
What do you think of the popular theme month life method for young people?

author:Labor Daily
Abstract:A new way of life, the "Theme Month Life Method", came into being among some young people and aroused heated discussions on social platforms.
What do you think of the popular theme month life method for young people?

In the fast-paced modern life, the younger generation is increasingly eager to find a unique way of life that can enrich the spiritual world and give new meaning to everyday life. At this time, the "Theme Month Life Method" came into being among some young people and caused heated discussions on social platforms. Many of the participants shared their practical results on their social media accounts and exchanged experiences with each other.

As the name suggests, the "Theme Month Life Method" is a kind of life practice method that takes the month as a unit, and can set a different theme each month, and whenever they have free time, they will give priority to a series of activities and self-improvement around the theme. This theme can be hobbies, skills learning, lifestyle improvement, cultural exploration, health challenges and other diversified areas, with the aim of achieving in-depth knowledge and mastery of the selected topic through exploration and practice, while giving daily life a sense of freshness and purpose.

Point 1

Add interest and freshness to life

On social platforms such as Xiaohongshu, the reporter found through search and browsing that many netizens were recording their "theme month life". Most of them have the same feeling: it is only now that they really feel that they are "living", and it is no longer the same running account, but there is something they like or want to try every month.

In their view, the key to starting such a lifestyle is not necessarily to learn a skill, but to try something new that they have not been exposed to. And the advantage of this method is that you can continue to meet more surprises through new things.

"Fresh things represent new harvests and challenges, you may find new interests and hobbies, recognize new knowledge, and see many fields that we have not set foot in," a netizen recorded his experience of practicing the "Theme Month Life Method" on Xiaohongshu, according to this netizen's introduction, a year ago, her life was running between the company and home, "completely two points and one line", "not interested in anything", and even fell into serious inner trouble. She was inspired by another netizen and began to try the theme month life method to "save herself".

According to the list of topics she "posted" for the month, most of the topics she identified were new things that she had not been exposed to before, such as learning Korean, reading philosophy books, and tidying up at home. She also shared her best experience: the virtual travel theme month. Due to the constraints of reality, she was unable to travel in person, so that month, she arranged for herself to watch a documentary about different countries or cities every day, or attend online cultural lectures to learn about the history, customs, and food of various places. Sometimes in the evening, try to make local specialties to create an immersive dining atmosphere. On weekends, you can even "stroll" the streets of an exotic country through the street view function of the digital map or VR technology.

She said that by changing the theme regularly, the content of her life has been greatly enriched, and after work, her spare time life has also broken the monotony and become full of changes and expectations.

Point 2

Helps to improve self-management skills

Rather than adding interest and freshness to his current life, Han Shin, who is engaged in painting-related work, is more concerned about the improvement of self-management ability through this lifestyle. "Prioritizing each month's topic gives you clear goals and accountability, which helps you regain your rhythm of life. He agrees with a sentence from a netizen on Xiaohongshu who has adhered to the lifestyle of the theme month for a year, "'Completing this' is the goal in itself." ”

For those young people who have been trapped in the "three-minute heat" for a long time, the theme month life method is like a good medicine, which can relatively solve their current confusion. It breaks down the big goal into executable and visible small tasks by subdividing the time dimension, so that people can see obvious results in the short term, and then stimulate everyone's continuous enthusiasm and motivation for life.

Han Xin told reporters that the theme month life method requires a pre-determined theme for the month, which provides participants with clear goals and directions for life improvement. With a clear goal, you can better focus on a specific area and focus on improvement, avoiding the distraction of action caused by vague goals.

Second, in order to achieve the theme month goals, participants need to develop a detailed action plan that includes specific tasks or activities on a daily and weekly basis. For example, a "fitness challenge month" might involve a daily workout plan, a nutritious meal schedule, and so on. This kind of structured planning helps to form a regular rhythm of life, and encourages participants to develop good habits of working on time and allocating time reasonably.

From a scientific point of view, 21 days to form a habit, a month of time span is long enough to allow the new habit to be initially solidified, but also relatively short, easy to maintain motivation and freshness. "At the end of each theme month, you can visually see your progress in this area, such as weight loss, reading more, etc., and these immediate feedback constitute a powerful internal motivation to further strengthen the motivation for self-management. ”

He said that after the theme month ended, some of the habits developed during this month will naturally continue to the next month, and by constantly switching themes, he found that his gradual accumulation in various areas of life has also undergone positive changes, and his overall self-management ability has continued to improve. "For example, the habit of regular tidying up formed in the 'Breaking the Moon', as well as fitness and healthy eating, have become my long-term lifestyle. ”

Point three

Provides an avenue for active socialization

The theme month method not only helps individuals to learn and improve themselves in specific fields, but also naturally enhances interpersonal communication through a variety of ways such as sharing themes, cooperative practices, and exchanging experiences.

It has been pointed out that contemporary young people, especially those living in cities, generally have fewer social activities and more time at home due to factors such as high work pressure, fast pace of life, and strong dependence on the Internet. While this lifestyle provides some personal space and freedom, it can also lead to problems such as interpersonal alienation and deterioration of social skills. As a purposeful, organized lifestyle, the Themed Month approach is an effective way for young people to step out of their comfort zone and make authentic and meaningful connections with others.

For example, the popular "shared kitchen" theme month on the Internet: a group of friends or colleagues agree to take turns hosting a cooking party at home each week, with each person planning the menu, sourcing ingredients, teaching a specialty dish, and others helping to prepare and enjoy the meal together. In the process, the young people not only learned new cooking skills, but also enhanced their understanding and friendship through division of labor and table conversations.

Point 4

Blindly following the trend is suspected of "bad styling".

Although the popular trend of the theme month lifestyle on social platforms is in the limelight, some netizens questioned it, believing that the theme month lifestyle is suspected of "bad styling".

"When participating in a certain theme month, frequently posting pictures and punching cards, but not really studying or practicing in depth, but staying in the superficial form of tasting and stopping, then it may indeed leave people with the impression of 'bad style'," some netizens commented that the cyclical characteristics of the theme month life may cause participants to show a high degree of enthusiasm for a certain activity only in the short term, but once the theme month ends, the original living habits or interests have not changed substantially, and this phenomenon is not real personal growth.

"When I saw the 'theme month', my heart tightened. In the comment area of the notes and posts that practice the lifestyle of the theme month, many netizens who are engaged in education, corporate administration and other work have expressed "déjà vu".

"There are actually a lot of activities such as reading week and sports month during school, but is it really effective to make your life run like this?" Chen Lu, who works in education, noticed that many netizens listed topics such as reading and writing, and she believed, "These habits should be maintained all the time, and just one month of 'priority' practice cannot bring about a qualitative change in life." In her opinion, instead of looking for a new topic every month, it is better to schedule each day more rationally and stick to good habits.

In this part of the view, the theme month life method is not suitable for everyone, and in addition, the theme selection is also "exquisite". Each person chooses a theme that is in line with their own interests, needs and goals, and the positive impact of the theme month life should be able to transcend a single month and have a long-term impact on the individual's living habits, knowledge system, values, etc., so that there is real value in practicing such a lifestyle.

Post-90s perspectives

Any new way of life is worth sticking to

New Year's resolutions, living lists, flags...... There have been many ways to live in the theme month before. The author believes that compared with these "sense of ritual" with many names and renovated patterns, the real wisdom of life is still hidden in the word "persistence".

In fact, these ritualistic lifestyles can only have substance when participants are sincerely engaged, continue to learn, and persist in exploration, and practitioners can truly achieve the depth and quality of life in the process.

At the same time, the author believes that although the theme month life method is beneficial, it should not become a methodology that is "mythized". Any kind of lifestyle, if it can play a positive role for some suitable young people, it is enough. If this positive impact can ultimately be reflected in more long-term habits, values, and skill improvements, it will be the icing on the cake.

Post-70s perspectives

The topic needs to be challenging, but it's not recommended to be too challenging

Young people want to enrich their lives and give birth to "theme month", but the author believes that determining a suitable theme for the month needs to consider many factors in order to make the theme more fun and sustainable.

First, think about your hobbies and what you're good at. Choosing a topic that is relevant to your interests can keep you enthusiastic and motivated during the practice.

Second, analyze what you need to improve in your life, work, or personal growth. For example, if you feel like you're missing on a certain skill, you can use it as a month-long topic to focus on learning and improving.

Third, make sure that the topics you set have clear goals so that you can feel more directed and accomplished in the process. You can break down the big goals into smaller ones to make each month's theme more achievable.

Finally, choose some challenging topics appropriately, which can stimulate your potential and push you to constantly push yourself through in practice. But be careful not to challenge it too much so as not to cause too much stress.

Header image source: Diagram worm

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