
In the War of Liberation, why was Guan Linzheng, who was stronger than Du Yuming, abandoned by Lao Jiang Xuezang?

author:Rain field view of the sea of history

In the War of Liberation, the generals of the Huangpu department who had experienced the baptism of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression had grown into the mainstay of the Central Army of the National Army, among which the first phase of Huangpu, headed by Du Yuming, Zheng Dongguo, Song Xilian and Hu Zongnan, became the decision-making commanders of their respective theaters. In particular, Du Yuming successively served as the commander of the Northeast Security Command, the deputy general of the Northeast and Xuzhou Suppression (de facto commander), and his status within the national army was close to that of Tang Enbo, Liu Zhi and other generals of the older generation.

However, compared with the star-studded Du Yuming, there is a first-phase graduate who is much darker, and this person is also a famous general from Shaanxi and Huangpu Phase I:

As the second corps commander and commander-in-chief of the group army after Hu Zongnan among the Whampoa students of the National Army, the ace of the 25th Division nicknamed "Qianliju" and the spokesman of the 52nd Army of the "Iron Fist Army", Guan Linzheng played very few times during the Liberation War.

Many people said that Guan Linzheng was abandoned, saying that he was excluded from the conflict with Du Yuming, and some people said that he was unwilling to die for Lao Jiang?

So in this issue, let's analyze with Yutianjun what is the real reason why Guan Linzheng was abandoned in the Liberation War......

In the War of Liberation, why was Guan Linzheng, who was stronger than Du Yuming, abandoned by Lao Jiang Xuezang?

Guan Linzheng

Whampoa Iron Fist, domineering elder brother,

Guan Linzheng was born in Shaanxi in 1905 in a family that has been farming for generations, and Guan Linzheng is taller and stronger than other children, so the villagers ridiculed that such a figure should go to the army to "carry a gun and eat imperial food".

And when he was 19 years old, Guan Linzheng really went south to Guangzhou alone to join the Whampoa Military Academy and became a cadet of the first phase of the infantry department.

Because of his meticulous training on weekdays, and he often considers himself the president of Shaanxi Huangpu students, he is also known as "Huangpu Senior Brother".

In the War of Liberation, why was Guan Linzheng, who was stronger than Du Yuming, abandoned by Lao Jiang Xuezang?

Guan Linzheng during the Whampoa period

After graduating in 1925, Guan Linzheng also joined the crusade against Chen Jiongming like many first-class students, during which he and Zheng Dongguo, Chen Geng and others joined the death squad and bravely climbed to the head of Tamsui City, but in the subsequent battle, because of a foot injury, he could only go to the rear to recuperate.

After the start of the Northern Expedition, Guan Linzheng joined the 1st Army composed of teachers and students of Whampoa, served as the commander of the military police battalion, and acted as the head of the regiment, but when he was stationed in Nanchang, because of the plundering and disturbance of public security, he was directly driven to Nanjing by Mr. Zhu, who was in charge of the Nanchang guard at that time, and also served as the commander of the 11th Division during his stay in Nanjing.

After the start of the Central Plains War, Lao Jiang established 2 instructors in his own descendant troops, and Guan Linzheng was the commander of the 2nd Division under Zhang Zhizhong, who performed well in the Central Plains War, defeated the offensive of the Northwest Army many times, and even covered the retreat of Lao Jiang who was alone on the battlefield.

In the War of Liberation, why was Guan Linzheng, who was stronger than Du Yuming, abandoned by Lao Jiang Xuezang?

of the Crusade

After the Great War in the Central Plains, Guan Linzheng, who was highly regarded, was also promoted to the brigade commander of the 4th Division (adapted from the 2nd Division).

Subsequently, the 4th Division was renamed the 25th Division, during which Guan Linzheng met his fellow countryman and classmate who did not often move around during the military academy - Du Yuming, both of whom worshiped under the command of Xu Tingyao, the master of armor of the national army, but at this time Guan Linzheng was a noble brigade commander, and Du Yuming was the commander of his regiment.

In the War of Liberation, why was Guan Linzheng, who was stronger than Du Yuming, abandoned by Lao Jiang Xuezang?

Du Lian-ming

In the 1932 attack on the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet area, Guan Linzheng was beaten by our army's famous general Kuang Jixun and could only shrink in Huoqiu City, if it were not for Du Yuming's timely rescue, I am afraid that he would have become a prisoner of our army, and Du Yuming, who made meritorious service, was also promoted to the deputy commander of the brigade, and Guan Linzheng's partner.

Perhaps because he was ashamed to be relieved by Du Yuming, a poor student of Whampoa, and because of the disagreement in concept, Guan Linzheng and Du Yuming's partner was not happy.

In 1933, Xu Tingyao's 25th Division was expanded to the 17th Army, and Guan Linzheng took over as the commander of the 25th Division (Du Yuming, deputy division commander) to go to the front line of the Great Wall Anti-Japanese War.

In the War of Liberation, why was Guan Linzheng, who was stronger than Du Yuming, abandoned by Lao Jiang Xuezang?

Guan Linzheng and Zheng Dongguo of the Great Wall Anti-Japanese War

After the start of the Anti-Japanese War, Guan Linzheng was appointed as the commander of the 52nd Army, as a central army unit in North China and the Central Plains to fight against the Japanese army, in the early 1938 Taierzhuang Campaign, Guan Linzheng's 52nd Army can be described as famous in World War I, in the peripheral operations, the 52nd Army first flanked the Japanese army together with the Tang Enbo Regiment Wang Zhonglian Division, annihilating more than 1,000 enemies, and then in the peripheral operations, it blocked the breakthrough of the Japanese Isogu Division, and trapped it firmly in Taierzhuang, the 52nd Army fought tenaciously in this battle, and the position changed hands repeatedly, but in the end it still blocked the enemy's counterattack。

In this Taierzhuang victory, the 52nd Army is the best Central Army unit.

After the war, Lao Jiang also praised Guan Linzheng as "Guan Iron Fist", and said

"If the national army can have a few troops like the 52nd Army, why worry that the Japanese invaders will not be destroyed......"
In the War of Liberation, why was Guan Linzheng, who was stronger than Du Yuming, abandoned by Lao Jiang Xuezang?

Guan Linzheng during the Battle of Taierzhuang

After the Battle of Taierzhuang, the 52nd Army was invested in the defense of Wuhan and the first Battle of Changsha.

After 1940, in order to strengthen the defense of Yunnan, Lao Chiang changed Guan Linzheng's 32nd Army Corps to the 15th Group Army, stationed in Yunnan to prevent the Japanese army from attacking Chongqing from Vietnam and Guangxi.

In 1945, after the end of the Anti-Japanese War, Guan Linzheng was promoted to the commander of the Yunnan Garrison Command, and then was appointed by Lao Jiang as the principal of the Army School (equivalent to the second principal of the Whampoa Military Academy) has been serving in the rear as an idle post, and when the front-line Huangpu generals fought with our army, they could only sit on the cold bench, although in the three major battles, he was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the army by Lao Chiang, but it was an oolong, and he himself was dismissed before he took office.

In the end, after the defeat of the national army, he could only go to Xiangjiang and spend the rest of his life there as a duke......

In the War of Liberation, why was Guan Linzheng, who was stronger than Du Yuming, abandoned by Lao Jiang Xuezang?

Guan Linzheng's family

The blame was taken by himself and abandoned by Lao Jiang

is such a famous anti-Japanese general, what is the reason why he was sat on the cold bench by Lao Jiang Ku?

Many people say that he is unwilling to work for Lao Jiang, which is actually a fallacy.

This can be seen from a few examples.

In 1948, after learning that Du Yuming was defeated in the Northeast, Guan Linzheng also turned on the liquidation mode to say that it was worthless, and changed his words to how he would fight, although it was a bit of hindsight, but it also proved that Guan Linzheng was still eager to go to the battlefield. For example, during his time at the Army School, he often went to the troops to check the combat readiness under the pretext of inspection.

All these signs show that Guan Linzheng is still very eager to go to the battlefield to fight our army.

In the War of Liberation, why was Guan Linzheng, who was stronger than Du Yuming, abandoned by Lao Jiang Xuezang?

Guan Linzheng and Lao Jiang

Then, the reason why you can't go to the battlefield with this "iron fist" can only be that you were abandoned by Lao Jiang and didn't let him go.

You must know that Guan Linzheng's bravery and command level are considered the first echelon in the national army, and not letting him be good at it is definitely not a matter of military ability, but other reasons.

Here, we can get a glimpse of Guan Linzheng's personality and behavior.

Matching his domineering record and combat style, he is also domineering in the world. In the army, he often has a colleague of Qilin, in a modern phrase, that is, "bullying", yes, in the school group of the national army, Guan Linzheng's style and personality are indeed like a "bad student".

In the War of Liberation, why was Guan Linzheng, who was stronger than Du Yuming, abandoned by Lao Jiang Xuezang?

The sturdy Guan Linzheng is domineering and exposed

Among these "bullied", the number one victim is Du Yuming, a fellow countryman and honest man.

As we mentioned above, Du Yuming's rescue in the Hubei-Henan-Anhui operation made Guan Linzheng's face gloomy, in fact, it was just the tip of the iceberg of the contradiction between the two, in the 25th Division, as the chief and deputy division commanders, the two often had discord, the Great Wall War of Resistance in 1933, after Guan Linzheng was injured, Du Yuming took over the command, during the period of Du Yuming's agency, the 25th Division's record and fighting will were also stronger than Guan Linzheng, which made Guan Linzheng even more unhappy Du Yuming, so he often attracted the regiment commander to isolate Du Yuming, for which he Guan Linzheng also promoted Zhang Yaoming, who was also from Shaanxi, and Du Yuming worked against him everywhere in training。

And Du Yuming was a newcomer with no background at that time, because he was excluded everywhere, he had no choice but to leave the 25th Division in tears and go to Nanjing to join his old commander Xu Tingyao and study tanks.

In the War of Liberation, why was Guan Linzheng, who was stronger than Du Yuming, abandoned by Lao Jiang Xuezang?

Du Yuming and Xu Tingyao

In addition to Du Yuming, the famous generals Zheng Dongguo and Dai Anlan are also the targets of Guan Linzheng's bullying.

After the Battle of Taierzhuang, the army commander Guan Linzheng was promoted to the commander of the 32nd Army Corps, and at that time, Zhang Yaoming, the commander of the 25th Division, and Zheng Dongguo, the commander of the 2nd Division, were one of the successors of the commander of the 52nd Army.

But Guan Linzheng was favoritistic, promoted his confidant and fellow countryman Zhang Yaoming to the commander, and at the same time made Zheng Dongguo the deputy commander, and he could not concurrently serve as the commander of the 2nd Division.

In the end, the two ran to the "Fifth Army" and Du Yuming formed the Avengers.

In the War of Liberation, why was Guan Linzheng, who was stronger than Du Yuming, abandoned by Lao Jiang Xuezang?

Du Yuming's circle of friends

In fact, the reason why Guan Linzheng has been bullying these famous generals is mainly because he wants to set up his own faction and stand on his own, Guan Linzheng has always regarded himself as a senior brother of Huangpu, and he must have been itchy when he saw Hu Zongnan forming a gang, but his approach and temper are simple and rude, lacking gentleness and classmate attitude (Zheng Dongguo and Du Yuming are both in the first phase of Whampoa, and General Seagull is in the third phase of Whampoa), such interpersonal relationships are difficult to integrate into his faction.

On the contrary, Du Yuming can be a lot of people, no matter the size of his position, his subordinates are commensurate with his classmates, which naturally wins the hearts of many people.

In fact, Guan Linzheng's popularity in the national army is very poor, except for the smiling tiger Huang Jie and others, only his henchman Zhang Yaoming will play with him, and for the discord with his colleagues Guan , Lao Jiang does not dare to let him go to the battlefield to command.

In the War of Liberation, why was Guan Linzheng, who was stronger than Du Yuming, abandoned by Lao Jiang Xuezang?

Guan Linzheng took a group photo with Huangpu classmates, and felt very unsociable

Of course, in addition to his colleagues, the chief Guan Linzheng also offended a lot.

Guan Linzheng has always regarded himself as He Yingqin's lineage, but he himself has always wanted to stand on his own, and he loves to ignore He Yingqin, but fortunately, He Yingqin's family is just a loose alliance, which will be shelved The civil engineering department has long been expelled from the sect.

During the Anti-Japanese War, because he wanted to annex the 54th Army, the second brother of the civil engineering department, Guan Linzheng directly clashed with the civil engineering department of the old commander Chen Cheng. On the issue of the ownership of the 54th Army, Guan Linzheng vomited Chen Cheng's blood angrily.

During the Liberation War, Chen Cheng squeezed out He Yingqin to become the first person in the central military department, so naturally he couldn't give Guan Lin a good face, and Chen Cheng was clearly opposed to him in the competition with Du Yuming for the commander of the Northeast Security and the command of the national army in East China.

In the War of Liberation, why was Guan Linzheng, who was stronger than Du Yuming, abandoned by Lao Jiang Xuezang?

Guan Linzheng's lifelong enemy - Chen Cheng

Therefore, in the War of Liberation, Guan Linzheng was naturally excluded because of his poor relationship with his colleagues and Chen Cheng. And this kind of exclusion is not the first move of others, it is mainly caused by his overbearing life, and it can only be said that he is to blame.

Of course, his own blame is not only within the national army.

On December 1, 1945, at a rally of major groups in Kunming against Lao Chiang's war, Guan Linzheng actually sent troops to suppress it, and also shot at the crowd. The angry old Jiang scolded him in his diary, so with such emotional intelligence, Lao Jiang didn't dare to send him to the front line, and he really poked out of the basket......

In the War of Liberation, why was Guan Linzheng, who was stronger than Du Yuming, abandoned by Lao Jiang Xuezang?

A group photo of Guan Linzheng during his time in Yunnan

Therefore, Guan Linzheng was hidden by Lao Jiang in the Liberation War, not because Du Yuming excluded him, but because he often offended his colleagues and his style of doing things was too reckless......