
I went to my daughter's house to take the baby, and my son-in-law gave me 3,000 yuan a month for hard work, and I left in embarrassment in less than half a year


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I went to my daughter's house to take the baby, and my son-in-law gave me 3,000 yuan a month for hard work, and I left in embarrassment in less than half a year

That morning, I got up as usual to prepare breakfast for my granddaughter. But when I was busy working in the kitchen, I suddenly felt the world spinning and my whole body was weak. I barely managed to make it to the living room, but I fell to the ground and passed out on the way.

When I woke up again, I found myself in a hospital bed. My son and daughter-in-law's faces were full of worry, and my granddaughter stared straight at me with red eyes.

"Dad, you're finally awake, great!" My son hurriedly stepped forward to hold my hand, "You fainted on the ground, and we rushed you to the hospital." The doctor said that you are overdrawn and need to rest for a while. "

"I'm sorry grandpa, it's all my fault. The granddaughter choked up and said, "If I weren't so willful, you wouldn't be so tired." "

I went to my daughter's house to take the baby, and my son-in-law gave me 3,000 yuan a month for hard work, and I left in embarrassment in less than half a year

I tried to squeeze out a smile to reassure her, "It's okay, it's not your fault. It's the grandfather himself who is too old and doesn't take good care of himself. "

"But you're working so hard to take care of me. Tears flowed down her granddaughter's eyes, "I will definitely be obedient and obedient in the future, and I won't let you worry about it anymore." "

Looking at my granddaughter's self-blame, my heart was filled with guilt. It was I who was too stubborn and didn't listen to her properly, which caused all this to happen.

Lying in a hospital bed, I began to reflect on what I had done. I realized that I had been demanding my granddaughter in my own way and had no respect for her independent personality at all. I've always thought that because I'm older and experienced, I'm qualified to point fingers. But this not only hurt my granddaughter, but also made me lose her trust and respect.

I began to regret my stubbornness and stubbornness. If I had been more humble and listened to my granddaughter, maybe there wouldn't have been such a big generation gap between us. It's too late, but I'm determined to make up for my past regrets in the limited time I have.

I went to my daughter's house to take the baby, and my son-in-law gave me 3,000 yuan a month for hard work, and I left in embarrassment in less than half a year

I was determined to change my old ways once I was discharged from the hospital. I will try to respect my granddaughter's ideas and get along with her in a more equal and friendly way. I will treat her with love and patience instead of arbitrarily demanding obedience. Only in this way can we truly build an intimate relationship with each other.

After more than a month of recuperation in the hospital, I was finally discharged home. As soon as I entered, my granddaughter pounced on me and hugged me tightly. I could feel her longing and guilt.

"Grandpa, I'm so happy you're finally back!" The granddaughter said with red eyes, "In the future, I will definitely be obedient and obedient, and I won't let you worry about it anymore." "

I smiled and patted her on the head: "It's okay, it's grandpa's fault this time." Grandpa will correct it in the future, we have to start over and get along well. "

I went to my daughter's house to take the baby, and my son-in-law gave me 3,000 yuan a month for hard work, and I left in embarrassment in less than half a year

The granddaughter nodded, and a long-lost smile finally appeared on her face. I secretly made up my mind to keep my promise and get along with her in a more equal and friendly way.

At first, my granddaughter was a little skeptical and resistant to my change. But gradually, with my patient guidance, she began to relax and was willing to open up to me. Once, she took the initiative to talk to me about her troubles.

"Grandpa, I've been feeling tired from school lately, and I can't seem to keep up with the progress of other students. The granddaughter frowned and said, "I've worked hard, but I still can't do my homework." "

In the past, I might have reprimanded her for things like "work harder". But this time, I chose to respond in a more considerate way.

"It's really hard to study, and Grandpa understands how you feel. I patted her on the shoulder, "But you've worked hard, but maybe there's something wrong with your learning." Why don't we figure it out together and see how we can learn better?"

I went to my daughter's house to take the baby, and my son-in-law gave me 3,000 yuan a month for hard work, and I left in embarrassment in less than half a year

Impressed by my concern, my granddaughter nodded, and began to listen carefully to my advice. In this way, our relationship began to gradually get closer, and the generation gap continued to narrow.

In addition to changing the way I communicate with my granddaughter, I have also learned to be more considerate and tolerant of her behavior. As a child, she will inevitably have times when she is willful and irrational. In the past, I would reprimand her directly, but now I will guide her patiently and treat her with more love and understanding.

Once, the granddaughter accidentally broke one of the vases in the house. In the past, I would have reprimanded her severely. But this time, I just sighed, then crouched down and said to her gently, "It's okay, it's just a small accident." But in the future, you should be careful and be more cautious in doing things. "

My granddaughter was taken aback by my unexpected reaction and was stunned for a moment, then nodded and obediently went to get a broom dustpan to clean up the mess. I saw it in my eyes, and my heart was full of relief. Slowly, the gap between us is dissolved, and in its place is an intimate relationship.

I went to my daughter's house to take the baby, and my son-in-law gave me 3,000 yuan a month for hard work, and I left in embarrassment in less than half a year

After a change in time, I began to realize how wrong I had done to my granddaughter in the past. I always regarded myself as an adult, and I was qualified to point fingers, and I didn't respect her independent personality at all. Not only did it hurt her, but it also left us with a chasm that was hard to bridge.

Now, by getting along with her in a more egalitarian and friendly way, I've finally found the hang of getting along with her. I began to truly understand her inner thoughts and feelings, rather than arbitrarily demanding her obedience. At the same time, I also learned to be more tolerant and tolerant, to treat her shortcomings and mistakes with love and patience.

Gradually, I found that my granddaughter also began to open up to me and was happy to share her joys and sorrows with me. We developed a bond of intimacy that we had never felt before, like best friends. Watching her grow day by day under my guidance, my heart is filled with infinite relief and joy. I realized that this is the most valuable experience of raising children.

Through this time together, my granddaughter and I have grown tremendously. I learned to treat her in a more tolerant and considerate way, and she gradually learned to respect her elders and listen to advice with an open mind.

Once, her granddaughter encountered something at school that bothered her very much. A classmate bullied her for no reason, and although she was angry, she didn't know how to deal with it. In the past, she might have fought back, but now she chose to tell me first.

I went to my daughter's house to take the baby, and my son-in-law gave me 3,000 yuan a month for hard work, and I left in embarrassment in less than half a year

"Grandpa, what should I do? Xiao Ming, he always bullies me, but I don't want to quarrel with him. The granddaughter said with a frown.

I pondered for a moment, and then spoke: "Xiao Yun, some people are like this, they will bully others to gain a sense of vanity. But don't be like him, because that's just going to lead you into endless conflicts. The best way is to resolve this contradiction with wisdom and kindness. "

"But how?" The granddaughter asked.

"You can start by trying to reach out to him and find out why he's doing it. If you really can't change it, then ask the teacher to mediate. I patiently explained, "Remember, any conflict can be resolved through communication and understanding. "

I went to my daughter's house to take the baby, and my son-in-law gave me 3,000 yuan a month for hard work, and I left in embarrassment in less than half a year

My granddaughter nodded earnestly and watched her follow my advice step by step, and I was very proud of her. She has finally learned to handle relationships in a more intelligent way.

As the days passed, my relationship with my granddaughter became more and more intimate. Watching her mature by my words and deeds filled my heart with joy.

One night, I was getting ready for bed when my granddaughter knocked on my door. Her eyes were red, and she had obviously cried.

"What's wrong, Xiao Yun, did you have a nightmare?" I hurriedly hugged her into my arms and comforted her.

I hugged my granddaughter tightly and imprinted a kiss on her forehead: "Silly boy, grandpa will always be by your side." Even if I do leave one day, Grandpa's love for you will always be there. "

I went to my daughter's house to take the baby, and my son-in-law gave me 3,000 yuan a month for hard work, and I left in embarrassment in less than half a year

"But I'll miss you so much. The granddaughter choked up.

"Then cherish the moment. I said firmly, "Now that Grandpa is still with you, we have to try to create more good memories." No matter what happens in the future, this memory will always be there and become your strength to move forward. "

My granddaughter nodded and hugged me hard. At that moment, the two of us seemed to have reached a heart-to-heart fit, and even time seemed to stand still. I was determined that no matter what the future holds, I would use what I had to create more beautiful memories for my granddaughter.

In the blink of an eye, I have been at my son's house for nearly half a year. During this time, there has been a sea change between me and my granddaughter. From the estrangement and contradictions at the beginning, to the mutual understanding and intimacy later, this road is indeed full of difficulties. However, we finally survived and gained a precious family affection.

I went to my daughter's house to take the baby, and my son-in-law gave me 3,000 yuan a month for hard work, and I left in embarrassment in less than half a year

One day, my son suddenly told me that their company's business had stabilized and that he and his daughter-in-law could finally take care of their granddaughter. He said to me sincerely: "Dad, you have done too much for Xiao Yun, and it is time to take a good rest." Why don't you go back and live for a while, and then pick her up when Xiao Yun has a holiday?"

I nodded silently and turned to look at my granddaughter. Her eyes were dark, and she was clearly reluctant to let me go. I beckoned to her, and she obediently walked up to me.

"yes, I see. The granddaughter nodded, but her eyes were already red, "Grandpa, thank you so much." You taught me how to grow and how to face life. I will always remember your teachings. "

I hugged her deeply, only to feel a sour feeling in my heart. In the past six months, we have experienced so much. I don't know what the next days will bring, but I know that no matter what happens, this relationship between us will last forever.

At this moment, my son and daughter-in-law also came over and hugged us. We embraced each other like this, as if time had frozen at this moment. I secretly pray that my children and grandchildren will be happy and well.

I went to my daughter's house to take the baby, and my son-in-law gave me 3,000 yuan a month for hard work, and I left in embarrassment in less than half a year

In this way, I spent an extraordinary time at my son's house. In retrospect, the past six months were indeed painful and joyful. In the beginning, I rested on my laurels, which led to estrangement and conflict between me and my granddaughter. The illness that followed made me realize my mistake, and I began to get along with her in a more egalitarian and friendly way. Gradually, we built up a bond that we had never felt like before.

This experience has given me many valuable life lessons. I have learned to be more tolerant and understanding with the people around me, and I have learned to resolve conflicts with wisdom and kindness. At the same time, I also realized the importance of cherishing the present moment. Now, although I am still ignorant of the future, I am well prepared in my heart. Because no matter what happens, the bond between me and my family will last forever.

And so, on a sunny day, I left my son's house for a while and returned to my own nest. Standing in a familiar room, my heart was mixed. Although I was reluctant, I knew that this was to let my granddaughter learn to be independent and give myself a good rest.

I started tidying up the room. Although it is only one bedroom and one living room, it is enough for an old man like me. I dusted off the rafters of the table, opened the window for ventilation, and sat down on the couch to review everything that had happened in the past six months.

I went to my daughter's house to take the baby, and my son-in-law gave me 3,000 yuan a month for hard work, and I left in embarrassment in less than half a year

During that time, I experienced the difficulties of being sick and hospitalized, and I also learned many valuable life lessons. On top of that, my relationship with my granddaughter took a 180-degree turn. From the estrangement and contradiction at the beginning, to the intimacy at the end, we have proved with our actions that love can cross the generation gap.

When I think of this, I can't help but sigh. If it weren't for that illness, I would have been resting on my laurels and my relationship with my granddaughter would never have been repaired. Life is like this, and it often takes some big setbacks for us to realize our mistakes and start over.

I took out my phone and sent a message of blessing to my granddaughter: "Xiao Yun, grandpa has arrived home safely." I hope you can study hard and tell your grandfather if you have any difficulties in the future. No matter what happens, Grandpa will always love you. "

When I saw this message, my heart warmed. Yes, although the two places are temporarily separated, the relationship between us will always exist and will never be erased.

And just like that, I started living alone. For the first few days, I was a little uncomfortable. After all, I spent more than half a year with my granddaughter before, and now I am suddenly alone, and I will inevitably feel a little lonely.

I went to my daughter's house to take the baby, and my son-in-law gave me 3,000 yuan a month for hard work, and I left in embarrassment in less than half a year

Soon, though, I learned to regulate my own pace of life. When I wake up in the morning, I do some chores and sit on the couch and read the newspaper. At noon, I went to the cafeteria in the community for a light meal, and the afternoon time was a good time to rest. In the evening, I would turn on the TV and watch the news variety show for a while, or call my son and ask them how they were doing.

Although the days of living alone may seem uneventful, I am content. After all, during the days at my son's house, I was always worried about my granddaughter's study and life, and I had no time to rest. Now I can finally relax.

However, I didn't completely relax myself. Every night, I insist on doing some aerobics to keep my body active. After all, I hope that I can wait until my granddaughter is on vacation, and I still have enough energy to play with her.

Sometimes, I turn on my phone and look through the photos I took with my granddaughter. Watching her grow up, I always have mixed feelings in my heart. I hope that she can grow up healthy and happy, and that she will be a useful person to society in the future.

I went to my daughter's house to take the baby, and my son-in-law gave me 3,000 yuan a month for hard work, and I left in embarrassment in less than half a year

The days of living alone passed day by day. Although the pace of life has slowed down a lot, my heart is often thinking about my relatives who are far away in the city.

In the dead of night, I would take out my phone and call my son. My son is always happy to receive my calls and will give me a detailed update on the latest situation in their family. Sometimes, my granddaughter would answer the phone and talk to me for a while.

"Grandpa, how are you doing? Don't stay alone all the time!" The granddaughter's voice was always a little worried.

"It's okay, it's okay, grandpa is doing well. I hurriedly comforted her, "You just have to study hard, and come to see grandpa on vacation in the future." "

"Well, I will!" The granddaughter responded, her tone full of determination.

I went to my daughter's house to take the baby, and my son-in-law gave me 3,000 yuan a month for hard work, and I left in embarrassment in less than half a year

In this way, although we are temporarily separated, our hearts are still tightly connected. As long as I think that one day we will be able to meet again, I feel that this time of living alone has become less long.

Sometimes, I would call my son and daughter-in-law and ask about their work. As parents, their greatest wish is to have a successful career and be able to give their granddaughter a happy family. As an elder, I also hope to give them appropriate support and care.

In this way, on lonely but not lonely days, I silently waited for the day when I would be reunited with my loved ones.

In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed. During this time, I often receive greeting cards or small gifts from my granddaughter, who is always thinking about my daily life. Every time I see those little things, my heart warms, as if the whole person is surrounded by love.

Finally, the long-awaited summer vacation has arrived. Early in the morning, I packed up and prepared to go to the station to pick up my son and his family. Standing in the midst of the crowd, I couldn't hide my excitement. Although it is only a short half a year of separation, at my age, every time we get together, it seems like the last meeting.


I jerked my head up and saw my granddaughter running towards me dancing with her hands in hand, followed by my son and daughter-in-law. I hurriedly stepped forward and hugged her hard.

"Xiao Yun, you're finally here! Grandpa wants to kill you!" I burst into tears with emotion.

"Grandpa, you've lost a lot of weight!" The granddaughter also said with red eyes, "In the future, we must not always be alone, we will play together every day!"

I smiled and nodded. Yes, we were once separated, but now we're back with each other. I look forward to spending more quality time together as a family in the days to come.

I went to my daughter's house to take the baby, and my son-in-law gave me 3,000 yuan a month for hard work, and I left in embarrassment in less than half a year