
The man buried his wife, but the cemetery was occupied by a serpent, and the serpent said, "Your wife is still alive."

author:Chuangyi is important

The man buried his wife, but the cemetery was occupied by a serpent, and the serpent said, "Your wife is still alive."

In a remote mountain village, there lives a young man named Li Ming. Li Ming is hardworking and kind, and his wife Xiaohua is very affectionate, and the two run a few acres of thin fields in the family together, although they are not rich, but they are also full of laughter.

However, there are unforeseen circumstances in the sky, and people have good and bad luck. On a stormy night, Xiaohua suddenly fell ill with a high fever, and the village doctor was helpless. Li Ming's heart was like a knife, and he sought medical advice everywhere, but he still failed to save his wife's life. Xiaohua closed her eyes peacefully in Li Ming's arms, leaving him alone.

Li Ming was so grief-stricken that he decided to hold a grand funeral for his wife. He invited the elders of the village, selected a feng shui treasure according to custom, and prepared to bury Xiaohua there. On the day of the funeral, the villagers came to mourn, and Li Ming tearfully buried his wife's body in the ground.

However, on the night of the funeral, a bizarre thing happened. A huge black snake suddenly appeared next to the cemetery, and it was entrenched there, its eyes blazing, as if guarding something. Li Ming and the villagers were all very surprised when they saw this, they had never seen such a huge black snake.

Li Ming was uneasy, worried that the black snake would harm the cemetery, so he boldly stepped forward and wanted to drive the black snake away. However, when he approached the black snake, the black snake suddenly raised his head, spit out the letter, and looked at him with a strange look. Li Ming was so frightened that he took a few steps back, and at this time, the black snake actually spoke.

"Your wife is still alive. The Black Serpent's voice was deep and mysterious, "I am the patron saint of the mountains, sensing that your wife's soul has not left. She still has a chance to live, and if you follow my instructions, you can save her. ”

The man buried his wife, but the cemetery was occupied by a serpent, and the serpent said, "Your wife is still alive."

Li Ming was shocked when he heard this, he couldn't believe his ears. However, looking at the serious eyes of the black snake, he felt that there might really be a glimmer of hope. So, he cautiously asked, "May I ask Lord Divine Snake, how should I do it?"

The Black Snake said slowly, "You need to go deep into the mountains to find a magical herb called 'Soul Rejuvenation Grass'. This herb awakens your wife's soul and rejuvenates her. However, the process of finding the Revenant Grass is full of dangers and unknowns, and you need to have enough courage and wisdom to succeed. ”

After Li Ming heard this, he was both excited and apprehensive. He knew that this was a rare opportunity that he had to seize in order to save his beloved wife. So, he resolutely embarked on a journey to find the Soul Restoration Grass.

Li Ming trekked in the mountains and forests for several days, went through hardships and dangers, and finally found the location of the Soul Restoration Grass. It is a strange plant that grows on the cliff face, emitting a faint fluorescence, as if it contains endless life. Li Ming carefully picked the Soul Rejuvenation Grass, and then hurried back home with it.

Back at the cemetery, Li Ming followed the instructions of the black snake and ground the Soul Rejuvenation Grass into juice and fed it to the little flower in the tomb. A miraculous thing happened, and I saw that Xiaohua's face gradually became rosy, and her body began to move faintly. Li Ming was pleasantly surprised, he knew that his wife had really come to life!

However, Xiaohua did not wake up immediately. Although her soul was awakened, her body still needed some time to recover. Li Ming patiently waited by the grave, taking care of his wife day and night. Finally, on a sunny morning, Xiaohua slowly opened her eyes, and she saw Li Ming waiting beside her, with a gentle and grateful light in her eyes.

Since then, Li Ming and Xiaohua have started their happy life again. They thanked Black Snake for saving their lives, and they also thanked fate for giving them a chance to start over. And that magical black snake has also become the eternal guardian saint in their hearts.

The man buried his wife, but the cemetery was occupied by a serpent, and the serpent said, "Your wife is still alive."

The story spread throughout the mountain village, and people were happy for the reunion of Li Ming and Xiaohua. And the black snake has also become a legend in the mountain village, and the villagers have come to worship and pray for its blessing and protection. Li Ming and Xiaohua also often offered incense and offerings to the black snake with a grateful heart, thanking it for giving them a new life and hope.

As the years passed, the story of Li Ming and Xiaohua became a good story in the mountain village. Their love and perseverance inspire future generations to move forward and face life's difficulties and challenges. And that magical black snake has remained in people's hearts forever and has become an eternal legend. The man buried his wife, but the cemetery was occupied by a serpent, and the serpent said, "Your wife is still alive."


After Xiaohua woke up, her body gradually returned to her former health. She is gentle and considerate, and cherishes every moment with Li Ming even more. The two work together and take care of the family's fields together, and although life is still simple, it is full of sweetness and happiness.

However, the miraculous black snake did not leave because of the awakening of Xiaohua. It still sits next to the cemetery, guarding the land. Li Ming and Xiaohua are grateful to the black snake and often come to worship it for saving its life.

As time passed, the relationship between Black Snake and Li Ming and his wife became more and more intimate. When night falls, the black snake comes to their home and shares the moments of life with them. It seems to be able to understand human language, and its care and gratitude for Li Ming are also overflowing.

One day, the black snake suddenly revealed a secret to Li Ming. It said that it was not an ordinary snake, but the embodiment of an ancient god in the mountains. It sensed the twists and turns of Xiaohua's fate, so it came to help. Now that the little flower has recovered, it will also leave the land and continue to protect the creatures in the mountains.

The man buried his wife, but the cemetery was occupied by a serpent, and the serpent said, "Your wife is still alive."

After Li Ming and Xiaohua heard this, their hearts were full of respect and gratitude. They held a solemn send-off ceremony for the black snake, praying for its safe journey and continuing to protect the creatures in the mountain.

After the black snake left, Li Ming and Xiaohua's lives were still peaceful and happy. They often recall that bizarre and magical experience, and their hearts are full of emotion. They understand that every turning point in life is full of unknowns and possibilities, and only by facing them bravely can they usher in a new beginning.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Li Ming and Xiaohua have gone through dozens of spring and autumn together. Their love story has been sung endlessly in the mountain village and has become a good story for future generations. And that magical black snake has remained in people's hearts forever and has become an eternal legend.

Whenever night falls, the figure of the black snake can still be faintly seen in the night sky of the mountain village, which seems to be guarding this land, and also guarding the tenacious love of Li Ming and Xiaohua. And Li Ming and Xiaohua often looked up at the starry sky, and their hearts were full of gratitude and awe. They know that every miracle in life is hard-won, and they will cherish every moment and walk through the years to come together.

In this way, the story of Li Ming and Xiaohua has been passed down in the mountain village and has become a good memory in the hearts of generations after generations. And that magical black snake has forever become a part of the mountain village, guarding the peace and happiness here. The man buried his wife, but the cemetery was occupied by a serpent, and the serpent said, "Your wife is still alive."


The man buried his wife, but the cemetery was occupied by a serpent, and the serpent said, "Your wife is still alive."

As the years passed, Li Ming and Xiaohua's lives were calm and warm. They work at sunrise and rest at sunset, guarding the land and their home together. Whenever the spring breeze blows through the fields and brings the breath of new life, they will think of the magical black snake, and think of the turnaround and rebirth it brings.

However, the peace of life did not last forever. One day, flash floods caused severe damage to houses and fields in the village. Villagers have fled their homes in search of safety. Li Ming and Xiaohua were no exception, they fled to the mountains with their belongings and livestock.

On the way to escape, Li Ming and Xiaohua went through hardships, but they always supported each other and never gave up. They know that as long as they are with each other, they can get through it, no matter how difficult it is.

Finally, in a hidden valley in the mountains, they found a temporary shelter. The mountains and rivers here are beautiful, and although the conditions are difficult, they are enough to settle down. Li Ming and Xiaohua decide to rebuild their home here and start their lives anew.

In the process of rebuilding their homes, they encountered many difficulties and challenges. But with their diligence and wisdom, they overcame the difficulties step by step and gradually put their lives on the right track. They reclaimed wasteland, planted crops, raised poultry, and lived a hard but hopeful life.

However, just when they thought their lives were on track, a sudden plague swept through the mountain village. Many villagers fell ill, including Li Ming and Xiaohua. They felt weak, their fever persisted, and their lives seemed to be in danger again.

Just when they were desperate, the magical black snake reappeared. It brought the spirit grass from the mountains and dispelled the plague for the villagers. With the help of the black snake, Li Ming and Xiaohua also gradually recovered their health.

The man buried his wife, but the cemetery was occupied by a serpent, and the serpent said, "Your wife is still alive."

They are grateful, and they have no words for the kindness of the Black Snake. The Black Serpent told them that it had been ordered by the mountain god to come to their aid, because they had touched the mountain god with their kindness and tenacity. Black Snake also tells them that as long as they continue to maintain this kindness and tenacity, their future life will definitely be better.

After Li Ming and Xiaohua heard this, their hearts were full of confidence and hope. They know that no matter how many difficulties and challenges lie ahead, as long as they work together, they will be able to get through it.

With the help of the black snake, the villagers gradually regained their health and rebuilt their homes. They are grateful to Black Snake for saving their lives, and they are also grateful to Li Ming and Xiaohua for their tenacity and kindness. Together, they are guarding this land and moving towards a better future together.

And the magical black snake, after completing its mission, quietly left the mountain village. It knows that the creatures here have learned how to face difficulties and challenges, and that the future will be up to them.

Li Ming and Xiaohua stood at the entrance of the village, watching the back of the black snake in the distance. Their hearts are full of gratitude and respect, as well as anticipation and hope for the future. They know that no matter what kind of wind and rain they encounter in the future, they will work together to move towards a better tomorrow.

And their stories have also been passed down in the mountain villages and have become legends in the hearts of generations after generations. Whenever people tell this story, they think of the miraculous black snake, the miracle and hope it brings. And Li Ming and Xiaohua will forever become legends in the mountain village, and their tenacity and kindness will always inspire future generations to move forward.