
Taken off the shelves one after another, all banned!

author:Released in Zhangjiakou
Taken off the shelves one after another, all banned!


"Micro-short dramas amplify the contradictions between husband and wife, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are banned"

The topic rushed to the hot search

As of now

The topic has been read hundreds of millions of times

Douyin, Kuaishou

Two major short video platforms

Announcements have been made recently

It is not healthy to promote it on its platform

and the mainstream view of family, marriage and love

deliberately amplify and exaggerate the contradictions between husband and wife, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, etc

The content of the micro-short drama has been taken off the shelves

A number of micro-short dramas were taken off the shelves

Recently, the Douyin Security Center issued an announcement stating that Douyin is committed to creating a positive, open and friendly community environment, continuing to promote the governance of micro-short drama content, and issuing a special governance announcement to encourage and promote high-quality micro-short dramas, and continue to govern micro-short dramas that contain illegal content such as bad values, violations of public order and good customs, and vulgar "rubbing edges".

Recently, the Douyin platform found that some micro-short dramas promote unhealthy and non-mainstream family views, marriage and love concepts, and deliberately amplify and exaggerate the conflicts between husband and wife, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, etc., and the 6 micro-short dramas that were removed from the shelves this time are "My Husband is a Mother's Treasure Man", "The Last Bottom Line", "Miss Daughter Fights Back", "Pregnant Woman", "My Bottom Line", "Mother's Birthday".

Kuaishou issued an announcement saying: "Recently, during the inspection of the platform, it was found that some micro-short dramas promoted unhealthy and non-mainstream family views, marriage and love concepts, deliberately amplified and exaggerated the conflicts between husband and wife, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, intergenerational conflicts and other behaviors, deviating from the mainstream value orientation of society. According to the community rules, the platform removed the illegal micro-short drama repertoire and cleaned up 738 related contents. ”

Some of the illegal short dramas include "The Rebirth of a Bald Woman", "A Pregnant Woman", "Far Marriage and Rebirth", and "Mother-in-law's Kennel".

A number of micro-short dramas have been removed from the shelves before, and many micro-short dramas have been banned as early as before. For example, on March 21, the China Internet Audiovisual Association issued a notice saying that the online micro-short drama "Teacher Don't Run" has a vulgar plot, and the lines, pictures, and plot involve serious soft pornography and other violations. In response to this problem, the China Network Audiovisual Association immediately reminded the relevant broadcast platforms to deal with it.

The popular short drama "Black Lotus Upper Manual", which was launched in December last year, was subsequently removed from the platform due to reasons such as "exaggerating the bad values of extreme revenge, countering violence with violence, and confusing the concept of right and wrong".

Previously, Southern Weekly interviewed a grandmother who became popular as a "bad mother-in-law" on a short video platform.

The grandmother said that the "evil mother-in-law" is one of the most popular types of elderly people on the short video platform, and the old man who looks like a "bad mother-in-law" temperament can't finish the work.

Whether it is a TV screen or a short video, the image of the "evil mother-in-law" often makes the audience hate itchy.

For example, under the short video of "Evil Mother-in-law", almost all the messages with high likes are, "If it were me, I would slap her over", "The old immortal", "If you are happy, you should have evil retribution"......

The article mentions that although the anger of some viewers can be understood, the "evil mother-in-law" seems to be supporting women and seems to be seeking justice for modern women, but this is just an "emotional illusion".

On the one hand, whether it is the "evil mother-in-law" in TV series or short videos, it is too exaggerated, extreme, and outrageous, and the resistance of the daughter-in-law in these works is also the simple and rude of the "cool drama", which does not provide a truly feasible solution at all - not to encourage rational resolution, but to render "countering violence with violence".

On the other hand, the image of the "evil mother-in-law" itself is a stereotype of many elderly women and a stigmatization of the mother-in-law group.

It is imperative to remove the "mother-in-law and daughter-in-law war" poisonous chicken soup, and it is understandable for micro-short dramas to create dramatic conflicts, but deliberately amplify and exaggerate the contradictions between husband and wife, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and intergenerational contradictions, one-sidedly scandalize the image of a certain type of people, and portray unequal and distorted marital and family relationships as a common phenomenon, deviating from the mainstream values of society and becoming "poisonous chicken soup", affecting the social atmosphere and family harmony.

What's even more worrying is that this kind of micro-short drama magnates the "contradictions" through the platform's algorithm recommendation, forming a rapid and extensive dissemination, which is very easy to strengthen cognitive bias and easily mislead concepts. This kind of "traffic first" practice violates communication ethics, harms the physical and mental health of the audience, and violates the due ethics and cultural taste.

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Taken off the shelves one after another, all banned!

Source: Hebei Daily Editor: Xiao Ninger Editor: Wang Chunliang Review: Feng Haixiao Xie Yan Proofreader: Chen Tingguo Reprinted this article, please indicate: Zhangjiakou release

Taken off the shelves one after another, all banned!
Taken off the shelves one after another, all banned!