
If you find these behaviors, report them immediately! Rewards can reach thousands of →

author:Luohu release

Gas cylinders are expired and scrapped, but they are still filling?

Inspection and testing are not in place

But gave a false report?

What should I do if I encounter a similar situation?

If you find these behaviors, report them immediately! Rewards can reach thousands of →

Don't panic!

Keep the evidence and report it now!

If the report is successful

Rewards can reach thousands of dollars!

Let's take a look at the details

If you find these behaviors, report them immediately! Rewards can reach thousands of →

In order to effectively standardize the filling, inspection and testing of gas cylinders

Crack down on illegal filling of gas cylinders in accordance with the law

and inspection and testing institutions issuing false inspection reports

Guangdong Provincial Market Supervision Department

It will be held for one month from March 26

Special law enforcement action on gas cylinders

In order to detect illegal acts in a timely manner and eliminate hidden dangers of accidents

Social supervision should be further strengthened

Fully mobilize the broad masses of the people

Enthusiasm to participate in "gas cylinder safety work".

In accordance with relevant regulations

The relevant matters are hereby announced as follows

If you find these behaviors, report them immediately! Rewards can reach thousands of →

Click on the image to view the original announcement

1. Scope of reporting and matters to be reported

(1) The gas cylinder filling unit has any of the following circumstances:

1. Engaging in the illegal act of filling gas cylinders without permission or filling beyond the permitted range.

2. Gas cylinder filling units have not been inspected within the filling period, scrapped gas cylinders, modified gas cylinders, refurbished gas cylinders, unknown origins (including gas cylinders manufactured without permission, uncoded, etc.), and gas cylinders that do not meet national standards.

3. Violations of gas cylinder filling units filling gas cylinders that are not registered in the unit.

4. The gas cylinder filling unit fails to carry out inspection and recording before and after filling in accordance with the regulations.

5. The violation of the gas cylinder filling unit to hand over the scrapped gas cylinder without destructive treatment to someone other than the gas cylinder inspection agency.

(2) The gas cylinder inspection and testing institution has any of the following acts:

1. The inspection and testing institution fails to carry out the inspection in accordance with the requirements of the safety technical specifications.

2. The inspectors of the inspection and testing institutions have their names or false signatures.

3. The inspection and testing institution issues a false report.

4. Inspection and testing institutions transform or refurbish scrapped gas cylinders.

2. Reporting channels

The public can report through the following channels:

1. National 12315 hotline: 12315.

2. National 12315 platform:

3. Other Internet methods: WeChat official account "12315", WeChat mini program "12315", Alipay mini program "12315", Baidu mini program "12315".

4. Mail (visit): the location of the market supervision departments at all levels in the province.

3. Units for handling and rewarding reports

The market supervision departments at all levels in the province shall handle citizens' reports in accordance with the law, and the market supervision departments that have made punishment decisions shall be responsible for the specific implementation of the rewards for reporting.

Fourth, the way to report

Whistleblowers may report by telephone or letter to the whistleblower. The reported matter shall be objective and truthful, and the informant shall be responsible for the authenticity of the content of the report he provides, and shall not fabricate or distort the facts, and shall not falsely accuse or frame others. Those who deliberately fabricate facts in the name of reporting to falsely accuse others or engage in unfair competition are to be pursued for corresponding legal responsibility in accordance with law.

5. Encourage real-name reporting

Where the content of the real-name report is verified to be true, rewards are to be given in accordance with provisions. Where anonymous reports are made, rewards are to be given in accordance with the provisions of the "Interim Measures for Rewards for Reporting Major Violations in the Field of Market Regulation".

6. Award standards

(1) Provide detailed facts and direct evidence of the reported party's violation, the content of the report is completely consistent with the facts of the violation, and where the reported matter is verified to be a particularly serious illegal act or suspected of a crime, a reward of 5% of the fine or confiscated amount is to be given. If it is less than 5,000 yuan according to this calculation, a reward of 5,000 yuan will be given.

(2) Provide the facts and direct evidence of the reported party's violation, and the content of the report is completely consistent with the facts of the violation, a reward of 3% of the fine or confiscation is to be given. If it is less than 3,000 yuan according to this calculation, a reward of 3,000 yuan will be given.

(3) Provide the basic facts of the reported party's violation and relevant evidence, and where the content of the report is basically consistent with the facts of the violation, a reward of 1% of the fines and forfeitures is to be given. If it is less than 1,000 yuan according to this calculation, a reward of 1,000 yuan will be given.

7. Circumstances in which no reward is given

In any of the following circumstances, no reward will be given:

(1) Reports by staff of the market regulation departments and their immediate family members, or persons with legally-prescribed oversight and reporting obligations.

(2) Reports by the infringed party and its authorized agent or interested party.

(3) Reports from persons who have committed illegal acts (except for internal whistleblowers).

(4) There is evidence showing that the informant received various forms of remuneration or rewards from other administrative departments or market entities for the reported conduct, or there is evidence showing that the informant used the report to seek personal remuneration or other benefits by means such as intimidation, extortion, or coercion.

(5) Other circumstances that do not comply with the provisions of laws and regulations.

8. Protection of rights and interests

The market regulation departments at all levels protect the lawful rights and interests of informants in accordance with law, strictly maintain the confidentiality of informants, and must not disclose relevant information of informants.

9. Duration of the announcement

The validity period of this announcement is: from the date of announcement to May 1, 2024.

Eliminate the hidden danger of accidents

Guarding the safety of Shenzhen

We need everyone to work together

Looking forward to you with a sense of justice and responsibility

Actively participate in the report of illegal acts

Information source: Shenzhen Market Regulation, Guangdong Market Regulation, Shenzhen Special Zone Daily

Overall integration: Luohu release

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