
The greatest stupidity of parents: in these areas, the blessings of their children are "exhausted".

author:Zhong Niannian
The greatest stupidity of parents: in these areas, the blessings of their children are "exhausted".

Text/Zhong Niannian

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Yao Emei mentioned in "Family Life": "What kind of home a person has, what kind of shape will grow into a person." ”

The importance of family to people is self-evident, it almost determines the height and pattern of a person's future development, and at home, the most important thing is parents.

Wise and far-sighted parents can chart a clear path for their children, and stupid parents will only exhaust their children's affection in these aspects, and their children will be unlucky to be such parents.

The greatest stupidity of parents: in these areas, the blessings of their children are "exhausted".

01: In terms of children's learning, exhaust his talent

We have all heard the story of "Hurt Zhongyong", Zhongyong was young and intelligent, and he should have cultivated it well, but his father was short-sighted and insisted on pulling him to make money by fame and fortune, which eventually led to Zhongyong's lack of interest in studying and being ignored by everyone.

In real life, many parents are repeating the tragedy of hurting Zhongyong, they want to delay their children's studies for the sake of the small profits in front of them, but they don't know that the money they have earned temporarily is not enough to compare with their children's bright future in the future.

If there is not enough money in the family, then for the average child, learning is still an indispensable thing.

When you are young, you delay your studies, and it is even more difficult to make up for them when you become an adult, social development is changing rapidly, no one can wait for you, one step behind in learning, and you will be completely abandoned in fate.

You can make money now, but if you don't have education, quality, or superb ability in the future, you can only make hard-earned money.

Parents who do not have the foresight to exhaust their children's blessings in learning will only regret it later.

The greatest stupidity of parents: in these areas, the blessings of their children are "exhausted".

02: In terms of family affection, the blessings of the children are exhausted

Learning is important in a child's life, and family affection is even more important.

Family affection is like a clear spring that can wash people's hearts, and it is also like a soft land that can make seeds bloom into brilliant flowers.

When a person has family affection, he has confidence in his heart, because he knows that there are people in this world who love him and can start all over again no matter how he fails.

People who lack family affection will never have self-confidence, even if he is famous, there will be no one to share, they will always lack a corner in their hearts, and even happiness is flawed.

However, many parents do not pay attention to the cultivation of family affection for their children, they are too lazy to express their affection to their children, and they are even more unwilling to spend time with him.

They put all their energy into how their children can get good grades and earn more money, but they don't know that when a person doesn't feel love, no amount of money is meaningless.

Parents should understand that the purpose of cultivating a child is not only to make him excellent, but also to hope that he can be happy, and the premise of happiness is love.

I hope you don't skimp on giving love to your children, it's the cheapest and most important thing we can afford.

Otherwise, the child will have no love, become an indifferent person, and he will not be happy in this life, which is the most tragic thing.

The greatest stupidity of parents: in these areas, the blessings of their children are "exhausted".

03: In marriage, the blessings of children are exhausted

In the TV series "Chenghuan", Mai Chenghuan has been in love with her boyfriend for three years, but she unexpectedly learned that her boyfriend is a rich second generation and has been cheating on her, so she does not hesitate to break up with her boyfriend and defend her dignity.

But after his mother learned about her boyfriend's family background, she had to rush to let her daughter marry him.

For this reason, she and Mai Chenghuan almost broke up, and the family relationship was also in jeopardy, which reflects how short-sighted Mai Chenghuan's parents are.

For the sake of money, you can push your daughter to the tiger's den in Longtan, so if your daughter is unhappy in the future, will she resent her parents?

It is said that marriage is a person's second life, and if parents cannot choose the right marriage for their children, it is equivalent to ruining her next life.

Parents are advised not to only talk about money when talking about marriage, what is more important than money is that children should find a partner who is caring, positive and caring for each other, and live a happy life.

Money can indeed escort marriage, but money alone is not enough, if you only see money in your eyes, then you ignore the feelings of your children, and your children are doomed to complain about you in the future.

The greatest stupidity of parents: in these areas, the blessings of their children are "exhausted".

Parents have no pattern and vision, and will exhaust their children's affection in these aspects, I hope we don't do this.

A good parent-child relationship depends on hard work. Enlarge the pattern, enhance the horizon, and help the child to take off, so that they will thank you, and we as parents will be successful.