
You don't need to know too much about stock trading, and you insist on "buying yin without buying yang, selling yang without selling yin", which is simple but very profitable

author:Stocks are discussed

As one of the ways of public investment and financial management, stock investment has been recognized by the majority of investors, and investing in the stock market has become a fashion. Investors want to make a lot of money in the stock market, but as an investment, there are profits and losses, and the proportion of losses is often relatively large. Some investors may think that making money in the stock market is nothing more than buying low and selling high, and then repeating the operation to make continuous profits. This seems to make a lot of sense and is true. However, this is not the case, and many times it is often not bought at a low point but sold at a low point, not sold when it should have been sold, and not bought when it should have been bought.

The reason for investment mistakes is that investors don't know how to grasp the buying and selling points. In other words, investors do not have a clear concept of when to buy and when to sell, let alone a reasonable stop-loss and take-profit plan, which is very dangerous in the stock market. In addition to paying attention to the numbers that change from time to time on the books, it is more important to pay attention to the risks and opportunities that come at any time, that is, to pay attention to the prompt signals of buying and selling points, only in this way can we be comfortable in the stock market, relax and achieve stable profits.

You don't need to know too much about stock trading, and you insist on "buying yin without buying yang, selling yang without selling yin", which is simple but very profitable

Many stockholders do not agree with the technology, and they have no mentality, and they always have a playful attitude, feeling that this little loss is nothing, and they are not in awe of the market, so they are actually doomed to the end at the beginning. The market is a game, only if you become stronger, can you earn, I have been in the stock market for many years, I have suffered losses, and I hope you can understand these points:

1. How much money you make is given by the market, and often you can't decide, but how much you lose is up to you.

2. The market is objective, and there is a clear distinction between love and hate when it is good and bad. When the market encounters a correction, the bottom is unclear, so it is necessary to follow the trend and wait and see.

3. The logic of the stock market is not quite the same as the logic of the world you are in, and the news you see has a lag and confusion.

4. Buy in disagreement and sell in agreement. Buying in disagreement refers to the fact that most people in the market are still in the stage of doubting a new theme, and when there is a disagreement, this is the time to intervene.

5. Don't make any excuses for losing money, willing to gamble and lose this is the rule here, don't play if you can't afford it.

6. Only make a faucet, not a miscellaneous hair. Whether it is short-term or medium-to-long-term, if you want to do it, you should be a leading stock, and don't waste time on weak stocks.

7. Strong stocks have risen sharply, and the shuffle has also been fierce, as long as the callback does not exceed 25%, and the chips of the main low-level position are still locked, you can continue to hold or intervene for the second time.

8. There is also a big difference between professional and amateur players, that is, professional players can adjust their strategies according to market changes at any time, while amateur players do not have this skill.

9. Stock speculation is neither a rigorous science, nor an uncertain gamble, but a superb art, and the essence of market fluctuations is the fluctuation of people's hearts.

10. The biggest difference between the practical school and the theoretical school is that the theoretical school pursues the perfection of the theoretical system too much, while the practical school can adapt to changes in market sentiment at any time, and the focus is completely different.

11. Slow is fast, fast is slow. In the stock market, the accumulation of wealth is fast and slow, and slow is fast. Huge profits are waiting, not trading!

12. Mentality is more important than technology, but whoever loses more will not have a good mentality, and the main means to make their mentality good is to control losses and learn to stop losses.

13. The unity of knowledge and action is more important, and many excellent people often use various social skills to disguise themselves in life, but not in trading. Trading is the truest reaction of your heart.

repeatedly memorized "buy yin without buying yang, sell yang without selling yin", and make a lot of money

1. Continuous gap three negative lines

The continuous gap triple black candlestick is a black candle with three consecutive downward gaps that appear in the course of a decline. As shown in Figure 1-1

You don't need to know too much about stock trading, and you insist on "buying yin without buying yang, selling yang without selling yin", which is simple but very profitable

Technical characteristics of the continuous gap triple black candle:

(1) Appears in a downtrend.

(2) There are three consecutive black candles with a downward gap and a low opening.

The technical meaning of the continuous gap triple black candle:

The continuous gap of the triple black candlestick is a bottoming signal.

There is a sentence in "Cao Di's Polemics": "One blow, then decline, three and exhaustion". This sentence shows that everything should not be done again and again. Confucius said that "too much" is also talking about "moderation", that is, "enough is enough". It's the same with the stock market, if things go too far, you have to turn back. The continuous gap of the three yin lines shows the fighting spirit of the empty side like a rainbow and the insolent arrogance of the world to the fullest, but the pole of things must be reversed, and the steel is easy to fold. Lao Tzu said that "the wind does not end, and the rain does not end", this is the law of nature, and the stock market can not be an exception. Therefore, the continuous gap triple black candlestick is a bottoming signal.

You don't need to know too much about stock trading, and you insist on "buying yin without buying yang, selling yang without selling yin", which is simple but very profitable

As shown in Figure 1-2, the share price of Shanghai Furen (600781) peaked and then plummeted. In the end, it closed three gaps in a row, all of which closed with a down limit (the stock was a special stock at that time). The bears were unprecedentedly strong, but the three drums were exhausted, and on the fourth day, the bulls began to launch a counterattack, closing a long white candle that pierced through the head and feet, and then the stock price stopped falling. Traders can enter the market to buy when the long white candlestick closes.

It should be reminded that the continuous gap of the three negative candles is not a buy signal, and whether the stock price or index stops falling still needs to be observed. In "Cao Di's Polemic", he said: "The husband is a big country, unpredictable, and afraid of ambush. It shows that even if the strong side is defeated, it should not be taken lightly. The continuous gap of the three negative candles fully demonstrates the strength of the bears, but even if the morale is exhausted, it is not necessarily defeated, and traders need to wait and be cautious.

Special Notes:

(1) The deeper the decline of the stock price or index, the greater the probability that the stock price or index will bottom out.

(2) If there is a long white candlestick to fill the third gap, then the reliability of the signal of the bottom of the continuous gap three black candles is greater.

(3) Stocks that have continuously closed out of the one-word down limit cannot be regarded as a continuous gap of three negative lines.

(4) If the three negative lines of continuous gaps are closed at the beginning of the decline, it just indicates that the bears are menacing and must be resolutely avoided. However, it is rare to have a continuous gap in the early stage of the decline.

(5) When closing out the continuous gap three negative lines, if the volume is significantly enlarged synchronously, the bottoming effect is stronger. Because the volume closed lower at the end of the decline, it is very likely that someone secretly suppressed the absorption.

Second, the continuous gap of the three yang line

The "continuous gap three white lines" generally appear in the process of rising stock prices. Judging from the situation of this pattern, the bulls are attacking very violently, and the K-line continues to gap high, and three white candles are closed in a row. This is shown in Figure 2-1.

You don't need to know too much about stock trading, and you insist on "buying yin without buying yang, selling yang without selling yin", which is simple but very profitable

Technical characteristics of continuous gap three-yang line:

(1) Appears in a rising market.

(2) It consists of three consecutive bullish candlesticks with a gap upwards and a high opening.

The technical meaning of the continuous gap three-white line:

The continuous gap of the three yang lines is a stagflation signal, and the market outlook is bearish.

The appearance of the continuous gap triple yang pattern shows that the strength of the bulls is very strong, and the bears have no room to fight back. However, when one side is strong enough to a certain extent, it often means that it is about to start to go downhill - the power of many sides is about to be exhausted, the short side will launch a counteroffensive, and there is a risk that the stock price will fall in the future.

Although the continuous gap is also a signal for the reversal of the early warning, due to the short-term rise is too strong, the stock price or index often turns up and down in a single day. Even if it is a rising relay, a short-term stock price correction is a high probability event. Short-term traders can reduce or liquidate their positions, and medium- to long-term traders can reduce their positions or hold their shares.

You don't need to know too much about stock trading, and you insist on "buying yin without buying yang, selling yang without selling yin", which is simple but very profitable

As shown in Figure 2-2, Tongda Venture (600647) continued to gap high on the way up, closing out three long white candlesticks, showing the aggressive spirit of the bulls. However, the bulls exhausted the last of their energy in the gap rise, and the bears took the opportunity to counterattack, and since then they have gone downhill. Traders can reduce their positions when the first black candle is lowered and close their positions when they break below the root of the last long white candle.

For a skyrocketing market similar to a continuous gap three-white candlestick pattern, traders can reduce or liquidate their positions when they see a peak K-line pattern such as a large stagflation and a long black candle, or when it falls below the 5-day moving average.

The specific operation strategy is as follows:

First, after the stock price has risen for a period of time into the high area, if there is a gap triple yang pattern at this time, it is likely to belong to the last attack of the bulls, and there is a risk that the stock price will peak and fall back in the future. Once the stock price rises and becomes weak, investors are advised to immediately execute a sell operation.

Second, in the gap triple yang pattern, if the last white line has a long upper shadow, it means that the stock price is selling very heavily above, and the bears have begun to launch a counteroffensive, and the probability of the future stock price downward is large.

Third, when the stock price is in the bottom area or at the beginning of the rise, it can only be regarded as the red three soldiers pattern or the three white warrior patterns, which has a strong bullish significance.

In the end, trading is actually an industry that talks to you, and if you think too complicated, you will trap yourself in the trap of thinking.

In the face of complex chaos, people are accustomed to seeking peace of mind about the fear of the unknown by creating a kind of complexity, and people's energy is limited after all. When you want to do everything, everything is limited to the level of superficial taste, and it is impossible to achieve better results by staying at the level that the public can recognize.

The same is true for trading, after so many years of development of various theories and technical indicators are like a kaleidoscope, compared with absorbing others' strengths, expertise is more important, although you can use a variety of different technical indicators to design a variety of different trading systems, which can be applied to different market conditions, but how do you choose the timing of use?

Traders who have just entered the trading industry will focus on analyzing the market, reading a lot of books every day, reviewing until midnight in order to be able to analyze tomorrow's ups and downs, in fact, this is the root cause of the complication of trading, in the face of unknown trends people will be afraid, dare not easily draw conclusions, will instinctively find a lot of evidence to support their views, in order to feel at ease, especially when you may face financial losses, this lack of security will increase exponentially.

The so-called indicators for analyzing price trends are actually not complicated, and even a line can be determined, even if inexperienced traders learn to use it for a few days will be more than enough, the actual situation is that traders may be at the beginning according to the moving average to determine the high probability of tomorrow's market, but I can't believe that it's that simple, so it depends on whether other indicators are golden crosses, whether they are in a rising form to support their views, and transactions are so complicated.

What is a mature trader? That is, when you see a certain line and come to the conclusion that there is a high probability of rising, you will not use other indicators to seek psychological comfort, but dare to resolutely implement according to this line.

When all operations no longer depend on forecasts and market sense, but only need to wait for the signals given by the trading system, you will feel the infinite charm of this simplicity and peace of mind. Therefore, clarify some trading rules, filter out some imaginary opportunities, and constantly improve their psychological quality, consistent trading is more and more, trading rules are getting simpler and simpler, and the results of trading are getting closer and closer to psychological expectations.