
What is it like to have a strange spouse?

author:Leisurely skies


(1) He followed you all the way, and you don't want to look back to say hello.

What is it like to have a strange spouse?

(2) It seems that it is certainly not unreasonable to be able to become an ex.

What is it like to have a strange spouse?

(3) Transnational love!

What is it like to have a strange spouse?

(4) I made do with my children

What is it like to have a strange spouse?

(5) You should say that broad-spectrum is an indiscriminate attack,

What is it like to have a strange spouse?

(6) I changed a boyfriend you see, height 180, weight 130, eight-pack abs, two ears, two eyes, one nose, one mouth.

What is it like to have a strange spouse?

(7) This feeling is super beautiful, you don't need anything valuable, it's good to have this heart

What is it like to have a strange spouse?

(8) Don't say it, the overseas purchasing agent project is really profitable, at that time I had a classmate who made several houses abroad doing this, but now it is not possible!

What is it like to have a strange spouse?

(9) As the old saying goes, people are poor, and their ambitions are not endless, but some people are not only poor in the crowd, but also poor in heart, and they can't see others well, and they always want to climb to the sky in one step, and they are not willing to put in the effort [pitiful] [pitiful] [pitiful] [pitiful] [slap in the face] [slap in the face] [slap in the face]

What is it like to have a strange spouse?

(10) ‬胖了连五官都不立体了![我想静静]

What is it like to have a strange spouse?

(11) Being strong and selfish is really harmful to others and yourself! Uncle has been tied up all his life, and your mother has also been trapped.

What is it like to have a strange spouse?

(12) In the past, there seemed to be a kind of armband set made of black yarn, embroidered with a white word "filial piety" on the outside, and many people wore it when they went to work after completing the funeral leave, and it generally seemed to be worn for a year, and no one brought it over the years

What is it like to have a strange spouse?

(13) What's the secret behind this? I feel like I've seen a big melon, I'm so curious![yes] [yes] [cute] [cute] [cute] [cute] [cute]

What is it like to have a strange spouse?

(14) You can't be blamed for this, only his ex-girlfriend who actually provoked you.

What is it like to have a strange spouse?

(15) Don't worry, you can't look at the present, the future will be long-term, your friends will deserve better [heart]

What is it like to have a strange spouse?

(16) Make sense and create the biggest chips.

What is it like to have a strange spouse?

(17) ‬真是有才啊,能想出这个解释[泪奔]

What is it like to have a strange spouse?

(18) Maybe you follow your dad and get good grades in math [呲tooth]

What is it like to have a strange spouse?

(19) There is no need for invigilation, right? After all, there are no candidates in the examination room.

What is it like to have a strange spouse?

(20) Although it is said to be an ordinary family, this old man and old lady are too rich, and this must be an ordinary family

What is it like to have a strange spouse?

(21) In the world of middle-aged people, there can be no casualness at all!

What is it like to have a strange spouse?

(22) No wonder this kid is so active, it turned out to be for Banhua

What is it like to have a strange spouse?

(23) 少妇为啥找老头呢?

What is it like to have a strange spouse?