
Is Big S crazy? confiscated his daughter's mobile phone and broke with the Wang family Netizens exclaimed: This operation is too crazy

author:Kan old money

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Is Big S crazy? confiscated his daughter's mobile phone and broke with the Wang family Netizens exclaimed: This operation is too crazy

Big S's recent performance is like an unpredictable suspense drama. Her former independence and strength seem to be shrouded in a layer of fog, making the outside world speculate: What happened to this goddess?

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Neighbors broke the news one after another, saying that Da S's family has staged a "family version of "Falling Bowls" in the past two days, with fierce quarrels and the sound of falling things one after another. People can't help but think of the old saying: "Family ugliness should not be publicized", but now it seems to have become "family ugliness spread all over the world". People have speculated whether Big S was stimulated by something and lost control of his emotions?

What's even more exciting is that it is rumored that Da S actually confiscated Xiao Yue'er's mobile phone, completely cutting off all contact between her and Wang Xiaofei and her grandmother. This move undoubtedly dropped a bombshell on the child's young mind. We can't help but ask: Big S, are you angry with the child?

Is Big S crazy? confiscated his daughter's mobile phone and broke with the Wang family Netizens exclaimed: This operation is too crazy

However, in this family turmoil, we can't ignore the dilemma that Big S may face. Maybe she's going through an emotional storm and she's struggling and suffering inside. But no matter what, we hope that she can get out of the haze as soon as possible and regain her former sunshine and self-confidence.

At the same time, we also hope that the outside world can give more understanding and support to Big S. After all, everyone has their own difficulties and dilemmas, and we need to treat each other with tolerance and kindness. Only in this way can we jointly create a more harmonious and beautiful social environment.

Is Big S crazy? confiscated his daughter's mobile phone and broke with the Wang family Netizens exclaimed: This operation is too crazy

In this moment full of speculation and rumors, we prefer to believe that Big S can bravely face his own problems and find a solution to the problem. After all, she was once such a strong and independent woman, and we are confident that she will be able to get through this and regain her happiness.

The comments of netizens are really varied, and they are as lively as a pot of boiling water!

Some netizens said: "What's wrong with Big S? Where is the image of the elegant and intellectual goddess before? Now she is like an out-of-control cannonball, just one point." ”

Is Big S crazy? confiscated his daughter's mobile phone and broke with the Wang family Netizens exclaimed: This operation is too crazy

Some netizens said: "I think we should give Big S more understanding and support." Everyone has times when their emotions are out of control, not to mention that she also faces so many family problems. I hope she can adjust her mentality as soon as possible and regain her happiness. ”

Some netizens ridiculed: "Is Big S playing the family version of "The Legend of Zhen Huan"? ”

Is Big S crazy? confiscated his daughter's mobile phone and broke with the Wang family Netizens exclaimed: This operation is too crazy

Of course, there are also some netizens who have a neutral attitude: "After all, we are just outsiders, and we don't know what Big S has experienced." It's better to pay more attention to her works and gossip less about her private life. ”

Is Big S crazy? confiscated his daughter's mobile phone and broke with the Wang family Netizens exclaimed: This operation is too crazy

In short, netizens' comments have their own merits, ranging from concern and speculation to understanding and support. But in any case, we all hope that Da S can get out of the predicament as soon as possible and re-show her strong and independent side. After all, as a public figure, every mood swing she has attracted widespread attention from the outside world. I hope she can face everything bravely and find her own happiness.

Is Big S crazy? confiscated his daughter's mobile phone and broke with the Wang family Netizens exclaimed: This operation is too crazy

Emotional experts and professors analyzed the recent events of Big S as follows:

First of all, from a psychological point of view, Big S's current behavior is experiencing some kind of emotional crisis or excessive stress. Behaviors such as losing control of emotions, frequent quarrels, and throwing things are often an external catharsis when people are under great stress or distress. Big S may be experiencing multiple pressures such as family, career, or personal emotions, causing her to be unable to control her emotions effectively.

Is Big S crazy? confiscated his daughter's mobile phone and broke with the Wang family Netizens exclaimed: This operation is too crazy

Secondly, Da S confiscated the child's mobile phone and cut off contact with Wang Xiaofei and her grandmother, probably because she wanted to seek a temporary tranquility by isolating the outside world. This behavior may be motivated by an instinct to protect yourself and your children, but it can also exacerbate tensions in family relationships. Because, decisions made under emotional impulses are often not well thought out and can have unwanted consequences.

In addition, we also need to note that as a public figure, Big S's behavior has received special attention and amplification. This may further exacerbate her psychological stress and make her feel more helpless and confused. Therefore, when understanding and analyzing the behavior of Big S, we need to take into account this special social environment.

Is Big S crazy? confiscated his daughter's mobile phone and broke with the Wang family Netizens exclaimed: This operation is too crazy

In response to Da S's situation, the emotion expert professor suggested that she first seek professional psychological counseling help to understand and deal with her emotional problems. At the same time, she also needs to communicate deeply with family and friends to find solutions to problems. In addition, she can also try to relieve stress and improve self-control through exercise, meditation and other means.

Finally, we also need to remind the majority of netizens that in the face of similar incidents, they should maintain a rational and objective attitude and avoid excessive speculation and accusations. Everyone has their own difficulties and dilemmas, and we need to treat each other with tolerance and kindness. Only in this way can we jointly create a more harmonious and beautiful social environment.

Is Big S crazy? confiscated his daughter's mobile phone and broke with the Wang family Netizens exclaimed: This operation is too crazy

Taiwanese media comments

Taiwanese media have made many comments on Big S's recent events, which not only question and criticize Big S's personal behavior, but also reflect on the social phenomenon behind the entire incident.

First of all, Taiwanese media expressed concern about Da S's emotional loss of control and throwing things, believing that this behavior not only damages her public image, but may also have a bad impact on family relationships and children. Taiwanese media called on Big S to deal with family and emotional problems more rationally and avoid emotional behavior.

Is Big S crazy? confiscated his daughter's mobile phone and broke with the Wang family Netizens exclaimed: This operation is too crazy

Secondly, Taiwanese media questioned Big S's behavior of cutting off contact with Wang Xiaofei and her grandmother. Taiwan media believe that this kind of behavior may exacerbate the tension in family relations and is not conducive to the growth of children. At the same time, Taiwanese media also criticized Big S's confiscation of children's mobile phones, believing that it violates children's privacy and freedom.

In addition, Taiwanese media also reflected on the phenomenon of celebrity scandals and family disputes in the entire entertainment industry. Taiwan media believes that these incidents are not only a personal problem of celebrities, but also reflect the lack of some values and moral concepts in contemporary society. Taiwan media called on the public to look at these events more rationally and not to overhype and pay attention to the private lives of celebrities.

Is Big S crazy? confiscated his daughter's mobile phone and broke with the Wang family Netizens exclaimed: This operation is too crazy

In general, the Taiwanese media has a critical and reflective attitude towards the recent events of Big S. Taiwanese media hope that Big S can learn from this and deal with family and emotional issues more rationally, and also hope that the entire entertainment industry and society can reflect on the problems behind these events and jointly create a healthier and more rational social environment.

However, it should be noted that the comments of Taiwanese media do not necessarily represent the views of all Taiwanese people, and everyone's views may differ depending on personal positions, values and other factors. Therefore, when looking at these reviews, we should also maintain a rational and objective attitude, and not blindly follow the trend or over-interpret.

Is Big S crazy? confiscated his daughter's mobile phone and broke with the Wang family Netizens exclaimed: This operation is too crazy

Analyzing the recent events of Big S from a personal perspective, I think this is a complex and challenging moment.

First of all, everyone has times when their emotions are out of control, especially when they are facing a lot of stress or distress. As a public figure, Big S's private life is often in the spotlight, which may have put extra pressure on her. At the same time, she may also be experiencing some family or emotional challenges that may be beyond her ability to cope, causing her to develop emotionally uncontrollable behaviors.

Secondly, Big S confiscated the child's mobile phone and cut off contact with her family, which may have been a decision she made under emotional impulse. This behavior may be motivated by an instinct to protect yourself and your children, but it can also have a range of undesirable consequences. Tensions in family relationships and psychological stress in children can be exacerbated as a result.

Is Big S crazy? confiscated his daughter's mobile phone and broke with the Wang family Netizens exclaimed: This operation is too crazy

However, we can't judge the behavior of Big S completely from the superficial phenomenon. She may be going through a tough time and needs time and space to adjust her mindset. We should give her a certain amount of understanding and support, instead of blindly blaming and speculating.

For Big S, she can try to calm down and find a more effective way to cope. In-depth communication with family and friends, seeking their support and understanding, may help her better cope with the current situation. At the same time, she can also consider seeking professional psychological counseling to better manage her emotional problems.

Is Big S crazy? confiscated his daughter's mobile phone and broke with the Wang family Netizens exclaimed: This operation is too crazy

In general, the recent events of Big S are a complex issue, involving many aspects such as personal feelings, family relationships, and public attention. We need to understand and analyze from multiple perspectives, give her appropriate support and understanding, and hope that she can get out of the predicament as soon as possible and regain happiness and balance.

Final comment

Judging from the recent events of Big S, it is not difficult for us to find that this is a period full of challenges and pressure. Whether it's family strife or emotional issues, it can have an impact on her mood and behavior. However, as a public figure, her behavior has received extra attention and amplification, which undoubtedly increases her psychological pressure.

Is Big S crazy? confiscated his daughter's mobile phone and broke with the Wang family Netizens exclaimed: This operation is too crazy

From a personal point of view, Big S may be experiencing an emotional dilemma and needs time and space to adjust his mentality. Although her behavior seems out of control, there may be deeper emotional struggles and distress behind it. Therefore, we should give her a certain understanding and support, instead of blindly blaming and speculating.

At the same time, Big S also needs to be aware of the negative impact his behavior may have on his children and family. Tension in family relationships and psychological stress in children are issues that cannot be ignored. She should actively seek solutions to her problems, communicate deeply with family and friends, and face the current difficulties together.

Is Big S crazy? confiscated his daughter's mobile phone and broke with the Wang family Netizens exclaimed: This operation is too crazy

In addition, we should also maintain a rational and objective attitude towards the public. Everyone has their own difficulties and dilemmas, and we need to treat each other with tolerance and kindness. Excessive speculation and accusations will only exacerbate the contradictions and are not conducive to the solution of the problem.

Finally, I hope that Big S can get out of the predicament as soon as possible and find inner peace and happiness. Whether it is through professional psychological counseling or communication with her family, I hope that she can find a way that suits her, face and solve problems. At the same time, we also expect her to face the challenges of the future with a more mature and rational attitude, and continue to show her charm and talent.

Is Big S crazy? confiscated his daughter's mobile phone and broke with the Wang family Netizens exclaimed: This operation is too crazy


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