
Anti-terrorism and anti-riot safety education

author:Xining emergency
Anti-terrorism and anti-riot safety education

Anti-terrorism and riot control

Safety education

Anti-terrorism and anti-riot safety education

For the long-term stability of the society and the country, you and I need to work together to build a safety line for counter-terrorism and anti-riot in the society. The popular science class will take you to understand the response and prevention of anti-terrorism and riot prevention in an all-round way.


Recognize terrorist activities

Terrorist activities refer to organizing, planning, preparing to carry out, or carrying out activities that cause or intend to cause serious harm to society, such as casualties, major property losses, damage to public facilities, and social disorder. Advocating terrorism, inciting the commission of terrorist activities, or illegally possessing items that promote terrorism, or forcing others to wear clothing or symbols that promote terrorism in public places. Providing assistance to terrorist organizations, terrorist personnel, carrying out terrorist activities, or training for terrorist activities.

Anti-terrorism and anti-riot safety education


Measures to prevent terrorist attacks and riots

1. Individuals, families, communities, schools and all kinds of public places should raise their awareness of preventing terrorist attacks and prevent problems before they occur.

2. Formulate emergency plans, plan escape and evacuation routes, and conduct drills.

3. Ensure that facilities (evacuation places, etc.) and supplies (such as emergency kits, first aid kits, etc.) are available at any time to respond to emergencies.

4. Assess the surrounding people who need special help (such as the elderly, children, and the disabled), and develop a special emergency plan.

5. Read the Handbook on Preventing Terrorist Attacks issued by the Ministry of Public Security to understand the relevant knowledge of terrorism prevention.

6. If you find a suspicious person or suspicious item, you should report it to the public security organ.

7. When entering an unfamiliar environment, you must first understand the emergency escape method.

8. Go to the local Red Cross Society to participate in emergency rescue training.

Anti-terrorism and anti-riot safety education


How to identify a terrorist suspect


Those who look panicked, and whose words and deeds are abnormal.


Those who dress or carry items that clearly do not match their status, or that do not correspond to the season.


Pretending to be an acquaintance, pretending to be a courteous person.


During the inspection, those who urge the inspection or have an arrogant attitude and are unwilling to accept the inspection.


Those who frequently visit large event venues.


Those who repeatedly haunt the vicinity of the warning zone.


Suspected suspect reported by the public security department.

Anti-terrorism and anti-riot safety education


Response to terrorist attacks and riots

1. In case of a terrorist attack, do not watch and leave immediately.

2. If you are at the scene of the incident and cannot escape, you should use the terrain and concealment to cover and hide.

3. Do not run to the police station and the public security bureau in the riot area, the police may not take care of the protection of personnel and proper placement.

4. When running, observe the on-site conditions, run in the right direction, and don't panic and enter the serious area from the edge.

5. After the riot, the city will be closed, and all the city will be under martial law, so it is necessary to reserve materials in advance.

Anti-terrorism and anti-riot safety education
Anti-terrorism and anti-riot safety education

As the saying goes, the prosperity of the youth leads to the prosperity of the country, and the youth are the future of the country, "right and wrong are clear, the direction is clear, and the path is right", we should establish correct values of life and national interests, adhere to the one-China principle, strangle the seedlings of terrorism and riots in the cradle, and maintain social harmony and the peace of the motherland.

Source: Xining, the summer capital

Producer: Ma Jiyu

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Yajiao

Editor: Xu Jing

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