
CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

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When talking about CCTV hosts, the first thing that comes to people's minds is often Kang Hui, Nigmaiti, Ren Luyu and other well-known faces.

However, among the many shining hosts, there is such a woman, who is not only the pioneer of the "Today's Statement" column, but also has hosted many popular TV programs, such as "Focus Interview", "Telling" and so on.

This excellent hostess, who is loved and respected by the audience, is Xiao Xiaolin.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

However, just as Xiao Xiaolin had worked hard in the hosting industry for more than 30 years and chose to retire at the age of 55, ready to start a new life and enjoy a quiet and happy old age, fate played a cruel joke on her.

Just five months after her retirement, Xiao Xiaolin died tragically at her son's home in the United States, ending her brilliant and short life.

At the last moment of her life, Xiao Xiaolin left a last word of only 25 words, full of deep apologies to her husband and children.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

This short but affectionate sentence makes people wonder what this outstanding woman who has devoted her life to spreading the concept of the rule of law and presenting countless wonderful programs to the audience said to her loved ones at the end of her life? What kind of mental journey and unfulfilled wishes are hidden behind her last words? Xiao Xiaolin's sudden death not only made her relatives and friends sad, but also made the audience feel sorry for the loss of such an excellent host.


The girl who came out of the scholarly door of broadcasting, in the face of cynicism, resolutely chose Beijing Broadcasting Institute

In 1962, Xiao Xiaolin came into a family with a strong scholarly atmosphere, and her parents were both professors at Hunan University.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

Her parents have high hopes for Xiao Xiaolin, hoping that she will become an excellent teacher in the future.

In order to realize this family plan, Xiao Xiaolin has shown a high degree of self-discipline and consciousness since she was a child, and has formulated a detailed study plan for herself to ensure that she has a fixed time for studying every day.

Her hard work has paid off, and her academic performance has always been at the top of her class, demonstrating her outstanding learning ability.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

Xiao Xiaolin is not only outstanding in academics, but also has a very cheerful personality, she plays the role of a big sister in the class, no matter what kind of activities the class organizes, she always actively participates in them, and infects everyone around her with her vitality and enthusiasm.

However, by the time she reached junior high school, Xiao's interests changed, and she began to develop a deep fascination with the school's radio station.

The most anticipated moment of the day is when the radio station horn sounds, from which she can learn all kinds of new information and interesting anecdotes.

It was from this moment that Xiao Xiaolin's deep dream of becoming a teacher quietly transformed into an excellent broadcaster.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

Xiao Xiaolin's change did not escape the eyes of her parents, who were worried that her addiction to broadcasting would affect her studies.

Her parents often reminded her: "Don't delay your studies because of broadcasting."

However, Xiao Xiaolin is well aware of this, and even if her interest has shifted, she has never relaxed her academic requirements.

In high school, her grades remained at the top of the city, showing strong self-management and learning skills.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

However, when the time came to fill in the college entrance examination, Xiao Xiaolin made a decision that surprised many people - she chose Beijing Broadcasting Institute without hesitation, giving up the opportunity to sprint to top universities such as Tsinghua University and Peking University.

This choice aroused the confusion and dissuasion of the teachers: "With your grades, you are fully capable of impacting Tsinghua University and Peking University, why don't you try your best to fight for it?" At the same time, the relatives around her also began to sneer at her: "What's the use of studying so well, in the end, I didn't choose a broadcasting university, what's the point of being an announcer?" Similar accusations were heard endlessly, and some people even directly approached Xiao Xiaolin's parents and tried to persuade them to block their daughter's choice.

However, Xiao Xiaolin's parents know their daughter's personality better than anyone else, and they know that as long as their daughter believes in something, they will definitely stick to it.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

In the face of doubts and pressure from the outside world, Xiao Xiaolin was unwavering, and she firmly filled in only the Beijing Broadcasting Institute on the volunteer form, determined to pursue her broadcasting dream.

In the end, her parents respected and supported her decision, and Xiao Xiaolin entered the Beijing Broadcasting Institute as she wished, opening a new chapter in her pursuit of her dreams.


From a "little speaker" to a TV anchor, a sonorous rose who sticks to the dream of broadcasting

Xiao Xiaolin, a woman full of enthusiasm for the broadcasting industry, walked into the door of Beijing Broadcasting Institute with enthusiasm with her persistent yearning for sound art.

Here, she is determined to continue chasing her dreams and hone her professional skills to pave the way for her to become a great announcer in the future.

However, the reality of life is not always picturesque, and it can sometimes coldly pour cold water on those who are full of expectations.

Xiao Xiaolin is from Hunan, a province with many dialects in the south.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

As a native of Hunan Province, her daily communication naturally has a hint of rural accent.

Although she has been actively practicing Mandarin for the sake of her dream of broadcasting in her heart when she was in junior high and high school, and strives to get rid of the influence of dialects, after all, the imprint of regional culture is difficult to erase easily.

At that time, although Xiao Xiaolin did not speak bad Mandarin, there was still a significant gap between her and the standards of professional announcers: the traces of her accent and the lack of breath control were particularly prominent.

Faced with this grim reality, Xiao Xiaolin was not discouraged, but chose to face the difficulties.

With a dictionary in her hand and a manuscript in her arms, she often sought out the quiet corners of the campus by herself, practicing the monotonous but vital vocal exercises day after day, year after year.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

She firmly believes that "as long as the kung fu is deep, the iron pestle is sharpened into a needle", and this perseverance and perseverance have finally brought significant progress.

By the time she was in her second year of college, Xiao Xiaolin's Mandarin was already very proficient, her accent problem was completely solved, and her language expression was fluent and natural, like a local.

At this time, with her excellent hosting ability, she began to be active in activities of various scales inside and outside the school, whether it was reading aloud according to the script or impromptu speeches, she could show a calm and unhurried demeanor and win the appreciation of the audience.

Xiao Xiaolin's profound cultural literacy has added a lot to her hosting work.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

Whether it is a formal occasion or a relaxed atmosphere, she can quote classics and witty words, making the atmosphere of the event warm and never cold.

During her time at school, her mentor recommended her to participate in the dubbing of a classic cartoon "Astro Boy", and she sang the popular theme song herself, further broadening her artistic expression.

After graduating from university, Xiao Xiaolin made a choice that puzzled many people - she gave up the opportunity to stay in the bustling capital of Beijing and resolutely returned to her hometown of Hunan to work.

This decision was not made out of compromise on one's career prospects, but out of responsibility and love for one's family.

Xiao Xiaolin knew the importance of companionship, so she decided to return to them in order to take better care of them.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

Xiao Xiaolin, who returned to Hunan, fate arranged for her to reunite with her childhood playmate, and the two developed a deep affection in the passage of time, and finally got married, and soon ushered in the crystallization of love - a lovely son.

The formation of a family did not hinder Xiao Xiaolin's pursuit of career ideals.

Soon after giving birth, she actively applied for Changsha People's Radio Station and successfully transformed into a professional announcer.

In the workplace, Xiao Xiaolin is fully devoted, and almost all the trivial matters and parenting responsibilities at home fall on the shoulders of her husband, who also loves her deeply.

The husband paid silently without complaints, and became the most solid backing behind Xiao Xiaolin.

For this, Xiao Xiaolin is grateful, glad that she has found a soul mate in life, so that she can devote herself wholeheartedly to the cause she loves.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

However, in the social environment at that time, Xiao Xiaolin's broadcasting work was not widely recognized and respected, and was even nicknamed "Little Trumpet" by some relatives and friends, believing that it was unproductive for her to give up her stable teaching career to be a "Little Trumpet".

In the face of these doubts and criticisms, Xiao Xiaolin handled them calmly, she knew that what she was engaged in was what she loved in her heart, and she didn't need to care about the eyes of others.

She sticks to her post, conveys every word and sentence with her heart, and firmly believes that her value does not need to be defined by others.

In 1985, with the rapid popularity of television, Xiao Xiaolin's Changsha radio station was upgraded to a TV station, and she naturally became the first batch of TV hosts of Changsha TV.

The shift in roles means greater challenges and responsibilities, as TV is geared towards a wider audience and there is no room for sloppiness.

Xiao Xiaolin is well aware of this, and has stricter requirements for her profession, striving to show the most perfect state in front of the camera to ensure that every broadcast is accurate.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

In the eyes of outsiders, Xiao Xiaolin already has an enviable "iron rice bowl", which is enough to live comfortably.

However, her inner quest did not stop there.

Two years later, Xiao Xiaolin made a bold decision to apply for a graduate degree in the Department of Journalism of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, in order to further improve herself at the academic level and lay a more solid foundation for her future career development.

This time, faced with the choice of possibly leaving home for a long time to study, Xiao Xiaolin felt a little more worried and hesitant in her heart, after all, there were still young children to take care of at home.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

At the critical moment, her husband once again stepped forward and gave her firm support and encouragement, promising to take good care of the family and let her go to Beijing for further study with peace of mind.

With the full support of her husband, Xiao Xiaolin was able to put aside her worries, and with her thirst for knowledge and vision for the future, she once again stepped on the train to the north and started a new round of learning journey.

Along the way, Xiao Xiaolin has always adhered to her original intention and moved forward bravely, no matter what the outside world thinks, she has no regrets on the path she has chosen, and forges ahead towards a higher goal.


From a CCTV intern to the founder of "Today's Statement", he pursued his dream of popularizing the law

Back in 1987, Xiao Xiaolin was successfully admitted to the Department of Journalism of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and began a higher-level academic exploration.

During her time at the school, she remained humble and enterprising, actively discussing academic issues with her teachers and constantly improving herself.

Just one year later, Xiao Xiaolin's excellent performance attracted the attention of CCTV, and she was invited to intern in the station.

This internship opportunity marked the beginning of Xiao Xiaolin's efforts and talents to be recognized by CCTV, and she continued her studies while accumulating practical experience at CCTV, which complemented each other and accelerated her growth.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

Xiao Xiaolin's first job at CCTV was in the special department, although she was temporarily unable to give full play to her hosting talents, but she did not slack off, but treated her job responsibilities with 100% enthusiasm and dedication, knowing that as long as she persevered, she would one day be entrusted with important tasks by Taiwan.

In 1988, Xiao Xiaolin got her wish and was officially transferred to CCTV.

At first, she was not immediately reused by Taili, but with her solid professionalism and unremitting efforts, Xiao Xiaolin quickly stood out among many colleagues.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

She started as a producer and gradually served as the host of various programs on the screen, showing a steady typhoon and profound hosting skills.

As a CCTV host, Xiao Xiaolin feels a great responsibility and is meticulous in every program recording.

She does a lot of prep work before recording to make sure everything goes wrong and doesn't go wrong.

During this period, Xiao Xiaolin had the opportunity to try out "News Network", but was replaced soon after.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

In the face of this setback, Xiao Xiaolin was not discouraged, and she knew that it showed that she still needed to improve in some aspects.

More importantly, she has a grand ideal in her heart - to create a program to popularize legal knowledge and help the general public improve their legal awareness and learn to use legal weapons to protect their own rights and interests.

In order to achieve this goal, Xiao Xiaolin resolutely decided to temporarily put down her news hosting job and chose to go abroad for further study and specialize in related fields.

Xiao Xiaolin's decision was fully supported by her husband.

He knows his wife's ambition very well, and is willing to be the one who pays silently behind her and always supports her.

So, Xiao Xiaolin embarked on the road to study in the United States and entered the Department of Journalism of Utah State University in the United States for further study.

Although she has no legal background, Xiao Xiaolin is not discouraged, starting from scratch, with perseverance and the company of her husband, she devotes herself to learning.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

During her studies in the United States, Xiao Xiaolin even received employment invitations from local companies with her outstanding academic performance, but she declined them one by one, firmly stating that she would return to China to participate in the production of CCTV programs after completing her studies and use the knowledge she learned to serve the society.

After completing her studies, Xiao Xiaolin did not hesitate at all, quickly returned to her motherland, returned to CCTV, and began to plan her ideal program.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

In 1997, she proposed the idea of creating the program "Today's Statement" to the leadership.

Unfortunately, the leadership was not optimistic about this idea and did not give any substantial resource support.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

However, in the face of difficulties and doubts, Xiao Xiaolin did not flinch, she firmly believed in her own ideas and direction, and was determined to overcome all difficulties and push "Today's Statement", a program aimed at popularizing legal knowledge and serving the public, to the screen.


Discerning and talented Sa Beining, creating the brilliance of "Today's Statement", and was nominated as a model in the industry by the "Golden Microphone".

In the process of creating the legal program "Today's Statement", Xiao Xiaolin felt that it was important to improve her professional standards.

She understands that in order for the audience to truly understand and accept the complex legal knowledge, it must rely on the professional power of authority.

To this end, Xiao Xiaolin decisively decided to invite Sa Beining, who graduated from Peking University with a major in law, to join the team and serve as the host of the show.

Sa Beining's solid legal foundation and unique personal charm will undoubtedly be the result of "Today's Statement".

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

>> Inject a strong professional vitality.

However, it is not easy for Xiao Xiaolin to shift from the front of the stage to the backstage, shouldering the responsibility of planning and production.

The explanation of legal provisions is often boring and boring, and how to break the routine and create a program form that is both rigorous and vivid and can attract the attention of the majority of audiences has become a major problem in front of her.

In the face of challenges, Xiao Xiaolin showed a tenacious spirit, she thought and explored day and night, and repeatedly scrutinized the structure and presentation of the program.

After some careful polishing, Xiao Xiaolin finally conceived a unique program model of "telling the story by case".

"Today's Statement" is no longer simply a list of legal terms, but cleverly integrates legal knowledge into a fascinating story by telling real cases that have happened one by one.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

This novel narrative method makes the originally abstract legal principles vivid and concrete, and the audience is attracted by the storyline and imperceptibly accepts legal education.

The slogan of the program, "Recording the Progress of Our Legal System Bit by Piece," is concise and powerful, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and even after many years, it still often reverberates in the depths of people's memories.

As soon as "Today's Statement" was broadcast, it immediately attracted widespread attention, and the ratings continued to rise, and in a short period of time, it stood out in the fierce TV competition and successfully ranked among the top ten in the ratings list, becoming a high-profile hit program.

At the same time, the host of the show, Sa Beining, also quickly accumulated a large number of fans and became famous with his professional legal interpretation, witty response and cordial hosting style.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

You must know that at that time, Sa Beining had just set foot in the hosting industry, and his university major was law, not a broadcast and hosting class.

Xiao Xiaolin has a unique vision, at a glance at Sa Beining's potential, in the eyes of everyone's doubts, she resolutely used him as the host of "Today's Statement".

Facts have proved that Xiao Xiaolin's decision is extremely correct, and Sa Beining's success is undoubtedly the best feedback for her vision and persistence.

"Today's Statement" and Sa Beining can be said to be mutually successful and reflect each other.

Xiao Xiaolin, who works silently and carefully guides behind the scenes, is undoubtedly the most important "mentor" in Sa Beining's career.

Under her guidance and training, Sa Beining's hosting talent has been fully displayed, adding endless brilliance to the show.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

The outstanding performance of "Today's Statement" in the ratings market has further consolidated Sa Beining's position in the hosting industry.

The program won the ratings championship of the day when it first aired, and its performance since then has been unstoppable, ranking first in the audience satisfaction program list for a long time, which shows its deep-rooted charm.

Xiao Xiaolin was not satisfied with this, she continued to exert her innovative spirit and single-handedly founded another classic program "Telling".

Both programs have won the love of the audience with their high-quality content and unique perspectives, and have also established Xiao Xiaolin's lofty status in CCTV and even the entire media industry.

Xiao Xiaolin's talent and contribution have been widely recognized, and in 2001, she was nominated for the 5th "Golden Microphone" Gold Award with her high popularity and influence, becoming a role model for many younger hosts to admire and learn.

Xiao Xiaolin's life story and career achievements have undoubtedly set an industry model for those who come after him with the courage to innovate, pursue excellence, and selfless dedication.


CCTV "Desperate Sanniang" Xiao Xiaolin: On the eve of retirement, a bolt from the blue was diagnosed with advanced colon cancer

In her career, Xiao Xiaolin has successfully hosted CCTV's signature programs such as "Half the Sky" and "Focus Interview", and each program can be called the highlight of the station.

In the long run, Xiao Xiaolin has won the reputation of "Desperate Sanniang" in the industry, which shows her extreme dedication and dedication to work.

As we all know, CCTV's working environment is rigorous and stressful, and Xiao Xiaolin's professionalism in this environment is not inferior, she not only pours all her energy into work, but can even be said to burn her life at work.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

From entering CCTV to retiring, Xiao Xiaolin has always completed every hosting task with high standards and strict requirements, created a brilliant career with her life's work, and finally bid farewell to her job with a glorious attitude and entered her retirement life.

However, just when Xiao Xiaolin and her family thought that she could unload her burdens, enjoy her old age in peace, and began to plan how to make up for the family time that she had neglected due to busy work in the past, an unexpected bad news shattered the peace.

During her work at CCTV, Xiao Xiaolin sacrificed a lot of family time for her career, and spent very little time with her family, especially her children, so that her son once sighed helplessly: "Can my mother only live on TV?" This sad question shows the extreme lack of opportunities between Xiao Xiaolin and her family, especially children.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

Just as she was considering whether to go to the United States to accompany her son, who was working and studying there, and to share the joy of family, an unexpected event like a thunderbolt completely disrupted her plans.

It was a seemingly ordinary afternoon, and Xiao Xiaolin suddenly fainted when she got up from her chair, a sudden situation that frightened her husband.

Although Xiao Xiaolin herself insisted that it was only a hypoglycemic reaction caused by her age, her husband insisted on taking her to the hospital for a comprehensive examination out of deep concern for her.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

The results of the examination were like a bolt from the blue, and the doctor diagnosed Xiao Xiaolin with advanced colon cancer.

This sudden illness verdict not only brought a heavy blow to Xiao Xiaolin personally, but also plunged the whole family into deep worry and grief.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world


CCTV forgets health, advanced cancer goes to the United States for reunion, chemotherapy is difficult to save lives, and the world is awakened

During the years she worked at CCTV, Xiao Xiaolin was so devoted to her work that she neglected the health of her family and individuals.

She often stays up late to work and even sacrifices dinner time, and this high-intensity pace of life keeps her body in a state of overload for a long time.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

As we all know, cancer is an extremely stubborn and incurable disease, and Xiao Xiaolin unfortunately suffered from terminal cancer, which is tantamount to setting a countdown to her life.

Faced with this cruel reality, Xiao Xiaolin reflected deeply, realizing that she was too focused on chasing her dreams in the past, but neglected the importance of physical health, which led to today's tragedy.

Xiao Xiaolin and her husband have a very heavy heart, they know that life is short, and they hope to cherish the remaining time and share the joy of family with their son who is far away in the United States.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

So, they resolutely packed their bags and crossed the ocean to live with their son in the United States.

However, the speed at which cancer progresses is unexpected.

Xiao Xiaolin had just arrived in the United States and enjoyed a brief reunion with her family, but her condition began to deteriorate dramatically.

Although she was extremely resistant to the pain caused by chemotherapy, she finally chose to undergo chemotherapy treatment despite the bitter pleading of her children and husband.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

The doctor told her that if the disease could be detected and treated in time, it was still possible to be effectively controlled, but unfortunately, Xiao Xiaolin's condition had progressed to an advanced stage, and chemotherapy at this time could only temporarily relieve her pain and could not fundamentally solve the problem.

With no hope of treatment, Xiao Xiaolin discussed with her family to return to her roots, but the doctor recommended that she stay in the United States for conservative treatment, considering that her physical condition was already extremely weak and that the long journey might aggravate her condition.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

In this way, Xiao Xiaolin spent the last time of her life at her son's house.

In just a few months, her physical condition deteriorated, and she became weaker and weaker day by day.

In the end, Xiao Xiaolin completed her 54-year life journey at her son's home in the United States and left this world with endless regrets.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

Xiao Xiaolin did not leave a detailed will, but the 25-word last words she left before her death were as shocking as an alarm bell, warning the world to cherish life, pay attention to health, and not repeat her mistakes.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world


Xiao Xiaolin's last words are vigilant: career is valuable, health is more expensive, and weekends should not be a luxury

Ms. Xiao Xiaolin once said from the bottom of her heart: "While pursuing your career, you must pay attention to your health and don't neglect your body like me."

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

Although this sentence was short, it was like a thunderclap, which deeply touched the audience who had paid attention to her and admired her, and made them deeply realize the importance of health in life.

Ms. Xiao Xiaolin has devoted her life to pursuing her broadcasting and hosting career, and could have enjoyed the good times of retirement after a successful career, however, a sudden serious illness ruthlessly deprived all this.

Even, the rare reunion time between her and her son was because of the sudden deterioration of her condition after retirement, which made this reunion even more precious and regrettable.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

Ms. Xiao Xiaolin's death deeply saddened her friends and colleagues.

This outstanding female anchor has a brilliant career achievement, but she was attacked by illness at the peak of her career and had to say goodbye to this world early.

Ms. Xiao Xiaolin vividly interprets the ups and downs of a professional woman's life trajectory in her career and life with her life.

She has dedicated all her energy and passion to the cause of television, which she loves, and it is because of the dedication of such a good TV worker as her that we can enjoy classic programs like "Today's Statement".

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

Looking back on the past, because the single rest system could not meet people's needs, not only could not effectively rest and recover physical strength, but also may lead to a decrease in work efficiency, so the state launched relevant reform policies in a timely manner to implement the two-day rest system.

However, in recent years, many companies have ignored the law and continued to implement single days off or disguised compression of employees' rest time, so much so that workers jokingly claim that "double rest is illegal".

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world

Despite all the helplessness in reality, as Xiao Xiaolin emphasized, health is the most important thing.

Here, I sincerely wish that everyone who struggles in the workplace can keep their own living space, maintain physical and mental health, and enjoy the beauty of life in addition to their busy work.

CCTV celebrity Xiao Xiaolin, who died 5 months after retirement, was only 55 years old, and her 25-word last words alerted the world


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