
The People's Liberation Army (PLA) strongly warns that Taiwan is once again deserting, and he has just joined the army two days ago and escaped over the wall

author:Southwind Science

There are not many days left before he takes office as the leader of the Taiwan region on 20 May, and Lai Qingde has recently been busy with cabinet personnel appointments, but judging from the results, in addition to continuing to move forward along Tsai Ing-wen's "Taiwan independence" line, Lai Qingde is afraid that he will take the most crucial step forward in "Taiwan independence," that is, to make the Taiwan military "green," to make the Taiwan military a military force that the DPP can control, and to become the hardest military card in Lai Qingde's hands.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) strongly warns that Taiwan is once again deserting, and he has just joined the army two days ago and escaped over the wall

It can be said that if Lai Qingde achieves this step, then Lai Qingde will indeed have the ability to detonate the Taiwan Strait, and of course this capability will still have to be cooperated with the United States. However, this is very dangerous for the mainland, and before he really came to power, Lai Qingde made such a dangerous act, and if the Japanese backstage army is completely controlled by the DPP, then it cannot be ruled out that Lai Qingde has the idea of wanting to make a showdown with the mainland.

In April, Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland and the Taiwan earthquake occurred two major events, which can be said to be related to the vital interests of the Taiwan people, and natural disasters are difficult to avoid, but war and peace can be chosen. When Ma Ying-jeou visited the mainland, the mainland said that the two sides of the strait are one family, and there is nothing to say or discuss, and it can be said that he is full of sincerity.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) strongly warns that Taiwan is once again deserting, and he has just joined the army two days ago and escaped over the wall

Not only that, in order to release goodwill, the mainland has also stopped the normalized military exercises around Taiwan for a few days, and the Taiwan media and relevant experts and scholars have also made relevant interpretations of this, and I believe the people of Taiwan have also seen it. However, the DPP authorities obviously do not have such an idea that the two sides of the strait are close to each other, because it can be seen from Lai Qingde's personnel appointment.

In particular, Zheng Ying-yao was appointed Taiwan's "Minister of Education"; Lin Jialong was appointed Taiwan's "Minister of Foreign Affairs"; Zheng Lijun was appointed "Vice President of the Executive Yuan"; Wu Zhaoxie was appointed secretary general of Taiwan's "National Security Council," and Gu Li-hsiung was appointed Taiwan's "Minister of National Defense." These people are all real "Taiwan independence elements," and it can be seen that in addition to continuing to promote "de-Sinicization," Lai Qingde also wants to further control the armed forces and make the Taiwan armed forces truly "green."

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) strongly warns that Taiwan is once again deserting, and he has just joined the army two days ago and escaped over the wall

On 14 April, Taiwan's defense department suddenly released the latest developments of the PLA, showing that from about 11:50 a.m., the PLA dispatched 18 sorties of Jian-10, Y-8, and unmanned main and auxiliary fighters to the sea, of which 11 flew directly over the "center line of the strait" and its extension, and entered the airspace of northern, central, and southwestern Taiwan to cooperate with PLA warships to carry out "joint combat readiness patrols."

Against the backdrop of such a huge disparity in military strength between the two sides of the strait, the Taiwan authorities' attempt to confront the mainland can simply be said to be a fool's dream; Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, and no person, any force, or any country wants to change this fact, and the ultimate outcome of "Taiwan independence" is a dead end.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) strongly warns that Taiwan is once again deserting, and he has just joined the army two days ago and escaped over the wall

According to Taiwan media reports, the 203rd Infantry Brigade of the Eighth Army of the Taiwan Army in Tainan City, at 6:30 p.m. on April 11, there was an incident in which a soldier surnamed Liu disappeared for no reason. However, the report shows that the soldier surnamed Liu suddenly re-entered the barracks two days after he disappeared, and the Eighth Army Corps of the Taiwan Army also released the latest draft, saying that the soldier surnamed Liu would be severely punished in accordance with the principle of "simultaneous punishment and punishment" in accordance with the principle of "simultaneous criminal punishment" and sent a letter to the gendarmerie to investigate and deal with it according to law.

Although Lai Qingde intends to "green" the Taiwan military and become a military trump card against the mainland on the road to "Taiwan independence," it is obvious that the front-line soldiers of the Taiwan army do not think so, and we can find from the Taiwan media reports that cases of desertion in the Taiwan army are becoming more and more frequent. One year after Tsai Ing-wen announced the extension of compulsory service, there were continuous reports in the Taiwan media at that time, saying that with the tension between the two sides of the strait, young people in Taiwan will resist becoming soldiers, and even if they enter the barracks, there will continue to be deserters.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) strongly warns that Taiwan is once again deserting, and he has just joined the army two days ago and escaped over the wall

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