
The man was unjustly imprisoned, and in the middle of the night, his mother saved her son in a dream, and the mother said: Bite your finger quickly

author:Chuangyi is important

The man was unjustly imprisoned, and his mother saved her son in a dream in the middle of the night

In ancient times, there was a village called Yunxi, although the village was small, it was rich and peaceful because of the beautiful mountains and rivers, the wind and rain. There is a young man named Li Hao in the village, who is hardworking, kind, and upright, and is deeply loved by the villagers. However, a sudden change left him in prison and suffered injustice.

It was a sunny afternoon, and the richest man in the village, Mr. Zhao, was suddenly killed at home, but Li Hao was arrested by the government for inexplicable evidence. Although he flatly denied it, the government decided that he was the murderer and threw him into prison. The villagers talked about it, and most of them didn't believe that Li Hao would do such a thing, but the evidence was conclusive, so they could only sigh.

Li Hao suffered a lot in prison, thinking about his mother and relatives at home every day. He firmly believes in his innocence, but he is powerless to prove it. In the dead of night, he would sit alone in the corner of his cell, silently weeping.

One night, Li Hao was pondering in prison when he suddenly felt a wave of fatigue. He closed his eyes and fell asleep in a few moments. In the dream, he saw his mother. Mother was still so kind, she walked up to Li Hao with a smile and gently stroked his head.

"Child, you have suffered. "Mother's voice is gentle and loving.

When Li Hao saw his mother, the grievances and pain in his heart instantly welled up in his heart, he hugged his mother with tears streaming down his face, and choked up: "Mother, I was wronged! I really didn't kill anyone!"

The man was unjustly imprisoned, and in the middle of the night, his mother saved her son in a dream, and the mother said: Bite your finger quickly

The mother patted him lightly on the back and comforted, "Child, my mother knows that you are innocent. Don't worry, my mother will find a way to save you. ”

After speaking, the mother took out a silver needle from her pocket, handed it to Li Hao, and said solemnly: "This is the talisman that my mother personally asked for you, you bite your finger and drip blood on the silver needle, you can unravel your grievances." ”

Li Hao was stunned when he heard this, he looked at the silver needle in his mother's hand, and then at his fingers, his heart was full of doubts. But he believed his mother's words, so he didn't hesitate to bite his finger and drip blood on the silver needle.

At this moment, a golden light shot out from the silver needle and soared into the sky. Li Hao only felt that his eyes lit up, and he lost consciousness. When he woke up again, he found that he had returned to reality.

He looked around and saw that everything in the cell had become unusually bright. He touched his finger and found that the wound had healed, and the silver needle lay quietly in his hand, emitting a faint glow.

Li Hao's heart was excited, could it be that his mother's words were true? This silver needle could really unravel his grievances? He couldn't wait to try it.

At that moment, there was a commotion outside the cell. Li Hao looked up and saw a group of officials walking in with an official. The official looked at Li Hao with a serious face, and then asked, "You are Li Hao?"

The man was unjustly imprisoned, and in the middle of the night, his mother saved her son in a dream, and the mother said: Bite your finger quickly

Li Hao nodded, feeling uneasy. Seeing this, the official waved his hand and motioned for the officials to stand down. He walked up to Li Hao and said in a deep voice: "After this official retried the case, I found that you are not the real murderer. Now this official declares that you are acquitted!"

When Li Hao heard the news, he couldn't believe his ears. He stared at the official blankly, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. He knelt down excitedly and kowtowed again and again to thank him: "Thank you, sir!"

The official smiled and helped him up, saying, "You don't have to thank me, if you want to thank your mother." It was she who gave me a dream to retry the case. Your grievances have finally been cleared, and you can go home and be reunited with your family. ”

When Li Hao heard this, his heart was full of gratitude. He bowed deeply and walked out of the cell. The sun was shining outside, and there was a sense of freedom in the air. Li Hao took a deep breath and felt unprecedented relief and joy.

He couldn't wait to return home to be reunited with his mother and loved ones. When his mother saw him return safely, she burst into tears with emotion. Li Hao hugged his mother tightly, his heart full of gratitude and happiness.

Since then, Li Hao has cherished the time with his family even more, and has worked harder to live and work. He always remembers his mother's kindness and teachings, and uses his kindness and integrity to influence the people around him. And that mysterious silver needle is also regarded by him as a family heirloom and passed down from generation to generation.

This story has been circulated in Yunxi Village for a long time and has become a good story in the mouths of the villagers. Whenever someone mentions Li Hao's name, they are full of praise for his integrity and bravery. And that magical dream and silver needle have also become eternal mysteries and legends in people's hearts.

The man was unjustly imprisoned, and in the middle of the night, his mother saved her son in a dream, and the mother said: Bite your finger quickly

However, the story doesn't end there. After Li Hao experienced this unjust imprisonment, his heart also underwent earth-shaking changes. He began to think more deeply about the truth and rules of this world, and began to explore this fantasy world in his own way.

In the days to come, Li Hao relied on his wisdom and courage to solve one mystery after another, revealing one truth after another hidden behind it. He has become a legend in Yunxi Village and even the whole world, and his story has been praised by future generations, becoming a hero and role model in the hearts of generations after generations.

And the mother who once saved her son with a dream will always remain in Li Hao's heart. Whenever he encounters difficulties and setbacks, he remembers his mother's gentle voice and kind smile, so as to find the motivation and courage to move forward. He knew that at all times and at all times, his mother would be by his side, guarding him and guiding him forward.

As the years passed, Li Hao's reputation gradually spread all over the world. Not only did he become a hero in the hearts of the villagers, but he also attracted many like-minded friends and followers. Together, they explore this fantasy world, revealing the truth behind it.

During an expedition, Li Hao and his companions accidentally discovered an ancient ruin. The ruins exude an aura of mystery that seems to hide some kind of great power. Li Hao's heart moved, and he felt that this might have some connection with his mother's dream and the silver needle.

They cautiously entered the ruins, avoiding traps and traps along the way. Eventually, they came to a spacious hall. In the center of the hall was a stone platform with a silver needle glittering with golden light. Li Hao recognized at a glance that this was the silver needle that his mother had given him.

The man was unjustly imprisoned, and in the middle of the night, his mother saved her son in a dream, and the mother said: Bite your finger quickly

He stepped forward and took the silver needle in his hand. Suddenly, a powerful force poured into his body, making him feel extremely shocked. He closed his eyes and began to communicate with the force.

During the communication, Li Hao learned an amazing secret. It turned out that his mother was not an extraordinary person, but a fairy from the heavenly realm. For some reason, she went down to the earth, became attached to Li Hao's father and gave birth to him. The silver needle was a treasure she had brought down from the heavenly realm, and it had the power to solve all mysteries and grievances.

Before her death, her mother sealed her strength and memory in a silver needle and gave her dream to Li Hao, hoping that he could use this power to unravel his grievances and continue to explore the truth of this world.

After Li Hao heard this secret, his heart was full of shock and gratitude. He bowed deeply and paid his respects to his mother's relics. He then left the ruins with Silver Needle and his companions to continue their expedition.

In the following days, Li Hao relied on the power of the silver needle to solve one mystery after another, revealing one truth after another hidden behind it. He leads his companions to constantly challenge the limits of this world and explore unknown territories.

Their names spread throughout the continent and became heroes and role models in the hearts of countless people. And Li Hao has gradually grown into a real legend in this process, and his story has been praised by future generations and has become a legend in the hearts of generations after generations.

However, for Li Hao, the most important thing is still the mother who once saved her son from her dream. He knew that no matter where he went, no matter how much he achieved, his mother would always guard him in his heart and guide him forward.

The man was unjustly imprisoned, and in the middle of the night, his mother saved her son in a dream, and the mother said: Bite your finger quickly

So, with his mother's relics and blessings, he continued to explore this fantasy world, pursuing his own truth and mission. And that former unjust prison and his mother's dream have also become an eternal memory and source of motivation in his heart, inspiring him to keep moving forward until all the secrets of this world are revealed. Time flies, Li Hao and his partners have walked through countless mountains and rivers, and experienced countless hardships and obstacles. Every challenge has strengthened their faith and determination. And Li Hao also gradually comprehended the deeper power of the silver needle in this process.

He discovers that the power of the Silver Needle is not only to solve mysteries and grievances, but also to guide him to the light deep inside. Whenever he faced a difficult situation, he would close his eyes and feel the warmth and strength transmitted by the silver needle, so as to find the courage and wisdom to move forward.

By chance, Li Hao learned a clue about the secrets of the heavenly realm and the mortal world. It is said that somewhere in the mortal world, there is a hidden portal to the heavenly realm. Only through this portal can one truly understand the secrets of the heavenly realm and master greater power.

Li Hao decided to lead his companions to find this portal and uncover the secrets of the Heavenly Realm. After a long period of searching and exploring, they finally came to a mysterious valley. The valley is filled with a rich aura, as if some mysterious power is guarding the place.

Deep in the valley, they found an ancient stone door. The stone door is carved with intricate runes and patterns, exuding a powerful aura. Li Hao felt that this stone gate was the gateway to the heavenly realm.

They cautiously pushed open the stone door, and a powerful suction force swept them in. When they opened their eyes again, they found themselves in a completely strange world, the heavenly realm.

The beauty of the celestial realm amazed them, and at the same time, they felt more powerful and aura. They begin their adventures in the celestial realm, searching for their own answers and missions.

The man was unjustly imprisoned, and in the middle of the night, his mother saved her son in a dream, and the mother said: Bite your finger quickly

In the process, Li Hao gradually learned the secrets and truth of the heavenly realm. He discovered that the heavenly realm and the mortal world were not two isolated worlds, but were interdependent and mutually influential. Only through continuous exploration and practice can we truly grasp the power and wisdom of the two worlds.

In a corner of the heavenly realm, Li Hao also unexpectedly met his mother, the fairy who once saved his son from a dream. His mother told him that she had been watching his growth and adventures in the Celestial Realm, and was proud and relieved of him. She hopes that Li Hao can continue to move forward, explore more unknown areas, and contribute to the peace and prosperity of the two worlds.

Li Hao hugged his mother and cried, grateful. He assured his mother that he would continue to work hard to practice and explore, and live up to her expectations and blessings.

Under the guidance of his mother, Li Hao and his friends continued to explore and learn in the heavenly realm. Gradually, they have mastered more strength and wisdom, and they have also made more like-minded friends and partners.

Eventually, they succeeded in unlocking the secrets and connections between the heavenly realm and the mortal world, making a great contribution to the peace and prosperity of both worlds. Li Hao has also become a legend in the two worlds, and his story has been praised by future generations, becoming a legend and role model in the hearts of generations after generations.

And the most precious thing in his heart is still the mother who once saved his son from his dream and the magical silver needle. He knew that no matter where he went, no matter how much he achieved, his mother and the silver needle would always accompany him and guide him forward.

So, with his mother's blessing and the power of the silver needle, Li Hao continued to explore this world full of fantasy, pursuing his own truth and mission. His story will forever be passed on in every corner of the world, inspiring future generations to keep moving forward, explore the unknown, and pursue the truth.

The man was unjustly imprisoned, and in the middle of the night, his mother saved her son in a dream, and the mother said: Bite your finger quickly