
The ghost director Jiang Wen "disappeared", and his reputation plummeted, can he fight a beautiful turnaround

author:Mrs. Wang's homely T

In 2018, "Evil Does Not Prevail Over Justice" was broadcast, and Jiang Wen's reputation was greatly enhanced. Now, exactly six years have passed. During this time, he has not released new works for a long time, which makes many people feel that his talent has been exhausted, and all kinds of negative news have come one after another.

The ghost director Jiang Wen "disappeared", and his reputation plummeted, can he fight a beautiful turnaround

Some people criticize Jiang Wen's movies for being vague a lot of the time, the characters are silly, and in fact they don't have so many incomprehensible meanings. followed by the low ratings of Jiang Wen's latest works "One Step Away" and "Evil Does Not Prevail", and made the audience feel that the plot was becoming more and more absurd, which caused ridicule from many people. But has Jiang Wen really lost his talent?

You Fengwei sued for infringement

In 1995, the movie "Sunny Day" directed by Jiang Wen attracted huge attention after its release and is considered a classic. But his next second movie was sued by the original author in court because the plot was too outrageous. Jiang Wen bought You Fengwei's novel "Survival" and adapted it into "The Devil is Coming", which shows the ignorance, short-sightedness, selfishness and ignorance of the villagers shrouded in war from the perspective of a rural person. You Fengwei believed that the script infringed on his adaptation rights, and took all the investment companies except the company that bought the copyright to court. But does this mean that Jiang Wen's talent is not enough?

The ghost director Jiang Wen "disappeared", and his reputation plummeted, can he fight a beautiful turnaround

The "ghost talent" is well deserved

Jiang Wen's work was a great commercial success. His films have clearly won the deep love of many people, which is vividly reflected in his considerable box office. His films "Sunny Days" and "The Devil is Coming" have become classics in the history of Chinese cinema. These films have even won several awards at international film festivals. The degree of honor can be imagined.

Jiang Wen's filmography is artistically unique and profound. Some who say that if they understand his films, they will feel that he is good at using humor and satire to reveal social problems and human weaknesses. Although Jiang Wen's films are often presented in absurd and exaggerated ways, they contain deep thoughts on human nature. A strong cultural and social background that can resonate and think in the audience.

The ghost director Jiang Wen "disappeared", and his reputation plummeted, can he fight a beautiful turnaround

Jiang Wen's talent is also reflected in his unique ability to use lens language and editing techniques to create unique image effects, immersing the audience in the world of his films. Jiang Wen's film soundtracks are also often closely integrated with the plot, enhancing the artistic appeal of the film. It can be said that his grasp of details and control of rhythm are not something that can be replicated by a second person.

The ghost director Jiang Wen "disappeared", and his reputation plummeted, can he fight a beautiful turnaround

Although his reputation and ratings have declined in recent years, we cannot deny Jiang Wen's past achievements because of his recent unsatisfactory performance. Artistic creation is a subjective process, and each director has his own style and orientation. Jiang Wen's works may not be to everyone's taste, but his films still attract a part of the audience, and his talent is definitely not to be ignored.

There's also pressure to make a movie

In addition, Jiang Wen's film works have also been affected by commercial pressure and market demand. China's film market has developed rapidly in recent years, with the production and promotion of commercial films accounting for the majority. In order to adapt to market demand, Jiang Wen inevitably added commercial elements to some of his works, which may lead to some negative comments from the audience. This certainly does not completely negate his talent and contribution to the creation of films.

It's normal for artists to grow and change, and they may encounter ups and downs and challenges in their explorations. It is only through continuous experimentation and reflection that the vitality and uniqueness of creation can be maintained.

The ghost director Jiang Wen "disappeared", and his reputation plummeted, can he fight a beautiful turnaround

As a director, Jiang Wen's film works have had an important impact on the Chinese and international film industry. Although there have been some skepticism in recent years, can we dismiss his talent and contributions? As readers, what do you think of Jiang Wen's filmography? Do you think his talent has declined? Or are you looking forward to his creations? Let's interact and share your views and opinions.

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