
A simple fat-reducing meal, the meals are all there, the method is simple and delicious

author:Small taste

Recently fascinated by the taste of macaroni, occasionally want to be lazy, do not have a few dishes and a few soups to serve a family, will cook a noodle, fried rice to cope, see someone on this salad noodles, I rarely cook this kind of cold noodles, but the cold eating should be very suitable for spring, even if I do not like to eat salad dressings, I also like it very much. If you make it yourself, you can make adjustments whether it is on the seasoning or the side dish, so that it is not greasy to eat, and the guilt is much less.

A simple fat-reducing meal, the meals are all there, the method is simple and delicious

It is such a simple approach that actually brings me unexpected surprises, macaroni has a little advantage is that it does not slowly become dry with time or lumped together, with the time to get longer, macaroni will absorb the water of salad dressing, eat it is not greasy at all, very tasty. Today's salad not only has meat and vegetables, but also macaroni as a staple food to fill the stomach. With one dish you don't have to eat other foods.

A simple fat-reducing meal, the meals are all there, the method is simple and delicious

【Dish name】: Japanese macaroni pink salad

【Ingredient List】: Macaroni, sliced ham, cucumber, asparagus, carrot, egg, purple onion, olive oil, black pepper crumble, salad dressing, sea salt, Japanese soy sauce, yogurt.

【Cooking steps】:

1, first remove the skin of the onion, clean it and cut it into fine wires to prepare, put the cut onion into a small bowl, sprinkle with the right amount of salt, stir well, marinate for about 5 minutes, squeeze out the water and set aside.

A simple fat-reducing meal, the meals are all there, the method is simple and delicious
A simple fat-reducing meal, the meals are all there, the method is simple and delicious

2, after cleaning the carrots and cutting them into strips, cucumbers are the same, there are small partners who mind can peel, I did not peel, directly eat this is also very good. The ham is also cut into strips and prepared, washed and cut into small pieces for later use.

A simple fat-reducing meal, the meals are all there, the method is simple and delicious

3. Ingredients include olive oil, salad dressing, yogurt, soy sauce, ground black pepper, sea salt and eggs that have been boiled in advance.

A simple fat-reducing meal, the meals are all there, the method is simple and delicious

4, add the right amount of water to the pot, boil the water after adding 1 small spoon of salt, put the macaroni into the boiling, wait until the macaroni is about to cook, almost a few minutes when we put the asparagus and carrots are down to the pot together to blanch the water, the cooked macaroni, carrots and asparagus are drained after the water is fished out, and then the olive oil is also poured in, stirred evenly.

A simple fat-reducing meal, the meals are all there, the method is simple and delicious

5. Then we put the cucumber shreds, onions and ham together in the basin.

A simple fat-reducing meal, the meals are all there, the method is simple and delicious

6, then pour the soy sauce in, salad dressing, yogurt, a small amount of sea salt, black pepper crushed stir well, and finally add the cooked egg pieces, because the eggs are easy to crush, so it is recommended to put the eggs at the end. Simple and delicious macaroni salad, with refreshing onion cucumber, salty ham, rich salad sauce mixed with a macaroni salad, soft and sticky texture is rich, especially suitable for autumn you.

A simple fat-reducing meal, the meals are all there, the method is simple and delicious


1, the time of cooking macaroni can be in accordance with the instructions, we buy the packaging of macaroni is written on it, we can cook it according to the above time. My macaroni is easy to cook as long as it is cooked for 3 minutes, generally macaroni should be cooked for 6-7 minutes, the taste is moderate. If you prefer a more chewy texture, you can cook the noodles and then go through the cold water.

2, everyone likes to eat other side dishes can also be added, such as what kind of vegetables, seafood and the like can be.

3, in this dish I use a salad dressing, you can also change to ketchup, mayonnaise and so on.