
"Outline of the History of the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union": A "General Guide to Governance" that Connects the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union for Decades

author:Summer insects want to drink ice


"Outline of the History of the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union": A "General Guide to Governance" that Connects the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union for Decades

In the past 100 years, China has undergone earth-shaking changes, and among them, the influence of Soviet Russia is undoubtedly the most far-reaching. However, when we try to find out exactly where this effect manifests, it seems difficult to find a definite answer. Because the impact is multifaceted, complex, and varies from person to person.

For those who always follow the international situation, the influence of Soviet Russia is mainly reflected in geopolitics. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union became an important ally of China, and the alliance between the two countries not only stabilized China's international status, but also largely determined the political landscape in Asia and even the world. Even after the end of the Cold War, Russia remained an important partner of China, and the cooperation between the two countries involved energy, military, science and technology and other fields.

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Soviet Union provided China with a large amount of economic and military assistance, which helped China stabilize the domestic situation and promote the construction and development of the country. However, over time, a rift gradually appeared in Sino-Soviet relations, which eventually led to border clashes and ideological confrontations. This period of history not only profoundly affected the relations between China and the Soviet Union, but also shaped the model and strategy of China's foreign exchanges to a certain extent.

For those who pay attention to recent history, the influence of Soviet Russia is mainly reflected in the Soviet figure before and after the revolution and the Anti-Japanese War.

However, if the impact is far-reaching, it is far less than the two ends of the Soviet Union's history, the rise and fall, which fundamentally changed China's fate:

The rise of the Soviet Union and the October Revolution directly changed China's choice of path to modernity;

At the beginning of the 20th century, the October Revolution in the Soviet Union provided valuable experience and inspiration for the revolutionary movement in China and other countries. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Soviet Union provided China with a large amount of military aid and material support, and became an important force in China's resistance to Japanese aggression. These historical events not only changed the fate of China, but also affected the course of world history to a great extent.

"Outline of the History of the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union": A "General Guide to Governance" that Connects the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union for Decades

The demise of the Soviet Union and the collapse of the Soviet bloc in Eastern Europe were major events on a global scale, and they also provided valuable experience and lessons for all countries. The policy of opening up has become an irreversible path and an important way for the political, economic and social development of all countries. In the future, countries need to adhere to the policy of openness, strengthen international cooperation, and constantly improve and adjust their policies and strategies to achieve a more prosperous and prosperous future.

"Outline of the History of the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union": A "General Guide to Governance" that Connects the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union for Decades

Throughout history, China's two most important "revolutions" were based on the rise and fall of the Soviet Union, which finally established its own direction. If we cannot understand the rise and fall of the Soviet Union, we will not be able to see clearly the deep-seated problems of China's road to modernization, let alone the reality and future of China's problems.

For this reason, we especially recommend the "Outline of the History of the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union", so that we can look at the Soviet Union from the whole process of the rise and fall of the Soviet Union.

As we all know, for various reasons, there are very few books on the history of the Soviet Union. Due to political, cultural and historical reasons, it is difficult to find a book in China that can clearly and completely present the whole picture of the history of the Soviet Union. The reasons for this are not only the precipitation and changes of history, but also the fluctuations and changes of the political atmosphere. But fortunately, "Outline of the History of the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union" is an outlier, it is a comprehensive, in-depth and authoritative work on the history of the Soviet Union.

"Outline of the History of the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union" is not only reliable in historical data, comprehensive in content, but also excellent in academic quality, which meets almost all our expectations for Soviet history books. Most of the existing works on the history of the Soviet Union are slices of a certain aspect of the Soviet Union, such as Sino-Soviet relations, the Cold War, and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and they do not establish an overall grasp and overlook of the history of the Soviet Union from rise to decline, and it is difficult to truly understand the significance of these specific events.

However, the author of "Outline of the History of the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union" uses detailed historical materials and in-depth analysis to present us with a true and vivid history of the Soviet Union, and brings together the major events in the history of the Soviet Union over the past 70 years. From the birth of the Soviet Union to its disintegration, from Lenin's leadership to Gorbachev's reforms, every important historical node has been carefully sorted out and interpreted by the author.

What is even more commendable is that this work does not stop at a simple historical narrative, but deeply analyzes the deep-seated reasons and internal logic behind the history of the Soviet Union. It shows us that the history of the Soviet Union is not only a history of political and economic changes, but also a complex epic about human nature, ideals, power, society and other aspects.

"Outline of the History of the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union": A "General Guide to Governance" that Connects the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union for Decades

This Soviet version of the "General Guide to Governance," written with the strength of many authoritative experts, closely focuses on the clue of the rise and fall, runs through the major historical facts related to the rise and fall, and clearly sorts out the historical trajectory of the Soviet Union from prosperity to decline and even overturn.

"Outline of the History of the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union": A "General Guide to Governance" that Connects the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union for Decades

Generally speaking, how to present the truth and lessons of history is the first level that a good history book should reach. But this is very difficult for the history of the Soviet Union, because it has too many complicated entanglements with our historical reality, even if it is entangled. This also determines that when this book presents the truth of historical facts and reveals the lessons of the rise and fall of the Soviet Union, it will inevitably touch a deeper level. Therefore, there is no lack of subtle words in the book, and many unspeakable people are contained in the pen and ink. As we talk about Stalin—

"Outline of the History of the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union": A "General Guide to Governance" that Connects the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union for Decades

Not only did he not shy away from writing about how Stalin strengthened his rule on the three levels of "ideology, high centralization, and personal autocracy", but at the same time, he revealed the lessons and gained direct insights:

"Authoritarianism and ideological imprisonment in the field of culture have caused the lag of science and technology and economic development";
"How can such a party and such a country not deviate from the track, with all the great powers concentrated on this sick and weak old man, and such a myriad of things to be handled every day, mainly by his own mind......
"Outline of the History of the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union": A "General Guide to Governance" that Connects the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union for Decades

If you want to understand the Soviet Union, if you want to find a book that will really give you an in-depth understanding of the history of the Soviet Union, then this "Outline of the History of the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union" is undoubtedly the best choice for you. It will take you into the depths of the history of the Soviet Union and feel the magnificent years of that time.

Many people reject such a book that looks like a "canonical history" at first, but with a little patience, it will soon be full of fun. We are well aware of the value of this book, especially the long reprinting cycle, so we specially took the final stock from the publishing house, and now go to Douyin to search for "summer insects want to drink ice", click on the window after attention, search for this book, and you can collect it with one click.