
It turned out that she had already passed away! she personally set the longevity clothes in the cemetery, and Zhu Lijing's 32 million inheritance was all given to her sister

author:Little Bell Reading Library

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It turned out that she had already passed away! she personally set the longevity clothes in the cemetery, and Zhu Lijing's 32 million inheritance was all given to her sister

In 2020, which was full of hope and surprises, Zhu Lijing, who was at the peak of her life, unexpectedly received an urgent notice from the doctor - she was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer!

After hearing this cruel truth, Zhu Lijing couldn't believe that it was true, and the mobile phone in her hand slid to the ground weakly. She sat limply on the couch, her hands clenched, tears silently rolling down her fingers.

Although she looks strong and graceful on the outside, she is filled with endless despair and fear on the inside. She tearfully asked herself, "Why is fate so unfair that I am subjected to such torture?" and yet, no one could give her an answer.

This sudden bad news was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, completely crushing Zhu Lijing.

It turned out that she had already passed away! she personally set the longevity clothes in the cemetery, and Zhu Lijing's 32 million inheritance was all given to her sister

Looking back, 29-year-old Zhu Lijing once worked in an ordinary company and lived an ordinary life. However, she has had a deep love for music since she was a child, and she has never forgotten her desire for the stage.

Finally in 2009, Zhu Lijing mustered up the courage to resolutely sign up for a high-profile talent show despite the strong opposition of her family. Her unique voice and the soulfulness contained in her songs deeply touched all the judges.

After many tests, Zhu Lijing finally made a splash in the finals and won the championship, realizing her dream of becoming a professional singer. Since then, Zhu Lijing's popularity has soared, releasing solo albums, holding concert tours, and her career has reached an unprecedented peak, becoming a household name in the music world, and every performance is full.

However, after experiencing despair, Zhu Lijing quickly pulled herself together. She knew that she couldn't give up easily, and she had to bravely face this life-and-death battle against the disease. With the careful care and encouragement of her family, Zhu Lijing actively cooperated with the treatment and endured the pain caused by each chemotherapy.

It turned out that she had already passed away! she personally set the longevity clothes in the cemetery, and Zhu Lijing's 32 million inheritance was all given to her sister

She also sings songs for other patients in the ward, conveying the power of life through singing. Just three months later, Zhu Lijing was finally discharged from the hospital, and although her face was still pale, her condition was effectively controlled.

Soon after she was discharged from the hospital, she regained her familiar stage, candidly shared her anti-cancer journey with the public, and actively participated in the public welfare publicity activities for breast cancer, hoping to arouse more people's attention to the value of life.

Everyone was amazed by her courage and tenacity. During that time, Zhu Lijing seemed to have successfully defeated the disease.

However, just when we were deeply gratified, fate once again dealt a cruel blow to Zhu Lijing! Only eight months later, her cancer struck again in a callous and ruthless manner.

It turned out that she had already passed away! she personally set the longevity clothes in the cemetery, and Zhu Lijing's 32 million inheritance was all given to her sister

The diagnosis called "Phase III" is like reading out the death verdict that Zhu Lijing is about to face.

Her face was as pale as a blank piece of paper, however, Zhu Lijing did not fall into the abyss of despair because of this.

She knew that her time was running out, but she still stood firm and decided to continue her treatment and fight her life and death.

The severe illness prompted Zhu Lijing to begin to reflect on her life. In the silence of the night, she often sits alone in front of the computer, picks up a pen, and records her last wishes in life, affectionate advice to relatives and friends, and selfless dedication to public welfare.

She even made a will to donate her entire fortune to a charitable foundation.

It turned out that she had already passed away! she personally set the longevity clothes in the cemetery, and Zhu Lijing's 32 million inheritance was all given to her sister

Every painful chemotherapy process, every long night that couldn't sleep, Zhu Lijing silently told herself in the depths of her heart: "I want to live!" She made up her mind that no matter what the cost, she would fight the disease to the end.

In those cruel years of fighting against death, Zhu Lijing did not choose to be hysterical or lose her fighting spirit, but actively participated in various public welfare performances.

Although her body is extremely weak and she needs to rely on a wheelchair to move, every time she walks on the stage, Zhu Lijing can always stand up miraculously and move the audience with her heavenly singing.

Zhu Lijing knows that she has little time left, so every performance has become the last brilliant bloom in her life. Although she had already burst into tears, everyone in the audience was deeply touched by her resilience and gave her endless encouragement and support.

It turned out that she had already passed away! she personally set the longevity clothes in the cemetery, and Zhu Lijing's 32 million inheritance was all given to her sister

In the end, on an ordinary morning in 2022, the tortured Zhu Lijing left the world peacefully in her sleep. She chose to fight the final battle against the disease, interpreting the true meaning of dignity with her life.

Zhu Lijing's sudden death shocked and unbelievable everyone. Many of her friends in the music industry have published memorial articles on social media, expressing regret for her short and brilliant life, and also giving high praise to her lifelong hard work and perseverance.

People prefer to believe that Zhu Lijing is like a dazzling meteor in the night sky, although the traces she left in the music world are short and precious, but her light illuminates the whole world.

She is like a phoenix nirvana, igniting the fire in the depths of countless people's hearts with the fiery passion of life. Every passionate piece of music left by Zhu Lijing, and every touching stage legend, will undoubtedly become a spiritual beacon that inspires the younger generations to bravely face the difficulties of life and rekindle the inner light!

It turned out that she had already passed away! she personally set the longevity clothes in the cemetery, and Zhu Lijing's 32 million inheritance was all given to her sister

This is the true meaning of Zhu Lijing's life, which is the most precious spiritual treasure she left for the world.

Zhu Lijing passed away, leaving the world not only endless grief and regret, but also an immeasurable spiritual wealth. With her own life course, she profoundly explained what dignity is and what is the value of survival.

Life is as fleeting as the morning dew, but because of this, we need to release the brilliant light and heat in the limited time to absorb the unquenchable life force.

Zhu Lijing resolutely chose to fight bravely in the face of terminal illness until the last moment of her life, and she showed us the true meaning of life: lies in the process and struggle.

It turned out that she had already passed away! she personally set the longevity clothes in the cemetery, and Zhu Lijing's 32 million inheritance was all given to her sister

She also makes us understand that it takes great courage to live, and that the source of this courage comes precisely from the love of life and the love for others.

This deep love turned into her decision to leave all her possessions to her sister, hoping that she could take good care of her father and spend the rest of her life together.

Zhu Lijing is worthy of our worship, her beautiful and moving singing will always echo in our ears, and the meaning of life she gives will surely shine more dazzling because of her.