
Hou Youyi stepped down! The battle for mayor of New Taipei detonated the 2028 election campaign

author:Monument Sea VII

The dark tide of the New Taipei mayor's throne is surging, who will laugh at the 2028 election campaign?

New Taipei Mayor Hou Youyi is about to step down, and as soon as this throne is vacated, the entire Taiwan political arena will be lively! Why? Because this New Taipei mayor is simply a springboard for the 2028 election campaign, and whoever stands on it will be a big step closer to the red-headed throne!

Now, everyone is staring at this piece of fat and wants to swallow it in one bite. The Kuomintang, the Democratic Progressive Party, and the People's Party are all secretly competing with each other, and no one wants to miss this opportunity. Mayor Hou Youyi recommended Liu Heran, a capable general, but he was not the only one in the Kuomintang who wanted to run, and fierce generals like Hong Mengkai were also eager to try. The Democratic Progressive Party even sent Su Zhenchang's daughter Su Qiaohui and the popular candidate Zheng Wencan, which seems to be going to have a tough battle.

However, the most unexpected thing was that Wang Jinping, the bigwig, actually made a move! He found Li Sichuan, a technocrat in the Kuomintang, and wanted him to run for mayor of New Taipei. This Li Sichuan is a well-known figure in the Kuomintang, and his participation has undoubtedly added a lot of variables to this election.

Hou Youyi stepped down! The battle for mayor of New Taipei detonated the 2028 election campaign

Now, the entire Taiwan political arena is speculating whether this Li Sichuan will really run for election? If he runs, will it change the pattern of the entire election? And how will the outcome of this election affect the election campaign in 2028?

In fact, this election is not just an ordinary political contest, it is also a big drama related to Taiwan's future direction. After all, New Taipei City, as one of Taiwan's economic centers, should not be underestimated. Whoever can win the throne of mayor of New Taipei will be able to exert greater influence on this stage and seek more benefits for his party.

Moreover, this election also involved the interests and power struggles of many bigwigs. Lai Qingde, Zhu Lilun, Han Kuo-yu, and other political bigwigs are secretly observing the trend of this election, hoping to find opportunities from it and pave the way for their political future.

So, this election is really dazzling and exciting. Everyone is speculating on who the winner will be, and every party is trying to build momentum for its candidate.

Hou Youyi stepped down! The battle for mayor of New Taipei detonated the 2028 election campaign

So, how will this election develop? Will Li Sichuan really run for election? If he does, will he become the dark horse and win the throne of mayor of New Taipei in one fell swoop? All this is full of suspense and uncertainty, and people can't help but want to find out.

But ah, let's not be too anxious, after all, elections are not something that can be done overnight. There is still some time, let's wait slowly to see how this election will play out, and who will be the dark horse who will be proud of the 2028 election campaign!

Of course, behind this election, there are many hidden secrets and stories. For example, the exchange of interests between political parties, the private rivalry between candidates, and the intense propaganda campaign for the sake of elections. These are all indispensable parts of the election, and they are also the elements that make this election more exciting.

And we, as ordinary people, although we cannot directly participate in this election, we can follow and participate in this election in our own way. We can express our will through voting, and we can also promote the fairness and transparency of elections through attention and discussion. After all, elections are not just a political contest, they are an expression of our democratic system.

Hou Youyi stepped down! The battle for mayor of New Taipei detonated the 2028 election campaign

So, let's wait and see how this election develops, and who will be the dark horse and proud of the 2028 election. And we, as ordinary people, will also witness the charm and vitality of Taiwan's democratic politics in this election!

However, in this election carnival, we must also remain rational and calm. After all, elections are only one part of political life, and we cannot see them as a master key to solving all problems. Taiwan's future also requires the joint efforts and dedication of each and every one of us.

Therefore, regardless of the outcome of the election, we should maintain a calm mind and continue to contribute to Taiwan's development and progress. After all, only if we work together can we make Taiwan's future brighter and brighter!

Finally, let's get back to the election. While we can't say for sure who the winner will be, we believe that whatever the outcome, this election will be an important event in Taiwan's political life and a solid foundation for future elections.

Hou Youyi stepped down! The battle for mayor of New Taipei detonated the 2028 election campaign

And in the process, we will also see many touching moments and memorable moments. For example, the candidates who work day and night for the election, the people who work hard to support the candidates of their choice, and the staff who work quietly to maintain the integrity of the election. They are all an indispensable part of this election, and they are also the pride and pride of our democratic politics in Taiwan!

No matter who the winner is, we should treat it with a normal heart and continue to work hard for Taiwan's future!