
After Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, the DPP authorities fought back, releasing poll data saying that most of them wanted to maintain the status quo

author:Sun Xuwen

Former Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan on April 11 after completing his visit to the mainland. After returning to Taipei, Ma Ying-jeou made a positive statement on his visit to the mainland.

Ma Ying-jeou talked about the fact that both sides of the strait are Chinese, stressed the importance of the two sides of the strait reaching the "consensus of '92," and reiterated that only on the basis of a common political foundation, that is, the "consensus of '92," can the two sides of the strait continue to carry out dialogue.

Although Ma Ying-jeou did not directly express his support for "peaceful reunification" between the two sides of the strait, this statement is in sharp contrast to last year's negative statement.

In fact, during his visit to the mainland, Ma Ying-jeou also reiterated the importance of the "consensus of '92," holding that the "consensus of '92" will help strengthen exchanges and communication between the two sides of the strait, reduce hostility between the two sides of the strait, and promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations.

After Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, the DPP authorities fought back, releasing poll data saying that most of them wanted to maintain the status quo

Mr ma

However, Ma Ying-jeou's argument was quickly countered by the DPP authorities.

Zhan Chih-hong, spokesman for Taiwan's "Mainland Affairs Council," said that Taiwan's position is to sit down for talks under the condition that the two sides of the strait do not preset any political preconditions. Zhan Zhihong also said that the Taiwan authorities' policy on the cross-strait issue has not changed over the past eight years, and he believes that the "consensus of '92" is not binding.

In addition, Zhan Zhihong also released a set of the latest poll data for Taiwanese society, which shows that the mainstream public opinion on the island is now to defend Taiwan's "sovereignty", maintain the status quo in the Taiwan Strait, and oppose the mainland's compound pressure action on Taiwan.

In addition, poll data shows that 88.8% of people in Taiwan support maintaining the status quo in a broad sense, of which 37.9% support maintaining the status quo forever. Therefore, Zhan Zhihong believes that the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan is still to maintain the status quo.

After Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, the DPP authorities fought back, releasing poll data saying that most of them wanted to maintain the status quo

As a result, Zhan Zhihong derived another set of theories, saying that the Taiwan authorities will continue to adhere to the "four positions" and grasp both soft and hard cross-strait issues to ensure peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. At the same time, Zhan Zhihong also issued an appeal, saying that he hoped that the mainland would respect Taiwan's "mainstream public opinion," pragmatically handle cross-strait differences, and jointly find a way to live in peace.

This also reflects a real problem, that is, the island is now entering a tangled political atmosphere, and wants to pursue "Taiwan independence" but is afraid of the mainland's deterrence by force, so it can only retreat to the second best thing and seek the so-called "maintenance of the status quo." The question, however, lies in the fact that the argument of "maintaining the status quo" is not the key to hindering cross-strait exchanges and stability in the Taiwan Strait, and the question is that the DPP authorities, under the argument of "maintaining the status quo," have been constantly promoting the development of "Taiwan independence" forces on the island of Taiwan.

In particular, after Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland, Lai Qingde's personnel appointments included a large number of "Taiwan independence" political figures, and it was clear that he wanted to sing a confrontational show with Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland. The most typical is the appointment of Zheng Lijun as the deputy head of the administrative agency. This person is a typical "Taiwan independence" element in the cultural and educational fields on the island, and one of the key reasons for Lai Qingde to put him in office is to engage in "cultural Taiwan independence." This move is obviously aimed at "Chinese culture."

After Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, the DPP authorities fought back, releasing poll data saying that most of them wanted to maintain the status quo

At present, the new generation of young people in Taiwan has grown up in the "Taiwan independence curriculum," and their identification with the Chinese nation has been markedly weakened; even so, Lai Ching-te wants to turn Taiwan's culture and education into "Taiwan independence," which also means that the island will become "naturally independent" from generation to generation.

In the personnel appointments of Taiwan's "foreign affairs department," "Taiwan independence" figure Lin Jialong was appointed as the person in charge, and he is also a senior politician in the green camp on the island, and even his "Taiwan independence" tendencies are tougher than Wu Zhaokun, and this is doomed to the DPP authorities to take the initiative in attacking international issues in the future, and even to attack the membership status of various international organizations.

As far as the DPP is concerned, the so-called "maintaining the status quo" is nothing more than a method by the DPP authorities to gain time and exchange time for space, and its real purpose is to enable the "Taiwan independence" forces to flourish on the island and even truly become the mainstream public opinion on the island, because only in this way can the DPP authorities' "Taiwan independence" idea be gradually implemented, and even take the final step to declare Taiwan an independent "country."

After Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, the DPP authorities fought back, releasing poll data saying that most of them wanted to maintain the status quo

Therefore, on the cross-strait issue, the mainland must seize the initiative, especially on the basis of the so-called "maintenance of the status quo," and must not allow the DPP authorities to act recklessly; in particular, it can define the so-called "maintenance of the status quo" and emphasize that once certain conditions are met, then the mainland will certainly take measures to lock up the development and spread of the "Taiwan independence" forces on the island.

Of course, in line with the principle that the Chinese will not fight the Chinese, the mainland will still strive for peaceful reunification between the two sides of the strait with the greatest sincerity in the future, and the danger of fighting in the Taiwan Strait is not the most preferred, but on this issue we must also have the ability to ensure the solution of the problem by force; after all, force is not only the last resort, but also the most powerful guarantee for peaceful reunification.