‬孩子们‬茁壮成长‬,一路向前‬,所遇皆美好‬。

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