
Pay attention in the near future! Don't wear this kind of clothing when you go out

author:Ma'anshan release

Caution! Caution!

These annoying spring and summer seasons


Sometimes when walking on the road, some small flying insects will inexplicably appear on the clothes, and the scalp will be numb at a glance

Pay attention in the near future! Don't wear this kind of clothing when you go out

Source: N Video

Some netizens are even studying them↓↓↓

Pay attention in the near future! Don't wear this kind of clothing when you go out
Pay attention in the near future! Don't wear this kind of clothing when you go out

Let's find out what these annoying flying insects are all about


It mostly occurs in spring and summer, and prefers yellow-green

According to experts, this unidentified flying insect is called "thrips"

Pay attention in the near future! Don't wear this kind of clothing when you go out

There are in the south, and there are many in the north in spring and summer, and the environment of 20 °C is more suitable for growth, the size of a bean grain, the body is slender, the tail is pointy, and there is a hook, and there is a great smell after pinching death

Thrips love yellow and green, which is more lethal to plants, so you can reduce wearing yellow and green clothes

The terrible thing is that some people are bitten by thrips, and then they have a very itchy phenomenon, so will thrips cause harm to people?

Thrips can cause itching in humans, but they are harmless

Although thrips are "disgusting and can't shake off", it is not harmful to the human body, but after being bitten, there is a little pain and itching, and it will not suck the blood of animals

Pay attention in the near future! Don't wear this kind of clothing when you go out

If you are bitten by thrips, just drive the thrips away and apply wind oil essence or body lotion to the bitten area

In particular, it needs to be reminded that once the flying insect enters the eye, do not rub it casually, because the insect foot with barbs can easily lead to edema of the conjunctiva of the eyeball, corneal epithelium shedding, and can be washed with tears or blinked

But since thrips like yellow, green, silver-gray, etc., it has been around for a while

Wear less clothes of this color

In addition, thrips are more lethal to plants

Always have some insecticides at home, and spray green plants every week if necessary

Why yellow and green clothes are more attractive to small flying insects

This starts with the tropism of insects, which is the movement of insects to a certain stimulus in a tendency or back, simply put, insects will fly in the direction of the environment that attracts it, such as temperature, light, chemicals, etc., there are thermotaxis, phototaxis, chemotaxis and other habits.

Many insects are migritistic to certain colors. A variety of pests such as aphids, thistles (jì) horses, small green leafhoppers, whiteflies, whiteflies, spotted flyers, yellow curlop jumping beetles, mushroom (xùn) mosquitoes and other pests are sensitive to yellow and have very strong yellowism.

Get rid of thrips and remember these four tricks

1. Some people may have allergies due to being crawled on their body by small bugs, remember to shake it off directly, and don't slap the bugs.

2. When small flying insects get into the eyes by mistake, it is recommended not to rub the eyes and wash them off with water.

3. Try to avoid wearing yellow and green clothes.

4. The green plants on the balcony can be controlled by hanging the yellow sticky insect board 10 cm above the plant, spraying soapy water, and pruning the brown "dumpling-like" gall.

Pay attention in the near future! Don't wear this kind of clothing when you go out

As the temperature gradually rises, mosquitoes begin to become active, and some bugs still need to be handled with extra care, and improper handling may even cause serious consequences

In addition to yellow and green, what color clothes do you think are the most attractive to wear?

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Source: Fuzhou Evening News, People's Daily Science Popularization

Popular Science China WeChat public account, etc

Editor: Yu Xuan Proofreader: Zhang Huiling

审核:陈敏娟 审签:秦 俊

Pay attention in the near future! Don't wear this kind of clothing when you go out