
夏县:党建引领 "杏"福村民

author:Microscopic scriptures
夏县:党建引领 "杏"福村民
夏县:党建引领 "杏"福村民

On April 14, the golden sun apricots planted in the greenhouse of Xixiafeng Village, Huzhang Township, Xia County entered the ripening period, and the villagers selected and picked, sorted and packaged, and then shipped to Beijing, Shanghai and other places by shipping, grabbing the "fresh" into the supermarket and selling it at a good price.

夏县:党建引领 "杏"福村民
夏县:党建引领 "杏"福村民

In recent years, Huzhang Township, Xia County, according to the special geographical and climatic advantages of Emei Mountains, has actively played a leading role in party building, vigorously developed greenhouses, greenhouses, and field golden sun apricot fruit planting industries, and comprehensively promoted the integration of water and fertilizer, increased application of organic fertilizer, integrated pest control and other management technologies. (Special photographer: Zhang Xiufeng, Wu Shuguang)

Editor: Wei Honghui