
Education: Kindergarten class, cooking experience for 3 years

author:Love Jinan news client

  Recently, the Xuhai Road Kindergarten in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province is on fire!

  Ground pot chicken, pork with seeds, rice noodles, stir-fried clams, steamed sea bass, glutinous rice balls, dried garlic sprouts, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and then wrap up dumplings...... "Brother Kid" and "Sister Kid" will give you a whole table of Chinese New Year's Eve rice, no problem.

  Chop vegetables, stir-fry, roll noodles, stir-fry noodles, baked buns, steam rice, stuff sausages, grind soy milk, and then wipe the stove and brush the dishes...... is six years old, has three years of cooking experience, and is very busy, and netizens call it "distressing" to be proficient.

Education: Kindergarten class, cooking experience for 3 years
Education: Kindergarten class, cooking experience for 3 years

  The fire is in this spring, but in fact, Xuhai Road Kindergarten has been opening a labor experience activity focusing on fire cooking for four years. Since Jiangsu Province has comprehensively promoted the "Kindergarten Curriculum Gamification Project" and deeply corrected the trend of "primary schooling" in kindergartens, this active exploration kindergarten has moved the venue of labor experience activities to the outdoors where you can perceive the four o'clock, and moved to the stove full of fireworks.


  The explosive labor experience activity originated from a hawthorn tree

  In the kindergarten, there is a big rooster who loves to crow, and the chicken feathers have fallen off, and the teacher is not cleaning up the garbage, but picking them up and taking the children to make chicken feather shuttlecocks together, so the sports activities have one more fun - kicking the shuttlecock.

  Instead of watching the flowers fall, it is better to take the children to pick them to make plant rubbing, so in the handicraft experience activity, the children knocked and beat on a handkerchief that stretched out the shape of cherry blossoms, retaining the beauty of the fleet.

  In this kindergarten, teachers like to take children to "explore a few steps further". Therefore, when the hawthorn tree next to the goldfish pond bears fruit, and the children pick up a bag of red fruits, they think, why can't the autumn fruits picked in autumn be enjoyed in the good autumn light?

Education: Kindergarten class, cooking experience for 3 years

  Zhang Qian, the director of this kindergarten, laughed at himself as "picking up the king of rags", and would always turn waste into treasure unexpectedly. Zhang Qian introduced, this experience activity is the characteristics of the park, focusing on guiding children to experience the labor project within their ability, stimulate children's enthusiasm for labor, every day by the park three middle class and three large class take turns to participate, to the game time, there will be twenty or thirty children wearing small kitchen hats, come to the hawthorn tree under the "big show cooking". Some parents will take the initiative to ask the teacher to "let my child do more work", and some even send firewood for the stove. Going to school is something that children look forward to.


  Of course, I am afraid of risks, and I am even more afraid that I will not be able to give my children a happy childhood

  After all, it is an open fire stove, and many netizens have also raised their concerns, fearing that young children will be cut and scalded during the operation.

  The teachers in the park are naturally more concerned about safety. Before the hands-on work experience, they will teach the children basic cooking knowledge and demonstrate how to use kitchen utensils safely. The children use plastic knives, wear transparent protective masks and gloves when cooking, and try to "keep their skin exposed" as much as possible.

Education: Kindergarten class, cooking experience for 3 years

  In the process of cooking the fire, the teacher guides the whole process, and the steps with a certain degree of difficulty and danger such as lighting the fire are mainly completed by the teacher, and the children are responsible for the simple part of the operation. So, why is it willing to take a certain risk and carry out labor experience activities of cooking on a fire every day? Zhang Qian, the director of the park, said frankly that the premise must be that the park will do its best to do a good job of safety protection, and it is also afraid of risks, but it is even more afraid that it will not be able to give the children an unforgettable childhood. Fortunately, when the children cooked, the active state of "I child becomes E child in seconds", as well as the praise and support from parents, made her feel a lot more at ease. A parent who put his second child in this kindergarten said that he did not want to give up the opportunity to train his children to work independently because of choking, "even if it is scratched, I will not blame the kindergarten, and the child will not grow up if he does not fall a few heels." Compared with "skin trauma", he is more afraid that his children are too pampered and can't endure a little hardship. "I didn't know that my son could make dumplings", "He took the initiative to tell me, Mom, I'm going to fry eggs today", "I don't play with my mobile phone, I will take the initiative to help the family take out the garbage"...... The children's surprise performances outside the classroom have made parents more recognize and trust this kindergarten, and have the "courage to let go".

Education: Kindergarten class, cooking experience for 3 years

  And knowledge, in front of the stove, becomes colorful, tangible, and grounded. When the pot was hot, the teacher poured a bowl of water into the pot, and the children immediately saw the "change of water" and "the power of fire". Under the hawthorn tree, the children who are happy in it "don't have time to cry when they fall", they are even more afraid of taking a slow beat, and the fun of chopping vegetables, mixing noodles, and washing dishes will not be their turn. It's a little bit of a dispute, and I can't take care of the emotions, because it's fun to stir-fry in a quarrel.


  The kindergarten has a wall, but there are no netizens who will question the necessity of cooking outdoors, and it can still be done indoors, does it have to be outdoors? Is it not good to use the tossing time to teach children more cultural knowledge? Zhang Qian, the director of the post-80s kindergarten, grew up in the local countryside, and has dealt with the mountain wind and forest birds since he was a child. She led the teacher to set up a breeding area in the park, raising peacocks, squirrels, Cole ducks, rabbits, and pigeons, which are playmates who make children know how to "take care" and have a "sense of responsibility". When making scrambled eggs with tomatoes, the children go to the chicken coop to pick up the freshly laid eggs and count them as they go. There are cherry trees, apple trees, apricot trees, and pomegranate trees in the orchard, and when the children are tired of baking cakes, they play swings under the cherry trees.

Education: Kindergarten class, cooking experience for 3 years

  In Zhang Qian's view, "a day's life is a course", but life is not just a desk and bench, the source of knowledge is not only in teaching aids and books. The lessons are in the classroom, but also in life, in nature. There will be a radius in the classroom, but there is no such thing as education, and when you are outside, the children's classroom is heaven and earth. So, don't underestimate the fun and meaning of cooking a meal outside. The process of kneading the Qingtuan and wrapping elm money nests is called "pinching spring" in the children. Getting close to spring can also be a matter of opening up the five senses, washing spring vegetables, stretching out a small hand to pinch the dough that is "more fun than plasticine", steaming seasonal delicacies, and eating "spring" into the stomach. In summer, make a cold powder to cool off, pick hawthorn on the tree in autumn, and in winter, stir-fry peanuts and melon seeds with pot gas to warm your hands. They keenly captured the beauty of phenological changes, appreciated the sense of ritual brought by the flow of solar terms, were familiar with the inheritance of traditional folk culture, got close to the characteristic products of their hometown, and also improved their labor enthusiasm and skills, and cultivated a way of life that is good at capturing the joy of life.

Education: Kindergarten class, cooking experience for 3 years

  After all, all learning and education will eventually return to life. When making dumplings, the children who roll the skin will remind the children who cut the ingredients, "Stop playing, cut quickly, otherwise you won't be able to eat it." Playful children don't need to be taught to work together, introverted children become brave to communicate in order to solve problems, and when the food is out of the pot, the plate is full of children's confidence and sense of gain. The teachers also found that they were not afraid to do too much, but they were afraid that they would not eat enough. Kindergarten and Kindergarten children will give fried jelly beans to their younger siblings who come to join in the fun, and they will also take home pickled dried radishes for their parents to taste, which is a precious "sharing". In close communication with parents, a teacher who has been teaching for 15 years found that in the past, the favorite question that parents used to ask their children was "what did you learn in kindergarten today", but now it is "are you happy in kindergarten today". She believes that the educational philosophy of some post-80s, post-90s and even post-00s parents is also changing, and they are more concerned about their children's feelings and moods in the preschool stage. When parents frequently report that their children shout to come to kindergarten early in order to enjoy the fun of labor, isn't it also a kind of educational success?

Education: Kindergarten class, cooking experience for 3 years

  In the link of "young and primary connection", Xuhai Road Kindergarten also received positive feedback. The children who graduated here went on to the local primary school, and after evaluating their performance, the school evaluated them as "highly focused", "significantly better in physical strength", and better in acquiring knowledge. These "de-primary" children are better integrated into primary school. 04

  "Life is not a track, but a wilderness" When we are watching the "little brother" and "little sister" who stir-fry and cook, what are we watching? Is there a kind of growth that is less painful? Is there a kind of excellence that is no longer defined only by scores? The child who is called "Chef Wu" is worshiped by his playmates because he can "flip the spoon", and he is shining in everyone's eyes. Teachers who have observed this change say that creating more opportunities for children to explore their potential actually means helping children to provide a source of confidence in life. After all, cooking is still a lifelong life skill, and being able to heal oneself and others with food at any time is not also a kind of success? Come to think of it, if you use the same "success template" to clamp down on a life that still has infinite possibilities, how can it not be painful? Let three or four years old carry the anxiety of thirty or forty years old, it is too heavy for children, and angels can't fly.

Education: Kindergarten class, cooking experience for 3 years

  A person's "success" should be like coming to the wilderness, stretching freely and running freely, because he has played his strengths, chased what he loves, and won what he wants. When asked the director what he thought of this popularity, she thanked netizens for their attention and the endless stream of visitors, and hoped that the kindergarten could return to daily life, "This is a small courtyard, a group of children, full of laughter and fireworks every day, in this small courtyard children grow up healthy and happy, and release their nature in the natural environment."

  She agrees with a sentence very much, "Life is not a track, but a wilderness, but the wind in the wilderness should not only be in the book, but also in the journey of thousands of miles." If the growth is non-stop after that, she and her colleagues are very ambitious, and they want to store enough fireworks for the children to warm their lives at the first station they stop.

  ▌Source of this article: CCTV News WeChat public account

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