
The young woman met a classmate when she was young, and lost her life after a night of romance, Taoist priest: He is not a human being

author:The gentle sojourner bubbles

The young woman met a classmate when she was young

The night was hazy, and the moonlight was like water, dappled on the silent ancient streets. The faint glow of the lanterns lining the streets adds to the mysterious atmosphere of the night.

In this ancient street, there was a young woman who walked alone. Her name is Li Wan'er, dressed in an elegant cheongsam, with a beautiful face, but there is a trace of imperceptible sorrow between her eyebrows.

On this night, the streets in the moonlight seemed to be more deserted than usual, except for the gentle breeze that brought a chill. Li Wan'er couldn't help but feel an inexplicable fear in her heart, and she quickened her pace, wanting to return home as soon as possible.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly echoed in the night sky: "Wan'er, is it you?"

Li Wan'er turned around and saw a man in a long robe standing not far away, with a delicate face and a little inexplicable depth in his eyes. She looked at it carefully, and finally recognized the person: "You are ...... Lin Feng?"

"It's me. The man smiled slightly and stepped forward, "I haven't seen you for many years, Wan'er, you are still so beautiful." ”

Li Wan'er felt an inexplicable emotion in her heart. Lin Feng was her classmate when she was young, and the two had a young and beautiful relationship. Now the reunion is like a world away.

"Why are you here?" asked Li Wan'er curiously.

"I happened to be passing by here, and I didn't expect to meet you. Lin Feng explained, "Since we are reunited, why don't you find a place to catch up?"

The young woman met a classmate when she was young, and lost her life after a night of romance, Taoist priest: He is not a human being

Li Wan'er hesitated slightly, but the curiosity and nostalgia in her heart made her nod.

The two came to a secluded teahouse, and sat opposite each other in the dim light. Lin Feng poured a cup of hot tea for Li Wan'er, and said with a smile: "Wan'er, how have you been doing all these years?"

"It's fine. Li Wan'er took a sip of tea gently, with a little loneliness in her tone, "It's just that life is always a little unsatisfactory." ”

"I heard that you are married to a good family, how can this be?" Lin Feng asked with concern.

Li Wan'er sighed: "Every family has a scripture that is difficult to read, and some things are not as glamorous as they seem. ”

The two chatted about the past years, and those youthful memories gradually warmed up the atmosphere. Before you know it, night has fallen, and the guests in the teahouse are gradually becoming scarce. Lin Feng proposed to send Li Wan'er home, she hesitated, but finally agreed.

The streets were particularly quiet under the moonlight, and the footsteps of the two echoed in the empty streets. The fear in Li Wan'er's heart gradually dissipated, and was replaced by an inexplicable sense of reassurance. Lin Feng seemed to be the boy who protected her when she was young, which made her feel extremely cordial.

However, just when the two were about to separate, Lin Feng suddenly grabbed Li Wan'er's hand: "Wan'er, in fact, I haven't forgotten you." I've been looking for you all these years, and now that we're back together, I don't want to miss it again. ”

Li Wan'er was shocked in her heart, she looked up at Lin Feng's affectionate eyes, and the defense line in her heart gradually collapsed. That night, the old love between the two was rekindled, and they had a romantic affair all night.

However, things are not as rosy as they could have been. Early the next morning, Li Wan'er was found tragically dead at home, and her death was tragic, as if something terrible had happened. Her husband was grief-stricken, and after reporting to the authorities, the government could not find any clues.

The young woman met a classmate when she was young, and lost her life after a night of romance, Taoist priest: He is not a human being

After the news spread, the people of the town were full of discussions. Some people say that it was Li Wan'er's husband who poisoned her, and some people say that she suffered evil spirits. However, no one knows what the truth is.

At this moment, a wandering Taoist priest passed by and heard the news of Li Wan'er's death. He came to Li Wan'er's home, carefully inspected the scene, and frowned. The Taoist priest inquired about Li Wan'er's whereabouts before her death and her unusual circumstances before her death, and when he heard that Li Wan'er had reunited with an old friend and spent the night with her the night before her death, the Taoist priest's face changed suddenly.

"Where is that old friend now?" the priest asked eagerly.

"I don't know. Li Wan'er's husband shook his head and said, "He only appeared that night, and there was no news after that." ”

The Taoist priest took a deep breath and said solemnly, "If my guess is correct, that old friend is not human. ”

"What? how is this possible?" asked Li Wan'er's husband in astonishment.

"The young woman's blood was badly depleted and she had obvious bite marks on her neck. The Taoist priest explained, "This is a sign that the essence blood has been sucked by evil creatures. Moreover, the old friend of whom you speak, I suspect that he is long gone, but exists in the form of an evil spirit. He took advantage of the emotional entanglement between you to seduce the young woman and take her life. ”

Hearing this, everyone was in an uproar. Li Wan'er's husband was even more grief-stricken, and he couldn't accept this cruel truth. The Taoist priest sighed and said, "This matter is not trivial, I must find that evil spirit as soon as possible, otherwise he will continue to plague the world." ”

The Taoist priest set up a magic circle at Li Wan'er's house and instructed the family not to go out at night. However, for several nights on end, the evil spirit did not seem to appear.

Just when everyone thought it was over, a terrible night came. That night, the moonlight was obscured by dark clouds, and it was pitch black all around. Suddenly, a mournful cry echoed in the night sky, followed by the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

The young woman met a classmate when she was young, and lost her life after a night of romance, Taoist priest: He is not a human being

As the family walked out of the room in fear, they saw a gruesome scene: the Taoist priest was lying in a pool of blood, dying, and his neck was also visibly bitten.

The people of the town panicked, knowing that the evil spirits were not leaving, but were secretly watching their next target. Since then, every night falls, an inexplicable atmosphere of fear pervades the town, as if evil spirits are ready to leap out of the darkness at any moment and take the lives of innocent people.

However, the true identity and purpose of the evil spirits remain a mystery. The cause of Li Wan'er's death and the murder of the Taoist priest have also become the talk of the people in the town after dinner. Some people say that it was Li Wan'er's lover when she was young and turned into a ghost to seek revenge because of love and hatred, and some people say that it was because the Taoist priest did not practice enough and was victimized by evil spirits...... The truth is becoming more and more confusing amid the divergent opinions.

But no amount of speculation or rumors can change the fact that after that horrific night, the mysterious deaths of the young woman and the Taoist priest cast an indescribable shadow over this ancient town. When night falls and the lights come on, the lanterns on both sides of the street seem to be the only solace in people's hearts. They silently prayed that the evil spirits would not appear again, but fear and the unknown always lingered in everyone's hearts.

Soon after the mysterious deaths of the young woman Li Wan'er and the Taoist priest, the atmosphere in the town became increasingly oppressive. People are afraid to go out alone, especially at night. There was a lot of discussion on the streets, but no one dared to delve into the truth of the incident.

However, fear did not stop the brave. There is a young scholar in the town, named Lu Zixuan, who usually likes to explore all kinds of strange things. After hearing about the mysterious death of the young woman and the Taoist priest, he is determined to investigate the matter and unravel the mystery for the people of the town.

Lu Zixuan began to run around, gathering information about Li Wan'er and Lin Feng. He found Li Wan'er's relatives, friends and neighbors, and learned in detail about her whereabouts and personality before her death. At the same time, he also consulted a large number of ancient books and legends, trying to find similar cases and clues.

In the course of the investigation, Lu Zixuan found an important clue: Lin Feng had died of illness when he was young, and his grave was located on a wasteland outside the town. This news shocked Lu Zixuan, and he began to doubt Lin Feng's true identity.

In order to further explore the truth, Lu Zixuan decided to go to Lin Feng's grave to find out. Armed with some necessary tools and self-defense weapons, he set out on his own journey to the wasteland.

When Lu Zixuan came to Lin Feng's grave, he found that there was an eerie atmosphere around the grave. The handwriting on the tombstone has been blurred, but the words "Tomb of Lin Feng" can be vaguely recognized.

The young woman met a classmate when she was young, and lost her life after a night of romance, Taoist priest: He is not a human being

Lu Zixuan took a deep breath and began to carefully observe the situation around the tomb. He found that the soil on the grave seemed to have been turned over, and there were strange runes and artifacts scattered around. These discoveries made Lu Zixuan even more convinced of his guess: Lin Feng was not a human, but an evil spirit.

In order to verify his conjecture, Lu Zixuan decided to conduct an exorcism ceremony. He arranged the circle according to the method in the ancient books, and lit the rune paper and incense. As the ritual progressed, the atmosphere around him became more and more eerie, as if something was secretly watching him.

Suddenly, a gloomy wind blew, and the candle flame in front of the grave flickered. Lu Zixuan's heart tightened, but he didn't flinch. He is convinced that his guess is correct and that he must unravel the mystery for the people of the town.

At this moment, a dark figure slowly rose from the tomb. Lu Zixuan fixed his eyes and saw that it was Lin Feng's appearance. His countenance was distorted and hideous, and his eyes gleamed with evil.

"Who are you, why are you here to disturb my peace?" Lin Feng asked gloomily.

"I'm Lu Zixuan, I'm here to uncover your true face!" Lu Zixuan replied fearlessly, "You used Li Wan'er's emotional entanglement to kill her, and you also killed an innocent Taoist priest." Today, I'm going to make you pay!"

With that, Lu Zixuan began to chant the incantation, and the magic weapon in his hand also emitted a dazzling light. Lin Feng let out an angry roar and pounced on Lu Zixuan. The two engage in a thrilling battle over the wasteland.

After a fierce battle, Lu Zixuan finally succeeded in dispelling Lin Feng's evil spirits. The atmosphere in the wasteland suddenly became clear, as if all the gloom had been swept away.

Lu Zixuan gasped and looked at the dissipated evil spirits and the tomb that had returned to peace. He knew that he had finally uncovered a mystery for the people of the town, and also sought justice for Li Wan'er and the Taoist priest. Since then, there has been no bizarre incident like this in this ancient town. And Lu Zixuan's bravery and wisdom have also become a good story praised by the people in the town.


The young woman met a classmate when she was young, and lost her life after a night of romance, Taoist priest: He is not a human being

After successfully dispelling Lin Feng's evil spirits, Lu Zixuan did not leave the wasteland immediately. He sat in front of Lin Feng's tomb, his deep eyes flashing with thought. Why is Lin Feng's evil spirit so persistent, even after his death, that he still does not forget to look for his old lover?

Just as Lu Zixuan was pondering, a gentle wind blew, carrying a faint fragrance of flowers. He looked up and saw a peach blossom tree in full bloom not far away, and its petals fell with the wind, like a dream.

Lu Zixuan stood up, walked under the peach blossom tree, and reached out to catch a falling petal. His heart moved, and he suddenly thought of something, so he took out a yellowed ancient book from his bosom. This ancient book was obtained by him from an old Taoist priest who was about to retire, and it is said that it contains many secrets about ghosts and demons.

He quickly flipped through the ancient books and finally found the information he was looking for on a yellowed page of paper. It turns out that after death, some people are too obsessed to rest their souls, so they will turn into evil spirits and wander in the world. And the way to resolve this obsession is to find the regrets of the evil spirit before his death, and help him fulfill his wishes.

Lu Zixuan understood that the reason why Lin Feng's evil spirit was so persistent was because of his deep affection and unfinished love for Li Wan'er during his lifetime. He wanted to renew his relationship with Li Wan'er, but he couldn't do it because of the different paths of people and ghosts, and finally embarked on the evil road of seizing the essence of the living.

In order to completely resolve Lin Feng's obsession, Lu Zixuan decided to find Li Wan'er's family, understand the story between them, and try to find a suitable solution.

After some twists and turns, Lu Zixuan finally found Li Wan'er's parents. I learned more about the past between Lin Feng and Li Wan'er from their mouths. It turned out that the two were childhood sweethearts and two little guesses, but they were forced to separate due to family opposition. Lin Feng died of depression because of this, and Li Wan'er also married someone else under the arrangement of the family.

After learning about these pasts, Lu Zixuan was full of emotion in his heart. He decides to do something for the desperate lovers in order to fulfill their wishes.

So, on a dark and windy night, Lu Zixuan took Li Wan'er's favorite peach petals to Lin Feng's tomb. With words in his mouth, he sprinkled peach petals on the grave, as if to send his last blessing to the lovers.

That's when a miracle happened. The eerie cemetery suddenly became bright, and the faint fragrance of flowers filled the air. A small peach tree grew in front of Lin Feng's tombstone, and the branches were full of pink peach blossoms.

The young woman met a classmate when she was young, and lost her life after a night of romance, Taoist priest: He is not a human being

Lu Zixuan knew that this was a symbol that Lin Feng's obsession had been resolved. He smiled and turned away, silently praying for the happiness of the lovers in the afterlife.

However, the matter did not end there, Lu Zixuan's bravery and kindness attracted the attention of other evil spirits. They came to the door one after another to ask for help, hoping that Lu Zixuan could help them, but they wished and rested.

In the face of these poor evil spirits, Lu Zixuan could not refuse their request. So he began to travel around, investigate all kinds of bizarre events, solve all kinds of difficult problems, and in the process he also met many like-minded friends and partners.

Together, they go through countless thrilling adventures and challenges, unraveling one mystery after another and secrets together. Lu Zixuan has gradually become a well-known detective and exorcism expert in the town, and is respected and loved by people.

And the story about Lin Feng and Li Wan'er has also been passed down as a good story in the town, touching countless people. Whenever spring comes and the peach blossoms are in full bloom, there will always be people who come to Lin Feng's tomb to offer a few peach blossoms to show respect and nostalgia.

And Lu Zixuan has gradually grown and transformed into a more mature and responsible man in the process. He understood the preciousness of life and the power of emotions, and also learned to cherish the people in front of him and cherish the present moment.

Follow-up turmoil

Just when Lu Zixuan thought that life would return to peace, an even more difficult case was placed in front of him. The son of a wealthy merchant in the town suddenly disappears, and all clues point to a mysterious haunted mansion.

Legend has it that this haunted mansion is home to a powerful ghost who specializes in absorbing the essence of young men to practice evil spells. The son of a wealthy merchant disappeared after straying into a haunted mansion, and his fate is uncertain.

Lu Zixuan decided to go deep into the tiger's den and find out, he stepped into the mysterious ghost mansion with the necessary magic weapons and self-defense weapons, and the eerie and terrifying atmosphere came to his face, as if something was secretly watching him, but he continued to move forward without fear.

The young woman met a classmate when she was young, and lost her life after a night of romance, Taoist priest: He is not a human being

After some twists and turns, Lu Zixuan finally found the son of a wealthy merchant trapped in the secret room and successfully rescued him, which is really thrilling.

It turns out that the owner of this haunted mansion is a woman who hates out of love, and out of jealousy and resentment, she kills her lover by evil methods, and imprisons her soul in the house for her own drive and torture. And the son of a wealthy merchant fell into her trap by mistake, and was controlled by her and absorbed the essence.

Lu Zixuan was furious, he decided to seek justice for the victim and completely eradicate this evil female ghost, after a fierce battle, the female ghost was finally subdued and received the punishment she deserved. And the son of a wealthy businessman gradually recovered his health with the help of Lu Zixuan and returned to the arms of his family.

After this incident, Lu Zixuan's fame became famous, he not only became a hero in the town, but also gained the respect and trust of more people, and he also strengthened his belief and mission - to fight for justice, speak for the weak, and fight for the truth!