
The female driver of Porsche crashed and shouted for 200,000 yuan to buy her life, and her girlfriend shouted for her, and her husband was a Scorpio woman

author:Fish ball soup

### Chapter 1: Prelude to Collision

On April 13, the sound of metal crashing came from the garage of Yintai in the west of Hangzhou. In the midst of the traffic, a striking scene emerges – a Porsche with a silver gloss collides with another sedan. The surrounding pedestrians stopped to watch, and the mobile phone camera pointed at the sudden episode.

The female driver of Porsche crashed and shouted for 200,000 yuan to buy her life, and her girlfriend shouted for her, and her husband was a Scorpio woman

The accident is not complicated. According to the whistleblower, he was driving from the second floor to the first floor in a regular manner, when the Porsche rampage into the front of his car like a shooting star. In such a slow-moving environment, such a speed is simply unreasonable and abrupt.

With a brief "intimate contact" between the two cars, the owner of the Porsche, a well-dressed lady, rolled down the window with a displeased face. There was no apology in her eyes, but rather a hint of provocation. And another female car owner, with respect for the rules and expectations for reason, is about to listen to the other party's due explanation and apology.

The female driver of Porsche crashed and shouted for 200,000 yuan to buy her life, and her girlfriend shouted for her, and her husband was a Scorpio woman
The female driver of Porsche crashed and shouted for 200,000 yuan to buy her life, and her girlfriend shouted for her, and her husband was a Scorpio woman

### Chapter 2: Insults and Threats

But what happened next was beyond everyone's expectations. Instead of being polite and humble as expected, the woman Porsche owner in haute couture began to shout in a condescending manner. Her words were scathing, like a sharp blade cutting through the eardrums of those around her.

The female driver of Porsche crashed and shouted for 200,000 yuan to buy her life, and her girlfriend shouted for her, and her husband was a Scorpio woman
The female driver of Porsche crashed and shouted for 200,000 yuan to buy her life, and her girlfriend shouted for her, and her husband was a Scorpio woman

"You blindless drivers!" her voice hit every bystander's face like a drop of cold water, adding a chill to the already tense atmosphere.

Not only was she ruthless in her words, but she also reached out and pulled the collar of the victim female car owner along the car window, acting rudely and rudely. Instinctively wanting to protect herself, the female owner hurriedly closed the window, trying to isolate herself from this crazy confrontation.

The female driver of Porsche crashed and shouted for 200,000 yuan to buy her life, and her girlfriend shouted for her, and her husband was a Scorpio woman

### Chapter 3: Laughing of Horror

However, female Porsche owners have not been deterred. Like an enraged beast, she bared her teeth and claws outside the car window, swearing insults and kicking the car door. Her behavior became more and more frenzied, accompanied by a series of strange and penetrating laughter, and the contempt and arrogance revealed in the laughter made everyone present feel creepy.

The female driver of Porsche crashed and shouted for 200,000 yuan to buy her life, and her girlfriend shouted for her, and her husband was a Scorpio woman

What is especially poignant is that the daughter of the female owner who was sitting in the car witnessed all this, surrounded by fear, and her small voice trembled and cried: "Auntie, please don't scold my mother." However, the irrational female Porsche owner seemed to have completely ignored the child's feelings and was still staging her one-man show there.

### Chapter 4: Eyewitness Confusion

At this time, the security guards on the side were also at a loss by the scene in front of them, and they exchanged confused glances with each other, but no one could step forward to stop the farce. They may have seen all kinds of small frictions in the days of working in this underground garage, but they were still shocked by such an overbearing and arrogant attitude.

The female driver of Porsche crashed and shouted for 200,000 yuan to buy her life, and her girlfriend shouted for her, and her husband was a Scorpio woman
The female driver of Porsche crashed and shouted for 200,000 yuan to buy her life, and her girlfriend shouted for her, and her husband was a Scorpio woman

At the same time, the victim female car owner tried her best to reassure her daughter not to be afraid, while she herself calmly recorded the whole process. She knew that in this conflict of rage and arrogance, the only thing that could restore the truth was these video recordings.

The female driver of Porsche crashed and shouted for 200,000 yuan to buy her life, and her girlfriend shouted for her, and her husband was a Scorpio woman
The female driver of Porsche crashed and shouted for 200,000 yuan to buy her life, and her girlfriend shouted for her, and her husband was a Scorpio woman

### Chapter 5: The Wife of the National Football Player?

The female owner of the Porsche inadvertently revealed a shocking identity in her anger: "My husband is a national football player, and he can kick you to S!" Her words were full of a show of strength, as if in her eyes, the whole world was going to bow down to her. Then she added: "It's only 200,000 to kill you." This kind of remarks about treating human life as a mustard made everyone present indignant, and netizens who watched the video on the Internet also expressed their dissatisfaction and condemnation.

The female driver of Porsche crashed and shouted for 200,000 yuan to buy her life, and her girlfriend shouted for her, and her husband was a Scorpio woman
The female driver of Porsche crashed and shouted for 200,000 yuan to buy her life, and her girlfriend shouted for her, and her husband was a Scorpio woman

Afterwards, after deep digging and revelations by netizens, everyone learned that the female owner who claimed that her husband was a national football player was indeed a professional football player and played for a second division club. The words and deeds of this female car owner not only made her the target of public criticism, but also pushed her husband to the forefront of public opinion.

### Chapter 6: Sanctions of Law

In the end, events developed beyond all expectations. The growling and weird laughter of the female owner of the Porsche continued for a long time, until the traffic police and police arrived at the scene. Despite several attempts by security guards to intervene to dissuade her, the female owner still refused to give up. When the police arrived, they saw that the main driver's door of the Porsche had been kicked so badly that it could barely be opened.

The female driver of Porsche crashed and shouted for 200,000 yuan to buy her life, and her girlfriend shouted for her, and her husband was a Scorpio woman

The police took the arrogant couple back to the police station for investigation. After a careful review of surveillance footage and eyewitness testimony, the female owner of the Porsche was placed under administrative detention on suspicion of threatening personal safety because she was solely responsible for the traffic accident.

The female driver of Porsche crashed and shouted for 200,000 yuan to buy her life, and her girlfriend shouted for her, and her husband was a Scorpio woman

The story spread quickly on the web, with netizens shocked by the actions of the female owner and ironic about the outcome of the incident. What was an ordinary traffic friction that could have been resolved through the normal insurance claims process turned out to be a public incident that not only damaged her personal image, but could even affect her family's career.

As the saying goes, if the heavens want to die, they will make them crazy. The female Porsche owner paid the price for her arrogance and ignorance. The originally insignificant small accident was complicated by momentary arrogance, and in the end not only squatted in the game, but also ended up with a bad reputation on the Internet, which can be said to be more than worth the loss.

As the events come to an end, many can't help but think about the need to remain humble and reverent for the law, regardless of social status. I hope that this female car owner can really reflect after experiencing this lesson, learn to control her emotions, and not repeat the same mistakes.

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