
The true meaning of life is to be happy, to live a good mood, and to make life full of laughter

author:Wenzhou Meiwen

Original translated by Liu

The true meaning of life is to be happy, to live a good mood, and to make life full of laughter

Do you like your current job?

Are you interested in your current job?

Admittedly, if the truth is told

Many people may not like their current job

Since I don't like it

So why keep sticking to it?

The reason is simple

To survive, to live, to support one's family

The vast majority of people may not actively choose to work

It's because in addition to the current job

I don't have a better choice

The true meaning of life is to be happy, to live a good mood, and to make life full of laughter

When I was a child, I wanted to grow up soon

Growing up longing to go back to childhood

When I was a child, I dreamed of a bright future

When I grew up, I was baptized and polished by reality

Knowing that a bright future is out of reach

When I was a child, I felt that life was bitter first and then sweet

When I grew up, I found that I lasted year after year

In the end, I don't know how many more years of suffering

When I was a child, I thought it was simple to be happy

When I grew up, I found that happiness was far away

Most of us probably don't want to go to work

It's about pursuing poetry and distance

to make your dreams come true

Do what you love

Go find someone you like

It's a pity that for the rest of his life

The ideals of the vast majority of people are doomed to be unrealizable

We don't want to go to work but we have to

Because we have to survive, we have to live, we have to provide for our families

We are bound by reality

We are drawn into prison by life

The true meaning of life is to be happy, to live a good mood, and to make life full of laughter

Although work is for life

But we can't afford to lose our lives for work


We can tolerate it appropriately

But we can't compromise without a bottom line

If we are engaged in work

Let's be restless and irritable

Then choosing to leave is also for a better life

After all, the true meaning of life is to be happy and happy

Live your life well when you have money

Let life be poetic and romantic

When you don't have money, put yourself in a good mood

Let life be full of laughter and comfort

Poetic and picturesque can bring you a good mood

Romance can make you happy

Laughter can also make you feel good

If we don't have the ability and strength to experience

Noble material happiness

Then we can also be distracted

To feel the simple spiritual happiness

Although the cherry blossoms in the distance compete with each other, they are beautiful

But the wildflowers beneath your feet are also all over the mountains and fragrant

The true meaning of life is to be happy, to live a good mood, and to make life full of laughter

A cup of tea, a good book, an old song

A great meal, a great view, a group of friends

A good mood

It's also joy and happiness

As long as you have a good heart and a grateful heart

Positive, optimistic, sunny and enthusiastic, and in a happy mood

Beautiful scenery is everywhere

Those poems and distant places

It can also be the beautiful scenery under your feet and the good people around you

With a good heart, everything is beautiful

Be grateful and always be in a good mood

A lot of the time

We are always hungry for what we want and what we want to have


When we get it, we don't cherish it anymore

Slowly forgotten, gradually neglected, and finally lost

After losing it, I began to regret it, and even missed it immensely

Lose in gain, grow in loss

We recognize a lot of things

Also underlooked a lot of things

So he became Buddhist and casual



There are some things that we only have for a short time

There are some things that we can't always have

Such as good mood, love, family affection and friendship

So when we have

It is necessary to cherish it and feel it with your heart

When reminiscing about the past

We can reduce regrets

The true meaning of life is to be happy, to live a good mood, and to make life full of laughter

Good health is the most valuable material wealth in life

A good mood is the most precious spiritual wealth in life

If you have a healthy body and a good mood

You have the most precious treasure you have

Don't dwell on the dilemma of the moment

Don't envy other people's wealth

Don't be jealous of other people's scenery

Be true to yourself

Keep exercising and cultivating your interests

Work hard and live with heart

Caring for family and being content

Let good health escort your happiness

Let a good mood add to your happiness

A good mood is the greatest happiness in your life

The true meaning of life is to be happy, to live a good mood, and to make life full of laughter

Photography: Network with pictures Thank you very much

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