
The time of birth of the baby corresponds to different personality traits. Mom, keep it in mind

author:Persistent orange Ue
The time of birth of the baby corresponds to different personality traits. Mom, keep it in mind
The time of birth of the baby corresponds to different personality traits. Mom, keep it in mind
The time of birth of the baby corresponds to different personality traits. Mom, keep it in mind
The time of birth of the baby corresponds to different personality traits. Mom, keep it in mind
The time of birth of the baby corresponds to different personality traits. Mom, keep it in mind
The time of birth of the baby corresponds to different personality traits. Mom, keep it in mind
The time of birth of the baby corresponds to different personality traits. Mom, keep it in mind
The time of birth of the baby corresponds to different personality traits. Mom, keep it in mind
The time of birth of the baby corresponds to different personality traits. Mom, keep it in mind
The time of birth of the baby corresponds to different personality traits. Mom, keep it in mind
The time of birth of the baby corresponds to different personality traits. Mom, keep it in mind
The time of birth of the baby corresponds to different personality traits. Mom, keep it in mind
The time of birth of the baby corresponds to different personality traits. Mom, keep it in mind
The time of birth of the baby corresponds to different personality traits. Mom, keep it in mind
The time of birth of the baby corresponds to different personality traits. Mom, keep it in mind
The time of birth of the baby corresponds to different personality traits. Mom, keep it in mind

In that turbulent period of the Republic of China, in the rainy water town in the south of the Yangtze River, a quaint house stood quietly on the bank of the rippling blue river. The early morning sun shines through the light gauzy mist on the bluestone pavement, reflecting dappled light and shadow. I, a mother who is about to usher in a new life, stood in front of the window, looking at this picturesque scenery, my heart full of anticipation and joy.

"The window contains a thousand autumn snow in Xiling, and the door is berthed in the Dongwu Wanli ship. I whispered this poem, as if I could foresee the infinite possibilities of the baby's future. In this era of change, every new life carries the hope of the family and the future of the country.

As the days passed, I finally had that exciting moment. In the delivery room, the candlelight flickered, warm and quiet. I lay on the soft bed, holding my husband's hand, my heart full of nervousness and anticipation. A loud cry pierced the night sky, announcing the arrival of a new life.

"Congratulations, Madame, it's a healthy baby boy!" Wen Po walked up to me happily with the baby in her arms. I looked at that little pink face, and an indescribable joy welled up in my heart. This is my baby, my hope, my future.

As my baby grows, I start to pay attention to his personality traits. I know that a person's character often determines his fate. And the baby's personality is inextricably linked to the time of his birth. So, I began to consult ancient books and ask my elders for advice, hoping to learn more about the mystery between the baby's time and personality.

According to ancient records, babies born when they are young are smart and creative, babies born when they are ugly are diligent and steadfast, and they are brave and decisive and good at leading...... I carefully checked the baby's birth time and found that his personality was indeed strikingly similar to the description in the ancient books.

The baby born when he was a child is really smart. From a young age, he was curious about everything around him, and loved to ask questions and explore. I was often dumbfounded by his outrageous questions, but I also admired his intelligence even more. His creativity is also amazing, whether it's drawing, doing crafts or writing stories, he always surprises me.

The baby born when he was ugly showed the quality of diligence and steadfastness. He takes his studies very seriously and is never sloppy. Whenever he encountered a difficult problem, he would always think patiently and deliberate repeatedly until he found the answer. His tenacity is also admirable, no matter how difficult it is, he can grit his teeth and persevere, and never give up easily.

Of course, every baby is unique, and their personality is not determined solely by the time of birth. Factors such as environment, education, and family atmosphere can also have a profound impact on your baby's personality. Therefore, as a mother, I need to accompany, guide and educate my baby with my heart to help him become an excellent person.

In the special historical period of the Republic of China, under the background of social change and cultural integration, the growth of babies is also facing more challenges and opportunities. I know that as a mother, I have a responsibility to nurture the next generation. Therefore, I will work harder to learn, grow, and create a better future for my baby.

Looking back, I am grateful for that rainy morning that allowed me to have this lovely baby. His arrival has made my life more complete and meaningful. I will cherish every moment I spend with him and feel his growth and change with my heart.

As I look to the future, I look forward to my baby thriving in these transformative times. I hope that he will inherit the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation and carry it forward, and I also hope that he will be able to bravely face the challenges and opportunities of the future and become a person who has the responsibility and achievements.

In this turbulent period of the Republic of China, I will grow up and struggle together with my baby. We will witness the changes and progress of this era together, and we will also create a better future for us together.

"The sunflower in the green garden, the morning dew waits for the sun. "I looked out the window at the green garden, and my heart was full of longing and anticipation for the future. I believe that with the joint efforts of my family and me, the baby will thrive and blossom. And our family will also shine more brilliantly in this era full of changes.

As night falls, the lights come on. I sat in front of the window with my baby in my arms, looking at the starry sky, and my heart was full of peace and contentment. I know that no matter how many ups and downs and challenges there are in the future, I will firmly guard my baby and accompany him through every stage of growth.

In this special period of the Republic of China, the story of me and the baby continues. We will face the unknown and uncertainties of the future together, and we will create our own happiness and beauty together. And I will also turn this mother's love and expectation into endless motivation and courage, and make unremitting efforts for the growth and future of the baby.