
Within one day, bad news came from Japan and South Korea, and getting too close to the United States really didn't end well

author:铁血 Outpost

As everyone in the world knows, the United States has many allies behind it, and the reason why so many countries are willing to be the younger brothers is that in addition to the United States threatening them with its strong strength, there is another important reason, that is, following the United States can obtain certain benefits. To put it simply, the United States eats meat, and those pawns who follow behind can still drink a little soup. But this is all in the past, and the times are completely different now, and now not only is there no profit to be gained from following the United States, but it has become the most dangerous gamble, and it is the norm to suffer a major blow and become a victim. The twin brothers of Japan and South Korea are a case in point, as evidenced by the recent bad news that has come out of them.

Within one day, bad news came from Japan and South Korea, and getting too close to the United States really didn't end well

The first is Japan, according to relevant reports, the public approval rating of Fumio Kishida's cabinet has fallen to 16.6%, down 1.4 percentage points from last month's poll results, the lowest level since the establishment of the cabinet, and there is no way to fall. On the contrary, its disapproval rate has risen by 2 percentage points from last month's poll results to an unprecedented 59.4%.

Within one day, bad news came from Japan and South Korea, and getting too close to the United States really didn't end well

I wonder if Fumio Kishida still has the face to continue to sit in the prime minister's seat with such a low approval rating and extremely high disapproval rate? You must know that 16.6 percent in Japanese politics is a statistic that can "send" the prime minister from office. Based on this, it is not difficult to predict that in the face of this situation, if Fumio Kishida does not take the initiative to resign and slip away, he may step down early, and then it will really make people laugh out of their big teeth. It can be said that Fumio Kishida's situation is more difficult than that of his predecessor, "short-lived prime minister" Yoshihide Suga, and his so-called dream of long-term governance will be shattered in the near future.

Coincidentally, on the same day, something big happened in South Korea, and many heavyweight political figures such as the South Korean prime minister submitted their resignations one after another, setting off a wave of resignations. This move caused a huge shock in South Korean politics and attracted the attention of the whole world. I have to say that South Korea is really a bit different, if you don't do it well, you will automatically resign, and if you don't resign, you will be arrested and imprisoned. This is indeed quite interesting, just like the two-person turn in our Northeast, there are always so many dramas that people can't get enough of.

Within one day, bad news came from Japan and South Korea, and getting too close to the United States really didn't end well

The reason for this political earthquake is nothing more than the results of the election of South Korean parliamentarians, because the ruling party did not perform well in the previous day's election, which put the Yoon Suk-yeol government under great pressure. Although the head of the presidential secretariat of the presidential office has said that Yoon Suk-yeol will humbly accept the election results and work for national political reform and people's livelihood stability, senior officials do not seem to think so. There is no doubt that this collective resignation will be a bigger headache for Yoon Suk-yeol than if he lost the election, after all, it means that the "lame president" pattern has become a reality, and Yoon Suk-yeol's troubles for the next three years of his term will continue.

Within one day, bad news came from Japan and South Korea, and getting too close to the United States really didn't end well

In the final analysis, Fumio Kishida and Yoon Suk-yeol will fall into such a field as they are now, in fact, it is the inevitable result of their close adversity to the American prom, which may be what people often call self-inflicted evil. Finally, we also advise Fumio Kishida and Yoon Suk-yeol that they had better see the reality as soon as possible, and really think twice about what to do next.

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