
Let's talk: The legend of the spooky snake demon!

author:Koishiko Ikkatsu

In an old village, there is a legendary story about snakes. This story has been passed down for many years, and now, I want to share it with you.

The story begins early in the morning, when the sun shines over the village and birds sing happily in the branches. The villagers got up early in the morning and were busy preparing for the day's work. And on the edge of the village, beside a quiet stream, there is an elderly man fishing.

The old man's name is Zhang Yun, and he is over seventy years old, but he is still physically strong and in good spirits. He is a legend in the village because he once had an unknown experience.

The protagonist of the story is a magical snake. This snake is not ordinary, it has spirituality and wisdom. Legend has it that this snake once saved a young man in the village, and since then, he has formed an indissoluble bond with Zhang Yun.

In the eyes of many people, snakes are terrifying animals, but in Zhang Yun's eyes, snakes are mysterious and beautiful creatures. He likes to be with this snake in the early morning when he fishes.

Let's talk: The legend of the spooky snake demon!

However, this is not a quiet story. After a heavy rain in the village, the snake disappeared. Zhang Yun anxiously searched around, but never found any trace of the snake.

Just then, a little girl came running to tell Zhang Yun that she had seen a huge snake in the woods. Zhang Yun was so anxious that he immediately rushed to the woods.

Deep in the woods, he finally finds the snake, only to find that it has been injured. Zhang Yun took the snake home and treated its wounds with herbs.

As the days passed, the snake's injuries gradually improved. Zhang Yun takes more meticulous care of snakes, and he treats them as if they were his own relatives.

In this way, a peculiar friendship was established between the snake and Zhang Yun. Every day, Zhang Yun will be with the snake and share his life and mood.

Let's talk: The legend of the spooky snake demon!

However, people began to wonder and be puzzled by Zhang Yun's actions. They believe that snakes are dangerous animals and should not have much contact with humans.

However, Zhang Yun does not care about other people's opinions. He firmly believes that the snake is spiritual, and there is a special connection between her and himself.

In the end, Zhang Yun's persistence paid off. Early one morning, the snake suddenly changed, and its body slowly transformed into a beautiful woman.

It turns out that the snake is a fairy who has been killed by witchcraft, and she has been cursed into the form of a snake. And Zhang Yun's kindness and sincerity finally moved the heavens and allowed the fairy to regain her life.

Since then, Zhang Yun and the fairy have lived a happy and happy life, and their story has become a legend in the village and has been passed down to this day.

Let's talk: The legend of the spooky snake demon!

This story teaches us that kindness and sincerity are the greatest powers. As long as we have good thoughts in our hearts, we can move the heavens and create miracles. Let's learn from Zhang Yun's good deeds and inherit this beautiful power.