
People with high blood pressure, remember: don't do three things in the morning, don't be in a hurry after meals, and don't do three things before going to bed!

author:Health Road Plue

Hypertension is a cardiovascular disease, which is a chronic disease, and for modern people, hypertension is no longer the preserve of the elderly.

According to statistics, there are as many as 300 million patients with hypertension in mainland China, and the incidence of hypertension among people aged 25-34 has exceeded 20%.

High blood pressure itself may not be terrible, but what is terrible is that blood pressure remains high for a long time, which is the "fuse" of various diseases such as cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, and arteriosclerosis.

People with high blood pressure, remember: don't do three things in the morning, don't be in a hurry after meals, and don't do three things before going to bed!

People with high blood pressure, remember: don't do three things in the morning, don't be in a hurry after meals, and don't do three things before going to bed!
People with high blood pressure, remember: don't do three things in the morning, don't be in a hurry after meals, and don't do three things before going to bed!

Wake up early and don't do it

1. Don't get up violently

Human blood pressure has a natural fluctuation law, and it will form a "peak period" when you get up in the morning.

After a night, the blood flows more slowly, and if you get up too violently, the muscles contract suddenly, making the sudden increase in blood pressure more dangerous.

So when you wake up in the morning, lie down for 2 minutes, and then slowly stand up.

2. Do not force bowel movements

Morning is the most active time for the large intestine meridian, so many people will expel waste residue in the morning.

People with constipation will have a hard time straining during bowel movements, and it is best not to force them.

Straining to defecate can cause an increase in abdominal pressure, cause a rise in blood pressure, and increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

3. Don't exercise excessively

Morning exercise is a way for many people to maintain their health.

Then, exercising in the morning is also particular, if the way of exercising is not right, it will also cause danger.

It is not advisable to have an empty stomach in the morning, or strenuous exercise, once it exceeds the body's capacity, it will increase the oxygen supply to the heart and the burden on blood vessels, which is likely to cause the risk of stroke.

People with high blood pressure, remember: don't do three things in the morning, don't be in a hurry after meals, and don't do three things before going to bed!

After the meal, there is no hurry

1. Don't be in a hurry to sleep

After eating, due to the increase in blood sugar in the body, the blood becomes viscous, and the brain is prone to lack of oxygen, and people will be sleepy.

However, it is not recommended to go to bed immediately after eating, which will not only affect the normal digestion and absorption of food in the stomach, but also reduce the body's blood function when sleeping, resulting in an increase in blood pressure.

Therefore, it is possible to take a break half an hour after a meal, after appropriate exercise.

2. Don't rush to take a bath

Just after eating, the blood will flow to the digestive system, and the rest of the body is in ischemia and lack of oxygen.

If the water temperature is not properly controlled at this time, the temperature will stimulate the blood vessels, cause the blood vessels to constrict or dilate, and the increase in blood flow will lead to a decrease in blood supply to the brain and heart, causing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents.

It is recommended to take a bath 1 hour after eating, preferably at a temperature of 36-42 degrees Celsius.

3. Don't be in a hurry to smoke

As the saying goes: "A cigarette after a meal beats the living immortals", but at this time, the damage to the body is doubled.

Studies have shown that smoking a cigarette immediately after a meal increases heart rate by 5-20 beats per minute and systolic blood pressure by 10-25mmHg.

Smoking can damage the health of blood vessels, cause an increase in blood pressure, and accelerate the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

People with high blood pressure, remember: don't do three things in the morning, don't be in a hurry after meals, and don't do three things before going to bed!

Three should not be used before bedtime

1. Don't get angry

Anger can be extremely damaging to physical health, especially before going to bed.

When you are angry, it also increases the accumulation of toxins in the body, causing the skin to deteriorate and the aging to accelerate.

Before going to bed, the body's metabolism slows down and the circulatory function deteriorates, which is not conducive to the stability of blood pressure, so maintain a good mood and avoid excessive fluctuations.

2. Don't be lazy

Many people don't brush their teeth at night, and studies have shown that when oral hygiene declines, blood pressure also increases.

Clinically, hypertensive patients with periodontal disease have been shown to have a systolic blood pressure 3 mm Hg higher than normal.

In addition, not brushing your teeth at night can also increase the risk of heart disease, which can also indirectly cause abnormal blood pressure.

Therefore, brushing your teeth in the morning and evening is inevitable, especially for patients with high blood pressure, you should brush your teeth actively.

3. Don't drink alcohol

Many people think that drinking a little wine before going to bed can help them sleep, but in fact, drinking alcohol before going to bed will affect liver health and increase the burden on the liver.

Furthermore, a large number of reports have demonstrated an independent positive correlation between long-term heavy alcohol consumption and increased blood pressure.

At the same time, alcohol can also irritate blood vessels, causing blood pressure to rise, and drinking alcohol before going to bed can also affect the quality of sleep.

People with high blood pressure, remember: don't do three things in the morning, don't be in a hurry after meals, and don't do three things before going to bed!

Appropriate supplementation of four nutrients

People with high blood pressure, remember: don't do three things in the morning, don't be in a hurry after meals, and don't do three things before going to bed!

1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is the nutrient that the body needs the most, and because it is water-soluble, it is the most likely to be lost.

"Health News" also reported that mainland medical experts also recommended taking 200 mg a day after research.

Vitamin C can improve the function of the vascular endothelium, and it can reduce the occurrence of coronary heart disease and tumors.

For people with high blood pressure, it is necessary to supplement nutrients in time, and the main source of vitamins is fresh vegetables and fruits.

2. α-linolenic acid

The Chinese Nutrition Society recommends that the recommended daily intake of α-linolenic acid is 1600-1800 mg.

Studies have found that α-linolenic acid can be broken down into EPA, which is known as the "scavenger of blood vessels".

Proper supplementation can remove garbage toxins from the blood, lower cholesterol, blood pressure, blood pressure, etc.

At the same time, α-linolenic acid can make blood vessels elastic, delay the rate of atherosclerosis process, and protect blood vessels.

3. Potassium

Potassium is a very important mineral.

Studies have found that potassium can lower blood pressure by controlling the balance of body fluids.

The main reason is that potassium increases the excretion of sodium in the urine, which lowers blood volume and blood pressure.

The main sources of potassium: buckwheat, corn, spinach, seaweed, kelp, celery, potatoes, etc.

People with high blood pressure, remember: don't do three things in the morning, don't be in a hurry after meals, and don't do three things before going to bed!

4. Dietary fiber

Dietary fiber is the seventh most important nutrient in the human body and the most deficient nutrient in the human body.

Dietary fiber is a metabolic nutrient that accelerates fat and sugar metabolism, promotes bowel movements, and also helps to reduce blood sugar, cholesterol and other content.

People with high blood pressure can eat more, which has a positive effect on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health.