
The eldest sister was going to have surgery, and the four sisters and brothers came overnight, and the one outside the operating room knelt down to watch the crying people: this is family affection

author:Dream apples

In the hospital corridor late at night, the lights are dim, and there is a solemn atmosphere in the air. A group of figures waited anxiously, they were five brothers and sisters, who had traveled thousands of miles for the eldest sister's surgery.

The eldest sister was going to have surgery, and the four sisters and brothers came overnight, and the one outside the operating room knelt down to watch the crying people: this is family affection

The eldest sister, the woman who once carried the burden of the family and nourished them with selfless love, is now lying on the operating table, fighting to the death against the disease. She is not only their relative, but also their heart's dependence. Under her care, they thrived, and now, it was them who guarded her.

The eldest sister was going to have surgery, and the four sisters and brothers came overnight, and the one outside the operating room knelt down to watch the crying people: this is family affection

Outside the operating room, my sister and nephew knelt silently on the ground, their hands clasped and their eyes shining with determination. Their hearts are full of concern and worry for their eldest sister, but more than that, they are blessed and prayed for her. At that moment, they seemed to be communicating with their eldest sister with their hearts, conveying their love and support for each other.

The eldest sister was going to have surgery, and the four sisters and brothers came overnight, and the one outside the operating room knelt down to watch the crying people: this is family affection

Time seemed to become extraordinarily long in this moment, and every second seemed like an ordeal. However, when the door to the operating room finally opened and the eldest sister was pushed out, all the waiting and anxiety turned into tears of excitement. The brothers and sisters gathered around and looked at the eldest sister with concern, although she was still weak, their company made her feel the warmth of home.

The eldest sister was going to have surgery, and the four sisters and brothers came overnight, and the one outside the operating room knelt down to watch the crying people: this is family affection

In the following days, the brothers and sisters took turns to guard the eldest sister, and they took care of her meticulously, dispelling the haze of illness with love and care. They said, "The eldest sister has given us so much, and now it's time for us to repay her." This dedication and persistence to family affection makes people feel the most sincere emotions in the world.

The eldest sister was going to have surgery, and the four sisters and brothers came overnight, and the one outside the operating room knelt down to watch the crying people: this is family affection

The story went viral on social media and struck a chord. Netizens left messages one after another, lamenting the greatness and selflessness of family affection. Someone said: "In this indifferent society, such family affection is particularly precious." Some people also said: "Family affection is the most precious treasure in our lives, no matter what difficulties we encounter, as long as we have the support of our relatives, we can move forward bravely." ”

Family affection is like a bright light in the middle of the night, illuminating our way forward, and it is like a warm current in the cold, warming our hearts. Let us cherish the relatives around us and water this heavy emotion with love and care! Because in this world, there is nothing more touching than the family affection that blood is thicker than water.