
The Emperor of the Celestial Gods of Ancient Mythology: The forgotten god of creation

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The Emperor of the Celestial Gods of Ancient Mythology: The forgotten god of creation

#说说你喜欢的一个神话人物是谁?#在遥远的上古神话中, there is a mysterious god between heaven and earth, and his name is Dijun. He is not just a name, but also a symbol of an era, a memory of civilization, and a creation deity that has been gradually forgotten by later generations.

In that era of chaos, when heaven and earth were not divided and all things were not born, Di Jun, with his supreme divine power, opened up the heavens and the earth, created the sun, moon and stars, and gave life to all things. He was the ruler of the land of ancient China, ruling over the gods of the four directions, and also influencing the course of history in later generations.

According to the ancient book "The Classic of Mountains and Seas", Dijun is described as a creation god similar to Nuwa. He not only ruled the land of China in ancient times, but also had a deep blood relationship with many mythological figures. The ancient gods of the four directions are his descendants, and the Yellow Emperor, the Yan Emperor, and Chiyou are his juniors. The sun god Xihe and the moon god Changxi are his wives, and together they form that mysterious and vast mythical world.

The Emperor of the Celestial Gods of Ancient Mythology: The forgotten god of creation

The Classic of Mountains and Seas also records more than 70 ancient states, about one-third of which are related to Emperor Jun. Some of these states are interdependent, some are fighting with each other, and together they form the ancient world full of mystery and fantasy.

However, why did such an important god gradually become forgotten in the legends of later generations? There are complex reasons behind this.

First, as time passed, new mythological characters and stories emerged, and Dijun's status was gradually replaced by gods such as Nuwa, Pangu, and the Yellow Emperor. Nuwa became the ancestor of mankind and the goddess of creation, while Pangu won the worship of the people with her groundbreaking divine powers. As the ancestor of the Chinese nation, the Yellow Emperor has become the object of worship of later emperors. In the light of these new mythical figures, the emperor was gradually forgotten.

The Emperor of the Celestial Gods of Ancient Mythology: The forgotten god of creation

Secondly, the integration and evolution of culture also had an impact on the status of Dijun. After the Zhou Dynasty replaced the Shang Dynasty, the Dongyi culture represented by the Shang Dynasty gradually declined, while the Central Plains culture brought by the Zhou Dynasty gradually became dominant. In this process, many Dongyi mythological characters and stories were gradually marginalized, and Dijun, as the supreme deity of Dongyi mythology, was naturally also affected.

In the end, Dijun, as a tall and ethereal image of a celestial god, could not be exploited by the rulers of ancient dynasties. In ancient societies, rulers often used mythology to assert their authority and legitimacy. However, for an ancient god like Di Jun, who has no identity and high status, the ruler cannot maintain the legitimacy of his rule through genealogy and other means. Therefore, under the impetus of the rulers, Dijun was gradually faded out of the mythical stage.

Although Dijun is gradually forgotten in the legends of later generations, his place in ancient mythology is irreplaceable. He is the symbol of that era, the memory of Chinese civilization, and the eternal creator deity in people's hearts. Although his stories and legends have been buried by time, they are forever engraved in the cultural genes of the Chinese nation.

As the only ancient book that records the deeds and genealogy of Emperor Jun in detail, the Classic of Mountains and Seas provides valuable clues for us to understand this mysterious god. Through the study and interpretation of the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", we can get a glimpse of the mysterious and fantastic ancient world, and we can also feel the greatness and nobility of Dijun as the creator god.

The Emperor of the Celestial Gods of Ancient Mythology: The forgotten god of creation

In today's era of information explosion, we may have forgotten the name Dijun, but when we look up at the stars and think about the meaning of life, we may be able to feel the presence and influence of that ancient god. He is part of our culture and the sustenance of our spirit. In the years to come, let's trace the footsteps of the emperor and explore that mysterious and ancient world of mythology. #图文创作打卡挑战活动#