
I am 58 years old and have a deposit of 100,000 yuan, travel every month, and my son's words after being sick and hospitalized, what should I do

author:Magician Alex 3F0v

The 58-year-old life has passed like this, and he is about to enter the year of the sixtieth birthday in a blink of an eye. Before I retired, I worked as a sales manager in a state-owned enterprise for more than 30 years, and at that time, the work was very stressful, and I often stayed up late and worked overtime. Unexpectedly, the 100,000 yuan I saved at the beginning became a big help for my retirement life.

Hey, Aunt Li, where are you going to travel this year?

Oh, Aunt Shen, I was just about to ask a few of your friends to discuss this! I glanced at her, what do you guys think of Australia? I think the discount price is okay.

I am 58 years old and have a deposit of 100,000 yuan, travel every month, and my son's words after being sick and hospitalized, what should I do

Aunt Shen squinted her eyes and pondered for a moment, and said: Australia is a good choice, especially the scenery in Sydney is great. However, the cost may be higher.

Just as we were discussing word by word, the mobile phone next to me suddenly rang a few times. I glanced at the caller ID, it was my old friend, Sister Zhao.

But just as I was happily planning a new journey this year, bad luck suddenly came. On the night of the thirtieth day of the Chinese New Year's Eve, I suddenly had unbearable abdominal pain, and my family was frightened when they saw it, and quickly called an ambulance to take me to the hospital. When the results came back, the doctor told us that I had acute pancreatitis and that it was quite serious.

I am 58 years old and have a deposit of 100,000 yuan, travel every month, and my son's words after being sick and hospitalized, what should I do

From that day on, I stayed in the hospital room. For days, I couldn't wake up. Occasionally, when I wake up, I feel weak, and I can't even speak. Life seems to be passing in my hands little by little, and my travel dream is shattered inexplicably. The fear and helplessness in my heart were like a dense weight weighing me down.

To make matters worse, time is running out, and there is probably not much left over for medical treatment. This is good, I have saved money for the pension in my life, and I can only watch it run out in just a few days. How I longed to heal and continue my travel life.

Just when I was worried, my son Yang Yong came to visit me. As the only son in the family, he has always been very filial and takes good care of me. But since he started working in a foreign company, we rarely see each other. He was too busy at work, and I didn't want to cause him any trouble, so we stayed a little distant.

Mom, why are you so thin?" he exclaimed as soon as he walked into the room.

I am 58 years old and have a deposit of 100,000 yuan, travel every month, and my son's words after being sick and hospitalized, what should I do

Yang Yong looked shocked and looked me up and down. I looked exhausted, my face was pale, my eyes were blank, and my whole person seemed to be smaller than the last time we met. He silently pulled a chair and sat on the edge of the bed, stared at me for a long time, and then spoke:

Next, the son poured out his opinion. I hadn't seen him so excited in a long time, and I was a little taken aback for a moment. It was as if he was reproaching me for my complacent and stubborn approach, which made my family and friends worry about me even more.

My son's gushing words reminded me of the past.

I am 58 years old and have a deposit of 100,000 yuan, travel every month, and my son's words after being sick and hospitalized, what should I do

It was a few years before I retired, and my son, Yang Yong, was already working in the field. Once, when he came back to visit his family, we were chatting at home. Out of the blue, he brought up my retirement and asked me with concern what I had been up to lately.

Oh, I've been going out with a few old colleagues from time to time lately, and you know I've always liked to walk around. I replied nonchalantly.

Yang Yong frowned, as if he was not too satisfied with my answer. But Mom, aren't you too careless? You have to have a serious hobby to spend your retirement well.

I don't have a hobby of traveling? I think he is a little too serious, just enjoy the scenery around him, isn't it also a kind of life attitude?

I am 58 years old and have a deposit of 100,000 yuan, travel every month, and my son's words after being sick and hospitalized, what should I do

But wandering around like this all year round, your body can't bear it. Yang Yong is obviously more anxious, you see, he has begun to hunchback, and his legs and feet are not very neat. Why don't you just move in with us, and save yourself so much of running around all day.

After hearing this, I just waved my hand disappreciatively, knowing in my heart that my son was doing it for his own good. However, I couldn't change my obsession with traveling, and after retirement, my biggest dream was to be able to travel around the world as much as I wanted. This kind of free and easy attitude to life has long been deeply rooted in my heart.

In this way, every time my son mentioned this in the future, we inevitably had an argument with each other. Over time, when he saw that persuasion was ineffective, he gave up. Although we didn't have a lot of trouble with each other, we have been estranged a lot since then.

I am 58 years old and have a deposit of 100,000 yuan, travel every month, and my son's words after being sick and hospitalized, what should I do

Today, many years later, as I lay in the hospital bed, my son's words undoubtedly hit the softest part of my heart. Yes, I couldn't help but think that maybe I was too willful and stubborn, and I almost cared about my relatives and my body. With so many friends and relatives at home still thinking about me, it was really unwise for me to let my life fly by so lonely.

As I spoke, I looked into my son's eyes, and tears flowed involuntarily. I took his hand as if I could feel the last remnants of life flowing through my fingertips.

Yang Yong also burst into tears and hugged me tightly for a moment. He just nodded silently, as understanding and tolerant as I had been with his persuasion.

Since then, I've started to calm down and reflect and introspect. The doctor told me that my condition was critical, but as long as I recuperated well, I still had a good chance of survival. I knew that I must seize this opportunity to completely change the willful and aimless attitude of life. At the end of the day, health is what we live by. What's the point of tourism if even the basic right to life is lost?

I am 58 years old and have a deposit of 100,000 yuan, travel every month, and my son's words after being sick and hospitalized, what should I do

Looking at the Yiye Fu Shu in the ward, I secretly made up my mind. From now on, I must change my face, live a good life, spend time with my son and family, and feel the beauty of life, instead of wandering around like a homeless homeless person. After all, the warmest harbor is right in front of you, and there's no need to make the lonely trek like in the past.

Time passed slowly, and the days passed. I followed the doctor's instructions, worked and rested in an orderly manner, followed the doctor's prescriptions, and my physical condition gradually improved. During this period, Yang Yong and his daughter-in-law Zhang Xue often came to visit, and they were finally relieved. Looking at the smiles on their faces again, my heart is more down-to-earth and happy than ever.

One day, Yang Yong came to my hospital bed with a bowl of freshly made old fire soup and asked me expectantly: Mom, how is my craftsmanship this time?

I am 58 years old and have a deposit of 100,000 yuan, travel every month, and my son's words after being sick and hospitalized, what should I do

I took a sip, squinted my eyes and nodded violently: yes, that's good! My son has learned to take care of his own life, and I am sincerely happy for him.

Early in the morning, I could smell the smell wafting from the kitchen. It was my daughter-in-law Zhang Xue preparing breakfast for us. She is a very capable woman, not only has good skills, but also works hard to keep her family. Every morning, she would open her sleepy eyes and start to take care of the housework.

Cher, let me help. I often say this, but she always gently refuses.

Mom, just take a good rest, I'll just come. She smiled and replied to me, the most important thing for you right now is to rest your body.

I am 58 years old and have a deposit of 100,000 yuan, travel every month, and my son's words after being sick and hospitalized, what should I do

I secretly rejoice in my heart that it is really my blessing to have such a virtuous and capable daughter-in-law. But sometimes I feel a little guilty about watching her go about all walks of life alone. Since I moved here, I've been like an uninvited guest, doing nothing all day, and I've become a big man who is served.

In this way, I plan to learn to do some housework so that I can share the hard work of my daughter-in-law. At first, I always had a bad job, either because I didn't get the heat right when I was cooking, or I didn't mop the floor cleanly. Every now and then, my daughter-in-law would point out the mistake and suggest how I could correct it. Over time, I gradually mastered some of the ways to cook and clean everything by myself.

Mom, you see, you can do these chores too. My daughter-in-law often patted me on the shoulder and said.

I am 58 years old and have a deposit of 100,000 yuan, travel every month, and my son's words after being sick and hospitalized, what should I do

I nodded slightly, feeling a little pride. Yes, over the years, I have been traveling all day long, and I have been neglecting the trivial things of life for a long time, and I seem to be busy at home. Now I can slowly learn these survival skills again, which makes me feel that my retirement life is full of fun and anti-fun.

Sometimes I accompany my daughter-in-law to the vegetable market to buy ingredients. I also enjoyed listening to her gossiping with the small traders and vendors, and I could see a lot of living traditions from them. On the way back, we'd walk side by side on the streets, or pass by a small park, and I'd sit down and take a look at the crowds around me.

Mom, you should take a walk and exercise, don't get tired. The daughter-in-law persuaded gently. I would nod my head, but I secretly sighed that this kind of leisurely life may be more relaxing and enjoyable than running around.

I will also have more communication with my son Yang Yong. Every night, when he came home from work, the three of us would sit in the living room watching the TV news and chatting about the little things in life. My son has always been introverted and reticent, and he doesn't talk much on weekdays. However, I can always try to guide him to share some things about his work and life, and he will gradually open his heart.

I am 58 years old and have a deposit of 100,000 yuan, travel every month, and my son's words after being sick and hospitalized, what should I do

Recently, the company's business pressure has been too great, and the boss wants us to work overtime to catch up with the progress of the project. He complained once.

I patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly, "Son, you have to learn to relax yourself properly, don't always work so hard." Health is the most important thing, and you need to take care of it.

Yang Yong nodded. I can see that he is really starting to pay attention to life and health. In fact, I also hope that he can learn to relax and travel more like I did in the past. After all, if young people are always dragged down by the weight of life, it is not a good thing after all.

I am 58 years old and have a deposit of 100,000 yuan, travel every month, and my son's words after being sick and hospitalized, what should I do

In this way, our family's life is gradually getting better, and it is rare to have a happy life. Especially when I lie in bed at night, I always feel a lot of emotion. In the past, I was wandering alone, and I couldn't bear to sleep alone at night, for fear of getting lost or encountering some accidents. But now that I am with my loved ones, my body and mind have been completely relaxed.

I don't know when I never saw those desirable places of interest in my dreams again. Instead, there are familiar figures: sons, daughters-in-law, and their lovely youngest son Yang Ming. Every time I see this child's lively and cute appearance, I can't help but rejoice. My life seems to have taken on a new meaning and purpose, which is to spend the early years of my children with the whole family.

Once upon a time, I thought that wandering around in retirement was the best way to release my mind and spirit. But now I finally understand that ordinary life itself is a never-ending pleasure. Instead of going to a distant foreign land to find ethereal happiness, it is better to calm down and savor the warmth of relatives and friends around you.

The days passed quietly, and half a year later in a blink of an eye. During this time, my physical condition has improved a lot. With the doctor's advice and an orderly schedule, coupled with the careful care of my daughter-in-law, my pancreatitis symptoms gradually improved. The results of the examination showed that I was able to go home from the hospital.

I am 58 years old and have a deposit of 100,000 yuan, travel every month, and my son's words after being sick and hospitalized, what should I do

Great, Mom, you can finally leave the hospital and recover completely!," said his son Yang Yong excitedly.

I smiled and nodded, feeling genuinely happy in my heart. In the past six months or so, I have experienced the fragility and impermanence of life. If I had been more willful at the beginning, I am afraid that I would have really lost this little life. Fortunately, with the persuasion of my relatives, I finally came to my senses and cherished the only life in this world again.

Before I was discharged from the hospital, I asked my son and daughter-in-law for advice.

I am 58 years old and have a deposit of 100,000 yuan, travel every month, and my son's words after being sick and hospitalized, what should I do

Why don't you move to us for a while?" said my son, and wait until you're fully recovered.

The daughter-in-law also nodded in agreement: Mom, you will recuperate slowly at our house first, and we will try our best to take care of you.

I looked at the sincere eyes of the two of them, and my heart warmed. Yes, with such a happy family as support, why should I have nowhere to go? So I smiled and nodded, and agreed.

Soon, the day of discharge arrived. The doctor told me to continue to take medication, stick to work and rest, and adhere to good lifestyle habits after I was discharged from the hospital. I memorized them all in my heart and made up my mind to follow them. After all, this is the foundation for me to embrace a new life again.

I am 58 years old and have a deposit of 100,000 yuan, travel every month, and my son's words after being sick and hospitalized, what should I do

Mom, welcome home! As soon as I walked through the door, my daughter-in-law happily hugged me.

I looked around at this warm and familiar abode, and I felt as if I had woken up from a nightmare. When I was wandering outside, I had fantasized about being a free soul. But after experiencing this life-and-death accident, I realized that home is my real place. With the love and care of my family, I feel that life is so warm and meaningful.

Cher, in the future, I will study housework hard and help you share the housework. I patted my daughter-in-law on the shoulder and said with a smile.

I am 58 years old and have a deposit of 100,000 yuan, travel every month, and my son's words after being sick and hospitalized, what should I do

The daughter-in-law waved her hand again and again: Mom, that's not good! The most important thing for you now is to rest your body, don't work too hard.

I knew she was doing it for my good, so I didn't force it. However, I was secretly determined that when I recovered, I would definitely contribute to the family. After all, it is not easy for my son to earn money outside the home alone, of course I have to share some housework, which can be regarded as repaying my daughter-in-law for her hard work during this time.

In this way, I gradually adapted and integrated into the life of the family. When I wake up every morning, I can smell the aroma of my daughter-in-law making breakfast. I'll get up and freshen up and join her busy. Although I only did a small favor, it also made me feel that the taste of this home is stronger.

Time is precious, and I don't waste my time as much as I used to. If I don't have anything to do during the day, I will play with my cute little grandson Yang Ming. Looking at this mischievous child, I can't help but think of the scene when my son was a child. I was also a young mother, working hard to take care of the household and the children's daily life. It was only when my son grew up and left home that I left all this behind me and spent my days wandering around.

I am 58 years old and have a deposit of 100,000 yuan, travel every month, and my son's words after being sick and hospitalized, what should I do

Now I finally realize how irresponsible that self-indulgent and willful attitude to life is. In contrast, it is the most meaningful and happy to be able to spend time with your family and experience the bits and pieces of life after retirement. After all, how many years a person's life has, how meaningful and quality they should strive to live.

Gradually, I also learned to cook some home-cooked food. Although I wasn't so good at first, as long as my daughter-in-law gave me careful guidance, I was able to grasp the way slowly. Once, I made a dish of braised pork, and I was praised by my son and daughter-in-law. They said my craft was almost catching up with them. While I was happy, I also secretly made up my mind that I would continue to practice hard in the future and learn the craft of cooking thoroughly.

Mom, you're a gardener! Once, my son teased me with a pot of oleanders.

When my son complimented me like this, I couldn't help but feel a little proud. Yes, after the age of Benliu, I was able to self-teach and master a new craft. This is a new experience and fun in my retirement life.

From then on, every day when I got up, I used to check my little garden. Looking at the seedlings that are taking root and sprouting, it is certain that when spring comes, they will bloom dazzlingly. For me, who used to be bohemian, this joy of flowing water is really a precious gift.

What made me even more overjoyed was that my son Yang Yong gradually learned how to relax himself. He started trying to tend the little garden with me on the weekends or go for a walk with my family in the nearby park. Seeing his mental outlook become more relaxed and energetic, I am sincerely happy for him. I know that he has finally learned to face work and life in the right way.

Son, if you have time in the future, take Cher and the little one out for a few days. Once, I said this to him.

Let's go, Mom, let's all go play together for a few days!" replied Yang Yong with a smile.

I looked at him and was relieved like never before. What a blessing it would be to be able to go out with my family. And I have transformed from a willful and wandering old lady to a person who knows how to cherish his family and appreciate the bits and pieces of life. In just one year, I felt like I had lived two different lives.

Spring blossoms and autumn fruits, the seasons turn. When the height of summer came, all the flowers and plants I had taken care of were blooming. On the balcony, the flowers dance in the breeze and exude a burst of fragrance. I would sit on a wicker chair and enjoy the beautiful scenery while sipping tea in my spare time.

Yes, now I have the greatest pleasure of savoring the beauty of life. Although I can no longer travel around like I used to, this does not prevent me from living seriously and feeling the people and things around me with my heart. After all, the meaning of life is not how many miles you have traveled, but whether you have discovered that life itself is a never-ending journey.

And just like that, the days went on as usual. I often miss my old days of traveling, but that's not what I'm looking for now. In contrast, reuniting with my family and spending time with my relatives and friends is my biggest yearning at the moment.

Yes, I understand that home is my true spiritual harbor. Here, I can grow old slowly, and I can also grow younger in the love of my loved ones. And in this harbor, there will always be a stable hut waiting for me, and my life will take root and bloom into a unique and beautiful flower.

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