
The "plaque" in the blood vessels may shrink or even disappear?!

author:Qingbaijiang Business

Source: CCTV Life Circle

With the popularity of medical checkups

More and more people are discovering it

I have plaque in my carotid artery

Many circle members are worried

After the carotid plaque is detected

Does it mean that the stroke will come immediately?

Is there a way to reverse and shrink plaque?

The "plaque" in the blood vessels may shrink or even disappear?!

Zhang Le, Vice President of Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Chief Physician of the Department of Neurology

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What is carotid plaque?

When there are many lipid particles in the blood, if these particles cannot be excreted from the body in time, they will be deposited on the blood vessel wall and form vascular plaque through some immune reactions in the blood vessels. If plaque is present in the carotid artery, it is called a carotid plaque.

Early carotid plaque may not cause discomfort. However, when the carotid artery plaque reaches the later stage, with the increase of plaque, the blood vessels appear severely narrowed, and the head will be ischemia and hypoxia, resulting in dizziness and headache.

Once the carotid plaque is removed, it will enter the brain along the bloodstream, blocking the relatively small blood vessels at the distal end, forming a stroke, that is, stroke, hemiplegia, aphasia, crooked corners of the mouth, and even impaired consciousness.

The "plaque" in the blood vessels may shrink or even disappear?!

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Carotid plaque

What are the risk factors?

High blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, smoking, alcoholism, lack of exercise, and salty and oily diet are all risk factors for the formation of carotid plaque.

In addition to this, as we age, the natural aging of blood vessels increases the probability of developing carotid plaque.

In general, color ultrasonography of the neck blood vessels or transcranial Doppler examination can help detect carotid plaque.

The "plaque" in the blood vessels may shrink or even disappear?!

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The key to reversing "plaque" is to control cholesterol

With effective lipid-lowering treatments, lifestyle changes, and good control of LDL cholesterol, plaque may be reversed.

At present, the goals of LDL cholesterol treatment specified or required by the Chinese Guidelines for the Management of Blood Lipids (2023) are:

Less than 1.8 mmol/L, or even 1.4 mmol/L.

However, plaque reversal takes time, and previous studies have also suggested that with effective treatment, the time of plaque reversal may take about 1~2 years, and this process still needs to be observed.

Comparatively, soft plaques are easier to reverse

If the surface of the plaque is not smooth and irregular, and the echo is weak, the plaque is generally rich in lipids, called soft plaques, which are relatively easier to reverse.

It should be noted that soft plaques are also easier to fall off, and the probability of causing stroke is also higher, which requires us to pay close attention to timely intervention and treatment.

The "plaque" in the blood vessels may shrink or even disappear?!

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Shrink plaque and do these 4 things

1. Diet to achieve "3 more and 1 less":

Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables:

Eat enough 500 grams of vegetables and 250 grams of fruits every day, and pay attention to the relatively low sugar content of fruits.

The "plaque" in the blood vessels may shrink or even disappear?!

Eat more whole grains:

Control your carbohydrate intake and eat as many whole grains as possible. Whole grains, oats, legumes, etc., which are rich in soluble dietary fiber, can help reduce the amount of cholesterol absorbed into the blood.

Eat more deep-sea fish:

Sardines, salmon, tuna and other deep-sea fish and their fish oil are rich in EPA and DHA, and it is advisable to eat them 2~3 times a week, preferably steamed.

Eat less high-fat foods:

Such as fatty meat, animal offal, animal oil, etc., eat less salt and sugar, strictly control the total calories, and avoid overweight and obesity.

2. Exercise:

Choose an exercise that suits you, and do it regularly, in moderation, and gradually. Generally, moderate-intensity aerobic exercise is appropriate, about 30~50 minutes each time, 3~5 times a week.

3. Quit smoking and drinking:

Smoking and alcohol abuse are risk factors for plaque formation, so try not to smoke, drink and stay away from second-hand smoke.

4. Control your blood pressure:

If the patient has carotid plaque and hypertension, it is necessary to control the blood pressure to 140/90mmHg so that it is possible to avoid some more serious consequences.

The "plaque" in the blood vessels may shrink or even disappear?!